
What Remains Of The Remnants

Everyone was still in shock as Hajime introduced himself. When he straightened his back from his introductory bow, he saw all the terrified faces from the students, even though some of them wanted to hide them, it was impossible to do with this amount of stress in their systems.

As soon as Hajime looked at everyone, he let out a sigh, "So, this year is not going to be different huh?" Hajime said to himself with a low voice.

"Allow me to explain your tutor's situation" Rantaro jumped in, to try and calm everyone down. "The Remnants of Despair were a group that killed and assaulted many all over the world in name of Despair, they did a lot of unforgivable acts. However! This was not their fault! Back then they were brainwashed by the mastermind behind 'The Biggest, Most Awful, Most Tragic Event in Human History', Junko Enoshima. She was the bearer of Despair itself and she forced her ideas into this group in the sickest of ways." Rantaro's words were full of feeling as if he himself experience all this pain.

"Rantaro-kun it's okay don't worry about it, they will soon understand" Hajime's words tried to ease Rantaro a bit. "But now, we have other issues to address, regarding your orientation" Hajime suddenly changed the topic. "All of you had been assigned to one of us tutors. From today on every single day, you will have a small tutoring session with your designated tutor. You are not allowed to change tutors and you will treat them with the proper respect." Hajime said firmly. "Now each of the tutors will step forward, introduce themselves and announce who had been assigned to them. After this, you will be in your tutor's care for the rest of the day." As soon as Hajime finished his explanation, one of the shadows stepped forward.

"My name is Kazuichi Soda! I am the former Ultimate Mechanic, and I will be mentoring K1..B..0? Is that even a name….?" Everyone looked at Keebo as he took slow steps forward, he was clearly terrified. "Oh, so you are K1-B0! Come on let's get out- ".

"Wait!" Shuichi interrupted. "How do we know that we are going to be safe around all of you?" All shadows directed their eyes towards Shuichi. "You were a big criminal organization until a few years ago, how do we- ".

"Shuichi-kun!" Tsumugi interrupted him. "They will do you no harm, don't worry about it, please trust us, we mean no harm to any of you, this is just an event that has to take place for you to go in Hope Peaks Academy" Tsumugi tried to convince Shuichi.

"How do we know if that is true!?, How do we know that we haven't been kidnapped by any of you!" Shuichi expressed his distrust in everyone. "Shui- "As Tsumugi wanted to say something, Rantaro suddenly stopped her.

"If you don't believe us then what will you do?" Rantaro asked Shuichi. "What can you possibly do if we were a criminal organization? In this situation we have the numbers on our favor and also we know the territory better than any of you." These words made Shuichi bite his lips and take a step back at realizing how defenseless they were. "Or instead of thinking all these 'ifs' situations, you can trust us, we promise that we will not betray your confidence".

"Shuichi..." With a low voice, Kaede try to reach out to him, "If they were bad people, they would've already done something don't you think? How about you give them a chance?" Kaede said with a gentle voice as he tried to calm down Shuichi. Shuichi calmed down and went back to the spot he was positioned.

"Well, K1-B0 please come with me" Kazuichi addressed the scared Keebo as he approached him and walked away into the island landscape.

This went on and on until just six students remained. Shuichi, Kaede, Maki, Kaito, Kokichi, and Himiko.

As they stood there another shadow figure took a step forward.

"I think it's finally my turn, I fucking hate waiting so let's just get to the point, my name is Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu and I was known as the Ultimate Yakuza. The student in my care will be Kokichi Oma." Kokichi eyes sparkled as he rushed near Fuyuhiko.

"WOW! A real yakuza! You are nothing like the movies! You are definitely smaller!" Kokichi insulted Fuyuhiko.

"Ahh?!" Fuyuhiko answered in anger, "Listen to me you little shit, if you were in my shoes you wouldn't be able to survive even a minute. Hell, I think you don't even have the guts to take a life" As Fuyuhiko said this everyone's eyes spread wide open.

"Huh? You read me like an open book Kuzuryu-senpai, I will certainly learn a lot from you" Kokichi said with a false excitement in his voice.

As both walked away only five remained. "Let's see now that we are down to the final five, I would like to say something to all of you" Rantaro took a step forward. "I wanted to let you know that you all had the highest performance scores in the Danganronpa Simulation. This is all based on the decisions you took and the way how you acted. In fifth place we have Kaede Akamatsu, in fourth, we have Kaito Momota, third place goes to Maki Harukawa, second place to Himiko Yumeno and finally the first place to the main star Shuichi Saihara!" Rantaro announced this as if he was part of some prestigious awards. "I know some of you are pleased with this outcome, but maybe one of you is really confused about this decision. Isn't that right Akamatsu-san?" Kaede's face was suddenly filled with bewilderment. "I know what you are thinking Kaede. 'But I almost killed someone, how can I possibly be in the same place as Shuichi and the others' Isn't that right?" Kaede was left speechless as if Rantaro had just read her mind thoroughly, "The truth is yes you tried to murder the mastermind, not knowing who will that be, but you were just focusing on getting all of your classmates out of that hell, and because of that you deserve to be here with your friends" As Kaede heard this a little tear dropped from her eye.

"Thank you, Ran-".

But suddenly a voice interrupted Kaede from the other side of the room, "This is wonderful! You all are true bearers of the brightest of hopes!" As they heard this one of the shadows closed in on them, "Oh I am sorry for interrupting this moment. Trash like me should know their place, but I am truly honored to be breathing even the same air as the five of you. Oh, how rude of me, I haven't introduced myself, my name is Nagito Komaeda, I am the former Ultimate Lucky Student and I will be the tutor of Kaede Akamutsu, I really am not deserving of this, but they assigned to this position. I am sorry that you must be this near to trash like me. But if you allow me to say, I think your hope is the one that overcame the darkest of despair Miss Akamatsu!" Nagito held both of Kaede's hands in admiration when Shuichi saw this he was filled with slight jealousy.

"Well then, I think we will be off I will see you guys later!" Kaede said to her friends as she walked away with Nagito.

After that abrupt interruption Rantaro approached us, "I know he seems like an oddball right? But he is a good guy even though what others say" After hearing these words from Rantaro, Shuichi remembered the oddball guy Kaede told him she had met, he must be the guy she was talking about back then.

"To think that the others actually listened to him, when he suggested to let the game continue. He really is one of a kind." Rantaro muttered to himself.

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