
Chapter 65: The Poetic Dream of Damian

                ***The Poetic Dream of Damian***

Now I'll like to tell you about the dream that I had last night, haha, the dream was quite sweet, not like the last dream that I had after the first swim. Well, I am beginning to notice that I actually dream my thoughts, and my dreams come poetically. Well, the most recent dream that I had was about my sweet Cynthia and this was the dream:

"I found Cynthia and me in a place that seems to be a garden. Well, it happened that I took Cynthia out to a park with a large garden of flowers, it was like a forest of flowers colorful and bright colored flowers. At first, there were lots of people around, all in pairs of male and female, it was like a garden of love, we were all happy to be there, Cynthia was just busy sniffing flowers and watching the breeze blow the flowers, it was an exciting moment. But all of a sudden, everyone disappeared, we were the only ones there is in the place, and the weather began to darken faster and with the sky rumbling like it was going to bleed a heavy downpour. When we noticed this, we ran to the roadside to get a cab home, but our waiting was for triviality as the rain began to pour heavily down to the earth heavily, before a little period we were already dripping wet. We ran back to the garden to find a shelter, we found a little hut there in the garden, we ran into the hut, but we wear already wet, Cynthia was really cold, she stood in my front shaking with her hand folded together, she stared at me in the eyes like a lost puppy. I saw water dripping from her hair running down through her lips which was visibly shaking, I noticed that she was really cold so I thought of codling with her to create a little body heat, but it never worked, she was still staring at me with those eyes of hers, that was when I went for a kiss, I kissed her, I kissed her deeply, pressing my lips against hers, now I felt her also going for mine, now I felt her breath on me, that graceful breath that smelled like sex."

Well, it was actually funny because it was when I was actually enjoying that dream which I wished was real that mom came knocking at my door.

"Damie, it's dawn, go get yourself washed up and prepare to school."

God! I felt like crying, I tried to go back to sleep and continue the dream, but it just wasn't coming back. One thing about good dreams, it comes ones and it hates to repeat itself. 

Well, I tried my best to wash myself fast, after which I dressed myself up and come to the sitting room to meet Cyntia, she was there alone, mom had already gone when I was out.