
Chapter 42: Keeping the Truth from Mom

            ***Keeping the Truth From Mom***

I got home before mom. Did I mention that my mom got the job she went for the interview the same day I started school? Oh, forgive my manners, it is not my intention to keep any details from you, well, mom got the call she was waiting for, she was called to start work with the company, so she hardly returns home early. so, when I got home and found her absence, I quickly decided to do a little cleanup before she comes home in the evening. I even dressed her room, made dinner for the both of us because I know that by the time she will return home, she will be tired and famished. After the whole cooking and cleaning, I rushed into the shower to clean my whole self, mom just can't know about my swimming, I don't want to leave Abuja again, I'm already loving this locale, plus I will not like to leave Cynthia, not now that I got this feeling that we will soon start a relationship. I've never kept anything from mom before, but this time, I had to keep this, but I'm not sure I can lie to mom, so it is better I cover up to avoid any question from her, so that I won't have to lie.

                     ***The Fear of Death***

The next day, I woke up with fear, I woke up seeing my mom bending over my head, well, she was only trying to wake me up, don't read too much meaning to it, just that I also almost read meaning to it, judging from the kind of horrific dream that I had. a very horrific dream indeed,  well, I must confess that it has been long since I last saw a dream that bad, maybe I had such a dream because I slept with the fear that I might not wake the next morning. Hahahaha... It was not funny, before I slept I prayed for God's protection in my life, something I've never done, I'm not sure that I have ever prayed on my own without the supervision of my mom. My mom prays for me every time, so why should I stress myself to pray when the prayer had already been done, that usually was my way of reasoning, I only pray when mom invites me for prayer, if no, I never indulge in prayers. That night I was scared that what my mom said about me swimming might happen later in the night, so I prayed to God to protect me from every jaw of allergies. So as I was saying, I saw a dream, which shook me to the marrow. In the dream, I saw myself in our formal place in Anambra state,  I just came out in a cloudy morning trying to start our generator when I saw one of those boys who attacked me the day mom had an asthma attack, it was the very boy who broke his arms, in the dreams it was like we were best of friends, he came and asked me to escort him to his grand mother's farm, without any hesitation I agreed.