
Damn Really?

So my ex crush's ex boyfriend tried to kill her so i tried stopping him, than i got killed by him and now i'm in front of god and she's explaining shit i don't understand one bit.

seasonal_writer · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
18 Chs


First i wanted to know from Isabel if rose had stopped talking to her because of what happened that day.

"Isabel, i gadda tell you something"

"Yoo Wassup?"


I'm a little scared, will she shout at me? Will she hit me, what if she shouts and everyone hears about it.

"Just say it already"

"well, yaa why haven't you and rose been talking to each other recentLy?"

"Recently? dude it's been 2 years since we've spoken. Did you just realise that?"

"So it's been 2 years afterall, so i ain't mistaken afterall."

"What is it dude, why don't you spit it out already."

"Well the thing is"

i took a deep breath thought that it didn't matter anymore, she meant more to me than our stupid friendship.

She doesn't have to suffer for the mistakes i committed.

"I Confessed to Rose 2 years ago and maybe because of that she is keeping her distance from us both."

"haha, i know dude. You didn't come to school for 5 straight days after she rejected you and i was the one who dragged you back to school, did you forget that already?"

"OOH yaa something like that did happen didn't it."


The day after rose had rejected me, i went back home cried for almost 2 whole days and couldn't get over it

At first i felt nothing after she had rejected me but soon after i started feeling the imotions after they'd started flooding in.

It was a Sunday and the next was Monday but i didn't go to school.

because i was scared of what would happen if i went to school and there would be no rose saying hi to me and that thought had made me really sad.

but after that day, Isabel had always come to my house and told me to come back to school but i was too scared to go, but some way or the other Isabel had dragged me to school.

I was somewhat happy to see her try so much so i decided to not let my past control me and i went to school and than i saw the way rose was treating me like i'd never existed.

That made me very depressed, the fact that i no longer saw the smiling rose anymore,

it seemed like i no longer existed to her.

She had completely erased me from existance.

"Yoo Adam"


" ooh sorry i spaced out lol."

"Anyway, you weren't the reason why she stopped talking to me, i didn't like her boyfriend and she told me that she didn't care because he meant more to her than me."

"What? she really said that?"

Why would she say that, this makes no sense.

I Think i have to go and talk to her once.

at that correct moment i saw rose going out of the class.

"Ima go to the washroom and come back."


So i started following her, she took the stairs and went to the top of the floor and opened the rooftop door and went inside.

I followed her into the rooftop 

she looked back and asked me

"why are you following me?"

"if you knew i was following you, shouldn't you have checked for a more crowded place?"

"There are cameras here you dumbass, i find this to be a safer option because i have live evidence that you were following me, how about we take a trip to the principal's office.

You fkin pervert."

"Wait, i didn't follow you because i wanted to do something lewd i want5ed to ask you something."

"Really i ain't accepting your second confession either, face it i have no feelings towards you."

"That ain't why i'm here for, i ain't as confident as i was before.

I was delusional back than forgive me for that,

but that ain't why i'm here for tell me why did you stop talking to isabel just because she said that she didn't like your boyfriend,

does he mean more than your childhood friend? She was always there for you when you needed it."

"Really, is that what she said to you, just how much does she intend to cover up for a scumbag like you.

I'm honestly disappointed in her, we stopped talking 2 years ago and i had a boyfriend an year and a half ago."

"What? Than why?"

"She came to me one day asking why i rejected you, i was honestly surprised why she would ask that.

I told her i had no interest in the likes of you."

"That was enough to make her stop talking to you?"

"There is no way our relationship is that fragile

it was after i told her that she should stop talking to you since if she did than i'd at some point have to force myself to talk to you too.

I thought she would listen because she always told me to stop talking to her too.

But she said that she can't do that."


"She said that she thought of you as a friend, i told her that you would confess to her someday but she denied it."

wait, denied it? doesn't that mean she likes me, why else would she want to stick close to me even if it meant losing her dear friend,

serves you right you always trash talk me like this.

It seems like i stole a friend from you. maybe i can finally land the courage to tell her that i like her.

"Honestly, i don't understand why she trusts someone like you.

When i told her that, she told me that uou liked me and not her and she trusts you enough to know that you both are just friends."

"I bet you have already fallen for her haven't you, i bet she's gonna be disappointed when she hears you confess to her lmao.

Fuck off i'm leaving"

That's when it occurs to me, in all the self deprication and self loathing I came to a conclusion that

"I don't think that's the reason why she is still with me."