
Danmachi: Goliath

I died, and instead of a permanent death, I found myself in a strange world with the game I was working on in my past life. Gods roaming the earth? Familias? Well, what do I do? I guess I will just do what the winds tells me to do. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To be honest, I am just coming up with things as I go on. Don't expect good plot or something. If you find plot holes, do tell me and I might fix it. If you have any ideas, I'm all ears. Read, comment, and tell me about this trash I'm about to release to the world. Average chapter word count: 2k

IdontHaveaName · Tranh châm biếm
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15 Chs

Chapter 11: Guild

The guild building was quite massive, standing four stories tall with each floor more than four meters high, and with a width that almost spanned an entire street. It makes sense how the second central hub building of all adventures would be this big, but it was much grander than how it looked on the map. 

'It was flattened on the map, soo...' I stepped into the building, and since it was two-thirty am, it wasn't as busy, with barely any adventures within. How did I know the time? 

Well, I looked at the clock, duh.

'Hmm.' I spent around six hours in the dungeon after reincarnating, five hours exploring the city, and extra time doing other things. That should be around 11 hours and thirty minutes, so, 'I guess I reincarnated at 3 pm.' 

A new day starts at 3 pm every day for me. Good to know that.

I stepped forward to one of the booths with no line to see a woman eating, the light from the ceiling—that looks like they run off electricity(?)—causing my massive frame to cast a shadow over her.

But she didn't react.

'Is she on break?' If she is, I should probably leave. But first, I leaned over to look at her food. '... Grass?' Now that I look at her...it makes sense she will be eating grass.

The woman is a sheep-woman who stood around 178 cm. She was rather muscular for a woman, with well-defined arms, solid biceps and forearms that would put most bodybuilders to shame, and broad but narrow shoulders. Her skin was a brown tone, with large golden eyes that had black rectangular pupils framed by thick, white eyebrows. Her nose is small with her lips munching on grass she put into her mouth with her fork.

The sheep's hair is a mass of white waves that matches her eyebrows, cascading down her back and shoulders, thick and voluminous with a soft looking texture. Her ears, similar to those of a goat, pointed, elongated and covered in white 'fur' and they poke out from beneath her voluminous hair. And the second most prominent things about her appearance, beside her hair, were her curved horns resembling those of a ram, thick and sturdy with grooves and ridges, curling back from her temples and wrapping around her ears. 

She wore what I assumed is the standard Guild uniform, which is a set of black vest and pants with a white collared long sleeve shirt underneath and a gray bow tie. 

"Rachel, you have a customer." A man from the other boot leaned over to her and whispered, causing her to glance up at me while still eating. 

"Greetings, how may I—" The man quickly covered her mouth, stopping her from speaking with 'food' in her mouth.

"Haha," he chuckled, looking up at my towering frame. "Would you give us a second?"

"I could go over to you if she is on her—"

"No!" He almost shouted.

Damn, bro. Racist much? I'm trying to be a kind, considerate man contrary to what my bulging muscular appearance might say, but you're not making it easy.

I guess he might have realized how he sounded and quickly explained, "She just got off training and seeing as you're here to register, I thought it would be a good chance for her to learn." I see a good coworker.

I nodded, and the woman also nodded, her eyes kept on me while she swallowed. Tapping the man's arm, he released her as she cleaned her mouth with a napkin. 

"Good morning, how could I be of help?" She smiled. 

'Hmm...' I guess sheep are cute, but she isn't my type. I'm not into bestiality. "I am here to register for an adventure ID."

"Yes, yes," She nodded, "Can I see your temporary pass? The one you got to enter the city?"

"Oh, right." I reached into my pouch and brought out three objects and placed it on the table. "I think these are all."

She glanced down. These three items were three coins of the second-highest denomination of Valis; three large coins made of 'black-gold' each worth 10,000 valis.

You see, I suspected something like this so on my way here, I stole a pouch from a hobo and brought out all my 100,000 valis all in the denomination of black-gold coins and placed them in the pouch. I am not stupid enough to be pulling things out of my inventory in broad daylight.

But bribing in broad-daylight? Isn't that stupider?

Well, first off, it isn't broad-daylight. And second, I am an excellent judge of character. She will take this bri—

"Sir!" She shouted.

'Ah, guess I'm not a good judge of character.'

"You're missing two papers." She took the three coins. 

I brought out two more black gold and slipped it to her under the watchful eyes of the male guild worker beside her. She gave him the two coins I just gave her, and he took it, looking the other way.

I am a good judge of character.

"Now, since you want to register as an adventurer and get an ID, you will have to fill out these three forms." Rachel slipped three forms under the glass. "This two is for your basic information," She tapped the first two forums. "This one is for your adventurer information. Your level, familiarity, the advisor you want, etcetera."

She just said etcetera instead of 'ETC.' Nice. "Can I get a pen?" I picked up the forms, and she handed me a pen. 

"You can find an empty table and take a seat to fill it out." She paused, looking at me, "If you fit in the chair."

"Right," I took it and went to an empty table where I sat down.

On air.

Yep, none of these chairs but the air will fit me, so we make do. I looked down at the paper and noticed a few things. First, it seems like in this world, a family name is not a must-have. Like the middle name area, it has 'if applicable' next to it. Maybe surnames are only available for nobles?

Also, there is no area of date of birth, only age. Place of birth also has 'if applicable.' The fuck? Most people don't know where they are born? Now, for the race area; 

[Human, Half-Human, Elf, Half-Elf, Dwarf, Half-Dwarf, and 'other.']

I almost bursted out laughing. It seems like these three species are the most 'dominant' in this world and the others are just 'minorities.' Lol. Imagine having to check others and then write your species. 

'Couldn't be me, man.'

I am, after all, a human. Just a rather tall one. "Human, check." Height, 7 '10", weight... I estimated it to be 170kg, but I might be wrong. 

Picking up my paper, I left the guild and entered the 'Urgent Care' right across the street, where I asked to get my height and weight checked. A jealous dwarf tried to get me to pay fifty valis, but a human came and checked me for free.

I guess I was wrong about my height and weight. 

Height: 243 cm or 7'11"

Weight: 266 kg or 586 lbs. I'm almost in my 600 pound life category. Damn. 

However, I can proudly say I am 600 pounds of pure muscles. Returning to the guild, I quickly filled up the rest, and for the adventure area, most of them were left blank.

"Hmm..." Rachel mumbled as she filled in my information into another sheet. A quick glance gave me the name of the sheet.

[Temporary Residence Pass] 

What a good little sheep. Make me want to put her in the farm I will make after I retire due to an injury to the knee. 

When that was done, she stood up. "Wait a few seconds." She smiled as she walked away. 

'... Damn...' That's a lot of hair. It covers her entire back like a wall down to her butt. You can hide a whole Pallum in there and no one will know.

While I waited, I looked around. Stares were thrown my way, but after a few glances, they lost interest. Kind of hurt. Though I will be in the center of attention for a while, I guess these people are used to odd adventures wandering around the city. 

Rachel returned about ten minutes later, handing me a pure metal card. "This is your adventure ID, which also acts as a citizen identification." I took it as she continued explaining, "It will allow you entry into the dungeon, allow you access to certain adventurer limited establishments, and allow for trade."


Orario Certified Adventurer

Name: Noah 

Species: Human

Sex: Male

Place of Birth: New York Village

Age: 48

Height: 243 cm (7'11")

Weight: 266 kg (586 lbs)

Adventurer Status: Active

Familiar: None

Level: 0

Certified By: [Guild Seal]


"When you join a familia, you have to return to update it as soon as possible." She explained, returning to her seat. "The update costs one thousand Valis and acquiring one would normally cost five thousand, but..." She trailed off, smiling, "Let's keep it at that."

I nodded, "If possible, would I be able to hire an advisor?" 

"Of course," She started going through her drawer, "I will get you the list of advisors in just a second."

Learning extra information about the dungeon wouldn't hurt. I'd rather know all the monsters I will be going against before I get ambushed by a monster that transformed into an adventurer. 

Besides, I want to know more about that intelligent monster I killed. 'Will the advisor even know?' It seems like that was not something the common people of this world will know about, so I will just dance around the topic of monster intelligence to get an answer.

"This is the list of advisors I will recommend." She handed me a paper.


List of Advisors:

Rachel Tolbert

Rachel Tolbert

Rachel Tolbert

Rachel Tolbert



I looked up to the serious woman and then looked down at the written list. "There are a lot of options here."

She shrugged. "I would pick the third one, but that's just me."

"Ah," I nodded. "How much would it cost?"

"The advisors are salaried by the Guild itself based on experience, the amount of adventurers, and high-class adventures they work with." She begins explaining, "At the end of each month, adventurers have the option to rate their advisor and the advisor's salary might increase or reduce based on the rating. Though, the most important thing is how many high-class adventures are still registered under the advisor."

I nodded. "So, who is the highest paid adventurer right now?" 

She stared at me, and I stared back. "Just curious."

*Ahem* Rachel cleared her throat, "No one's salary is public, but two advisors are theorized to be the richest due to their works," She reached into her drawing and brought out a sheet of paper, sliding it over to him, "One is Rose Fannett,"

I picked up the sheet of paper, looking at it. There was a small image of a beautiful young Werewolf woman in the top-right corner with red hair, yellow eyes, red wolf ears protruding from the top of her head, and most importantly, a resting bitch-face.

"Despite being only 23, five years younger than me," She mumbled the last part, which her heard, "She holds the record of advising the most high-class adventures, many of them being from the Loki Familia like Riveria Ljos Alf, Finn Deimne, Gareth Landrock, and most recently, the Sword Princess."

I did not recognize any of that name, except sword princess and Finn, but she said it like I was supposed to know them, so ok. "The second?" She handed me another paper. This one had the image of an elf with blond hair, one of his ears, a blindfold over his eyes, and an upside-down smile on his face. 

"Name?" She cleared her throat as I stared at the name on the paper, "Himlithorien Iledhriel Maerthalion Amartharion Valandorion."

Yep, that's bro's name.

"But we just call him, 'HIM.'" 

He is HIM! 

"Once a level eight from the Hera Familiar," Rachel continued, "After the Hera Familiar failed against their objection against the OEBD ten years ago, the Hera Familiar was extremely weekend."

The fuck is an OEBD?

"Due to some problem Hera and Freya had before, to protect his Familia from the Freya Familia wrath, he had Hera remove all her Falna from him, completely resisting his level from 8 to zero." She shook her head, "After that, the Hera Familia were forced out of the city by Freya."

Damn. Bro sacrificed years of work for his Familia. No wonder he is called Him. I guess his frown is there for a reason.

"He currently advises most adventures in the city, so much so that he actually owns a building where he teaches his adventures like a class." She explained, "He teaches a lot of things to adventurers, be it combat techniques, survival tactics in the dungeon, or even strategies to maximize their abilities and progression."

"He sounds like the best advisor." I muttered.

"He is." She nodded. "The only thing about him is that he has working and 'office' hours and after that, he completely disappears. Honestly, Rachel Tolbert is way better."

"Hmm?" I returned the paper, "How so?"

"I mean, not to brag," She sounded like she was about to brag, "She was a level 2 adventure before retiring, and she knows a LOT of things about the dungeon. I mean, a lot."

"Wouldn't a level 8 know more than a level 2?" She blinked at my question. 

"I am better." She was almost begging. "Pick Rachel Tolbert."

I sighed. 

I want 'HIM' as my advisor, but he sounded more like a professor than an advisor. I'd rather not return to college. 

As for Rose Fannett? Nah. She has too many high ranking adventures under her. I will become one in the future, and I'd rather not give her more money.

I am that petty. 


"Yes!" Rachel shouted as she jumped out of her seat, all eyes turning to her. Clearing her throat, she returned to her seat, "Let me register you under my name and I will write you a list of books you could read in the library."

... Is she not going to advise me? 


Why do bitches always only want me for my money? 

I want to be loved...

I want to be a virgin no more...




Should I rape—

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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