
Damn Really?

So my ex crush's ex boyfriend tried to kill her so i tried stopping him, than i got killed by him and now i'm in front of god and she's explaining shit i don't understand one bit.

seasonal_writer · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
18 Chs


"What, you realy think she likes you don't you haha that's hilarious"

"Honestly, i was delusionaland yes i do like her as a matter of fact."

"you fkin piece of, honestly what can i expect from you, damn it and she still trusted you, she even left me for someone like you."

"I don't think it's quite like that. I Don't think it's trust."

"So you actually believe she likes you? How can you be this delusional man."

"I said it wasn't trust doesn't mean i think its love."

"Than what is it."

It was obvious realy, we weren't all that alike. She actually always wanted to make friends that girl Isabel.

But, for some reason all the women hated her for her introverted nature and thought Isabel was stuck up when she had trouble opening up.

She has no friends, exactly like me. I myself have no friends except Isabel, but why am I still friends with Isabel?

There are probably two reasons

"I Think she pities me, we are both in a similar kind of a situation so she probably feels guilty of leaving me."

"Haa? what do you mean? you both are not in the same position, if she tried she could make a lot of friends unlike someone like you."

"You think i don't know that already? Maybe you could help her. She'd probably make more friend if she were with someone like you."

"if only i could, but guess what an outsider like you destroy our relationship.

Don't be mistaken i don't hate you for confessing to me,

i hate you because i bought you into my life and that resulted in the downfall between my and her relationship."

Yaa, i am an outsider. Isabel doesn't consider me a friend, she doesn't think of me as someone she likes.

I'm nothing more than someone she pities, that girl is too kind i bet she'd make more friends than rose if she only had a better friend than me. 

But mostbof all the reason why she's doesn't probably want to talk to Rose was probably because she thinks that Isabel will destroy rose's public image.

Maybe it's time i do it afterall.

"Well i don't care, Isabel is my friend now and she will be my friend forever as long as i stay her friend and don't confess to her she will have to be friends with me forever."

"You fkin piece of shit, someday i'm definately getting her back from you."

"well you can try if you want."

I honestly don't know why i said that.

i started leaving

"hey fkur where are you going stop, hey i told you to stop."

So i understood 2 things here, 1 that isabela pities me because we are in a similar situation and another thing that she seems to have low self esteem even though she's on par with Rose's beauty.

People really destroyed her self confidence didn't they.

Poor girl

The whole trusting me about not confessing to her is a load of bullshit.

What i have to do now is both somehow make her realise that she is important to others and make her stop pitying me.

If she actually has trust that I won't confess to her than I have to just break that trust.

The best way to do that is ofcourse by confessing to her and making her hate me.

It ain't a false confession since i do like her.

My life really sucks doesn't it, i'm confessing to a women knowing she'll hate me and on top of that

that's actually the reason why i'm doing it because i want yhat to happen.

Not like there's gonna be any other outcome.

And so i sent her a text to come to the rooftop after classes end.

Maybe that's why im jealous of rose's boyfriend, he's got everything going for him.


I was at the rooftop with Isabel, she looked a bit nervous.

"alright i'm gonna get straight to the point here"

"what is it why did you call me here all of a sudden."

she looked a bit confused, also a bit uncomfortable. i didn't wanna see her like this so i decided to say it.

"I like you isabel, i've liked you since a long time, so please will you go out with me. please"

"So she was right afterall."


"I.. its nothing, anyway i didn't think you'd acyually do it. I'm sorry, Adam i don't think of you that way. iv'e only seen you as a friend, i'm sorry."

she than ran away with tears in her eyes.


The next day, she acted like nothing had happened but at the same time she'd stopped talking to me.

Just like Rose, isabela also stopped talking to me.

It was back to square one, it was the time before i'd had no friends.