
Chapter Six: Before the Trial

*This chapter contains mild mature content*

After they found the body, we were all to leave the warehouse immediately and go back to our houses.

My stomach was stone cold and my heart was in my throat. I had no idea what was happening at all. Someone died. I thought to myself, who would do something like that? As horrible as killing a fellow classmate that did nothing to you?

Tears brimmed my eyes as I walked out of the warehouse. I gazed at everyone, as scared and confused as I was. Someone among me did this. I just don't know who.

I turn to find a group of people sitting in front of someone's house. At least five people. They were all sitting in a circle.

"I can't believe that happened," a girl cried. She had a long yellow jacket on with a white decorated bikini underneath but with a skirt, with long flowing white hair in pigtails. "Atua will tell me who the killer is. He watches over us all the time."

"Cut the Atua crap," A short guy with blonde shaved hair and striped suit in said. "We all know that a murder happened, and this magical person doesn't exist. Just shut it."

"You don't have to be so mean," a girl with gray braided pigtails and a black sailor uniform and a sword strapped to her back said. She had large black glasses. "We need to respect others. We aren't the only ones going through this."

"SHUT UP!" The guy said. "I can't even handle being around others when there is a murder. How can I even trust you guys!! I was lucky to even not go to the party at all. I could've died!"

A girl rolled her eyes. She had a blue jacket with a black skirt and short, pinkish grey hair. She was holding a Nintendo switch. She stared at the screen, playing some type of game.

The other two I recognized were Tenko and Sonia. Tenko had her face buried in her hands, and Sonia comforted her, patting her back and whispering stuff into her ear. I kind of got the hint that Tenko was close to Himiko.

"Hey," a voice said from behind me. I turned to see Markey run up from behind me in his detective jacket and everything. He was panting and looked scared.

"Hey," I said. "What's up?"

I tried to make it look like I wasn't crying.

Markey didn't seem to notice.

"Anyways," he said. "I have something to tell you. Remember what Monokuma said? After a murder occurs, there would be a trial?"

I did recall that. He said that after a murder occurred, a few hours after it happened, there would be a trial where the remaining students get together to see who the murder was. If they voted the right person, that person would get executed. And if they voted the wrong person, that one person that actually killed would go free while the rest of them got punished.

"Yeah," I said. "Markey, I'm scared."

I didn't even realize that I buried my head into his chest, hugging him. I could feel him heat up, embarrassed and a little happy, but he hugged me close and pulled back.

"I am too. Don't worry. I'm sure we will be able to get through this!"

"But what about the trial and execution?" I sobbed. "What if we vote the wrong person and and we all die? Or even if we vote the wrong person, that person would die! We would have to watch that! Oh Markey, I don't want anyone to die!"

I burst out crying. Some heads turned. Markey looked around, blushing, and grabbed my hand. I shot up but let him hold my hand with his gloved hand.

"Come," he said. "Let's get out of here. Too many people."

I nodded, wiping my eyes and running with Markey, away from where everyone was. He ran through the sides of the houses and around. I followed, gasping for air until we finally got to where he wanted. Behind this outdoor restroom place.

Where was a water fountain attached to the wall, and as Markey got settled, I took large gulps of water.

Before I could do anything, a booming voice played.


The voice ended. The body discover. I look around and spot many speakers littering the town. Above shops, on the roof to the bathroom, and on all of the houses. It was very loud.

I Ignored it and sat down next to Markey. He cracked his knuckles.

"See, more of a private space," he said. "Anyways, I wanted to talk to you about something I saw when I was….. investigating."

I nodded, scooting closer. He obviously noticed it, but didn't care. He even scooted closer himself.

"I was near Himikos body. I decided, since I had gloves, I could move Himikos body to investigate. I moved her body, and it made an awful squelching sound from all the blood. Her head got unstuck from the side of the stage, revealing a whole thing of sticky blood running down the side of the stage, some of the guts of her brain spilling out. I almost threw up from the thing. I discovered that she had cracked open her skull, leaving her brain vulnerable. But that wasn't what I was going to tell you. When I loved her, I saw on her back that there was a large skewer looking thing piercing through her whole body, covered in blood. There was also a vent behind her head, revealing a large crawl space. I think the killer somehow got under there and pierced her though the vent. The skewer was small enough to go through the vent and pierce Himiko through the vent. I just didn't figure out how she was able to be in such a position and how she got pierced on the floor."

I'm flabbergasted at how much information he got. "Markey, that's amazing!" I say. He blushes a little. "Thanks. It isn't that much though. It's just something that could've happened."

His curly blonde hair shone in the sun and his sharp face stood out with his pale blue eyes. I couldn't get over how beautiful he was. EEK. Did I really just think that?

He smiles into the distance. "There is some way we will be able to escape," he said. "There has to be."

He gets up and looks at me. "Let's go," he said. "Hopefully, the place cleared up a little."

I followed him. Soon, we got around the other side of the bathroom. Before I could say anything, I was met with something I wish I didn't see.

Two people making out. Literally by the bathroom doors. They seemed to be really into it.

"Uhm," Markey said. His voice startled them. It was two people. One of the guys had curly white hair and the other had plain brown hair.

"Oh my gosh," the guy with brown hair said. He was so red he looked like a tomato. He looked at the other. "Bye, Nagito," he blasted off from the bathrooms, so fast I couldn't even see him run.

The other guy was left by himself, staring at us in confusion.

"I- uh," he stammered. "Sorry about that."

Markey nodded, obviously scared.

The other guy seemed so embarrassed. "No really. The other guy was Hanjime….. well, a very confusing nice first day of hopes peak academy, am I right?"

Markey smiled, confused. "Yeah, very confusing."

The other guy laughed. Hanjime called him Nagito.

Nagito shrugged. "Like I said, I'm sorry. We probably should've done it somewhere more private."

I nodded. "It's fine. I mean, it's not like the first time I saw people make out. I've seen worse. One time I saw two people doing it behind the concession stand at a roller derby-,"

"Yeah, thats enough," Markey cut me off. He turned back to Nagito. "Well this is a nice introduction. Anyways, see ya later, I guess."

Nagito nodded and ran away, following were Hanjime ran away.

I turn to Markey, realizing he turned to me too. We just stare at each other for like a minute and then he giggles a little.

I burst out laughing and we just walk down the hill back to the warehouse. I completely forgot about the murder that just happened.


And like that, it went eerily silent.

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