
Chapter 265: Preparation For a First Date.

 I slept that night having mixed thoughts, the thought of Cynthia which brings light to my soul, and the thought of not archiving most or probably any of my goals which sent my thoughts to a dark zone.

That night again, when I slept, I found myself amid this group of dreadful-looking people, they were all with weapons in their hands, their faces portrays hatred and deep anger against me, some even spat on me, it was like I was about to be mobbed as they all glared at me, they gradually closed the circle which I was standing in all alone and terrified. These people meant businesses, they really had plans to kill me, my entire body was vibrating in fear, I looked around and found a weaker link, a weakly looking teenager who had a plank on his hand, when I saw him, I said to myself "this could be my way to escape", I quickly ran to his direction and hit him down and ran away. But that was not the end, these people ran after me as I ran for my dear life, I ran to somewhere which I thought was a safe place, little did I know that it was a dead-end, when I ran to the place and realise that it was a dead-end, I felt week but still decided to hide there since I can't come outside and risk being caught. I was still found anyway, a man among the mob found me in the place where I kid, I was so terrified, I had nowhere to run to, he shouted and the rest of them came ranting, they began to hit me with their weapon, I was beaten to a state that I blacked out, I thought I was dead, then I opened my eye to my worst fear, I was no longer with those who were after me, in fact, I was not with anyone, I was alone, I stood in the middle darkness, total darkness, more like a dark space, there was no land nor walls everything was darkness, it was even on empty darkness that I stood upon. I wondered where that could be, but I was only started the more when I saw a face with me in the dark space, it was just a face that I saw, nobody, it was a fave of a man with this twisted long beards and bald head, the man was the definition of fear, his teeth were decaying and falling with maggots selling out of his mouth, he never said a word, all he did was just smile, he gave me that smile that could be interpreted as "finally, you have been trapped." His smile made me even more terrified, I started shaking and my leg quaking till I heard Dad's voice saying; "It is time". But as soon as a heard him, I woke up again, it was a dream, oh thank God, so I said as I woke up, I checked the time on my phone, and behold, it was four am as usual.

I woke up the next morning, full of agility and ecstasy,  I did not care about the nightmare I had last night, neither did I tell mom about it, I was already getting used to it, I then immediately did my usual press up and sit up went to the bathroom, where I had to check my member if it was neatly shaved, then I had to brush my teeth thoroughly, I make sure I scrub my body very well because I just want to make sure, that everything is intact, starting From my body to my setting...

After my bathing, I came out and did my chores, I was really quick on it, when I was at it, mom came out of the kitchen, she was already preparing the usual celebration meal, rice, all sort of rice, fried, joloff and white. Fake dad never went back last night, he passed the night in the house, probably with mom, I just didn't want to think about what might have transpired when I was asleep.

"Happy new year mom, Happy new year dad." I greeted them all as I saw them both coming out of the kitchen, they both helppd their hands laughing all with a heavy mouth, they had fried meat in their mouth."

Happy new year dear, how was your night hope you had a sweet night,'s rest" mom said

"And hope u didn't allow the last night incident discomfort you." Fake dad added

"No sir, I was well, but I will be going out soon, I want to go book a table at the poolside, I want to take Cynthia out today." I responded. Mom was dumbfounded, as dad smiled, mom later spoke but with her hands still covering her mouth.

"My son is now a man, he is taking a girl out for a date. God!!!" She said looking so excited. 

"Do you have enough money with you for that? You know what? Before you go, meet me for some money." Mom added

"And meet me too, I will give you more." Fake dad added.

"You know what, leave this go quick before everywhere is booked, but remember that you must not swim, well I trust you won't," mom said.

  I Then Went outside, with my wallet stuffed with cash, I boarded a taxi, to one of the famous hotels in town with the best pool, one of the quiet hotels where big boys and internet fraud stars patronized, one of the reasons I chose this place was because it has the presence of natural plants, the air there was fresh, the evidence of roses that portray more about love.

  I make sure everything was set, I booked a table for two, paid for our drinks and food, booked a room where we could possibly do something if I got lucky. I actually went there very early, I finished all I had to do even before ten am, then I took my heels home, then I immediately stopped a taxi, before heading straight home.

  On my way home, I called Cynthia and asked her to get prepared by on or before two pm that I will be coming to take her out, she was filled with excitement, she asked me where we were going but I chose to keep it a secret.

"You will know when we got there." She pestered me to tell her the venue, but I insisted that she will only find out by herself, I ended the call feeling fulfilled, she was actually excited to go on a date with me.

So, after that, I found my way home, by the time when I got home, mom was already done with the cooking. Fake dad on the other hand was surprised at me, he wondered why I didn't use the car he gave me.

"Damian! What happened? Did you go boarding taxi? You didn't use the car I gave you, what happened? tell me, why didn't you use it? You don't like it?" He asked continually. The question of his was kinda difficult for me to respond to, I had no reason for not taking it, all I said to him was that "I was not permitted to use it, and he asked again

"Why should you need permission to make use of something that belongs to you. I gave you the car, it is your son." He said, immediately he said this, I got the cold rash, I never knew that the car is mine, who dashed car that way? I just stood dumbfounded looking at fake dad and I wondered why this man was this good to me.

"Really dad? I never knew the car is already mine."

"I told you, he had no clue, he owns the car, he just doesn't know that he was dashed a car." Mom said, and that's the truth, I never knew.

Well after the argument about the car, min asked me if I was successful and I told her the fact, "yes, I got everything I needed. And u have called her to get ready that I will come to pick her up, and she was so excited." I said

"Nice, ok, come with me, come and ain't at the dining table let me get you something to eat, today you are a king, you won't do anything till after you return with Cynthia." Mom said. But as soon as she left my site, still yet to get to the kitchen, we heard this heavy sound line heavy rocks fell in our compound. Everyone was shocked at this sound, as we all looked at each other, for me, I thought it was our fence or gate that had fallen. Fake dad quickly stood up from where he sat with a tremendous shock, he rushed to go outside, but I swiftly stopped him, I already perceived the strong smell of Dad.

"No sir, no, you can't go out there, im not sure if it's safe, they are here."

While I said the word "they are here" mom almost freezes with fear.

"Who is that? Who are they, tell me Damie, who and who are here?" Mom asked, I knew she thought that it was the people from Bermuda.

"Mon, I think Dad is here," I said in a low pitch.

"Your father? What for? When did he have here? Why must he come back so soon? What does he want?"

Mom said panicking, she panicked even more when she found out that it was dad. She was even visibly shaking, she walked up and down like a man whose wife was in the labor room. As mam asked me these questions, I remembered the last dream I had, the dream where I heard Dad's voice saying "it is time" immediately, I knew that he had come to take me with him. No! He can't take me now, it just can't be now, not when I have already made plans with Cynthia, not when I have already told her to wait for me that I will be coming to take her out. No, it can't be. So I said in my head.

Before we knew it, a group of men in black walked in, the walked into a closed-door without even opening the door, after they had entered, they made a path in their center, it was through there that dad passed when he walked in in the same manner too, he walked with antique his most trusted servant. all of them were in a black suit, it was only dad who was in that white garment, the same white garment that he was in the day that he visited fake dad's house, the garment which glows and flows like glowing water, as he walked through the path which his boys had made for him, the whole house got illuminated by the light of his garment. His appearance commands fear, there was so much authority in his aura, and the way he looked was even scary, he looked like one handsome but an evil demon, his golded hair was so long that the swept the floor as he strode, his long goalie beards tangled and his eyes so blue like one blue-eyed devil. Just the looks of him reminded me of all my nightmares.

Without saying any word, dad walked towards me like he was trying to feel me, but mom ran and stood before him, I wondered why she wasn't scared of him, even me who feels this uncontrollable love for him still felt fear for him. She stood before him and said. 

"You must go through me first before going near him."  Mom said

"My dear, this is not the time for unnecessary speech, time is not on our side, he has to come for his initiation, all that is needed for this had been long ready, and it is now or never." Dad said.