
Damn Really?

So my ex crush's ex boyfriend tried to kill her so i tried stopping him, than i got killed by him and now i'm in front of god and she's explaining shit i don't understand one bit.

seasonal_writer · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
18 Chs


"Babe, where should we go today?"

" I don't know, where do you wanna go?"

"How about to that new cafe that opened up today?"

"I'm ok with that."

"Than it's a date"

"It sure is"

These assho''s do they have to flirt in front of me right now? I haven't had a girlfriend since i was a child and now i'm 16 years old.

Yet here are 2 of the most popular people in school flirting with each other and acting as if i don't even exist.

"yoo what are staring at those couple for Alan, they are ganna bash you in the face if they saw you staring at them like that so you'd better stop."

"i'm so jealous of him. He is not just the most popular guy in the school but also managed to make the most popular girl in this school his girlfriend."

" Dude do you like getting ntr'd or something?"

"wtf, why are you asking me that. Of course not."

"Than why are you so happy about your crush being taken by someone else."

"Tf you on about?"

"Don't fkin lie to me man, i have always known that you liked her. Every time i asked about her you were always blushing like a fkin child."

"That was in the past, i have no feelings whatsoever for her. Even if i did, it wouldn't matter she already has a boyfriend."

"Whatever dude, i lost interest, i'm leaving bye."

"you leaving already?"

"Yaa i have stuff to do so bye."

"Alright bye"

The person i was talking to just now was Isabel she was my friend or rather

I've liked her for a while, it's been almost 2 years. 

And the girl that was flirting with that guy was my ex crush, her name was Rose. Isabel actually thinks i didn't tell rose that i liked her.

But the actual truth is.


I had told rose to go out with me for a meal and she'd accepted the offer, Actually me and rose were good friends.

Actually the 3 of us were childhood friends, i'd actually liked Rose since i was a child so i confessed to her.

"Rose, there's something i want to tell you,

"yes adam what is it?"

"You see the thing is, i've liked you for a while now will you please go out with me"


When i heard her say really, i thought she was gonna say ofcourse or my pleasure or i'd love to,

so with great anticipation i raised my head to see her expression.

I was surprised to see her expression, with expressionless eyes she looked at me and than 

"I was wondering why such a cheapskate like you was offering to take me to eat, now i see.

this was the reason, way to break someone's trust in you and here i thought i finally made a good friend." she said and left.

I was sitting there wondering what had just happened, maybe because i hadn't anticipated it or maybe because i thought she had feelings for me too i couldn't cope up with the situation.

Well more like i felt nothing at that moment and after sitting there for 10 or so minutes i decided to leave. 

i than left towards the metro station near the restaurant, i was embarissed to hear from the waiter that rose had already paid the bill. 

She had left a note for me, i felt relieved that she had something for me, i was kinda hoping for something, but the moment i opened that letter i was awestruck

"Now you can't ruin my image by saying that i came for a free meal and left after eating and rejecting you without shame."

For a second i wondered if she was the same person i was friends with, but soon realised that this was how she treated the people she hated or felt like they were untrustworthy.

Is this how she thinks i am now, or did she never trust me in the first place.

"I thought i finally found a good friend?" really im starting to wonder that you never trusted me in the first place.

Where did the sorry i only thought of you as a friend go.

Am i really that undesirable?

Why did she do such a 180 on me like this?

She was the type who went out of her way to ruin the people who she hated, but she isn't the type who hates people.

She hurts the people who hurt her or any of the people close to her.

She really was a handful.

I finally was able to cope up with reality that i'd lost someone close to me and swore that even if i ever fell for isabel i'd never confess to her.

Soon i realised some major difference,

because of what i had done, the relationship between isabel and rose had become dull, they were the best of friends.

Isabel had only 1 friend and that was Rose, To be honest isabel never liked me when we first met, she would always scold me and tell me to keep my distance from her and rose.

But after rose calmed her down she slowly started opening up to me and started trusting me, they were truly the best of friends but,

At some point i realised i was the reason why rose stopped talking to isabel but why involve her in something she has nothing to do with.

You can stop talking to me but why stop talking to her for something i did.

Its been 2 years since than and i think i have to confront her about this now, even if it means i have to stop talking to isabel i don't mind.

Isabel doesn't know that i confessed to Rose that day so maybe it's time i tell her about it.

They are both good friends and i am the scumbag here so maybe it's time i tell her the reason why rose might be ignoring isabel.