
Chapter 246: The Real Dream

But it turned out not to be as smooth as expected. Mom had always warned against leaving the television set on before sleeping, so, I managed to pull myself up despite the heavy eyes and feet that I had due to sleep, I turned all the electronics off and went back to my comfy bed for a night sleep, so after the sleep, I woke up only to find myself in a place so beautiful, words could not describe the boulevard that I stood upon, it seemed to me like I was before this gigantic gate made of sparkling diamond, it was almost like a mirror, just the brightness was too much, it could cause so sight impediment, the gate was locked and I stood before it in my favorite shirt and short, I even wore my Fendi shoe which mom got do me of recent. I stood before the gate in utmost admiration for it.

"This is beautiful," I whispered to myself, but as I advanced further towards the gate just about when I wanted to feel the gate, it opened, yeah, it opened by itself without making any single sound. As the gate opened, I had a peep inside only to find out how beautiful it was from the inside, the gate was just the tip of the iceberg. So, as the gate opened, I strode in with a swagger, but I realized something, I had no foot sound when I realized this, I halted, and looked around, I looked at my left, right, and back, even my front only to find emptiness, the entire place was so calm and peaceful, it seemed like I was the only one in the whole of the entire boulevard. It was a very large and spacious place. The floor was as if it was tiled with gold. Everything about this place was sparkling. 

So, when I realized that my feet made no sound, I stopped and tapped my right foot on the ground, but it made no sound, I tried my left, yet I heard no sound. As I did this amid the throng of quietness, I heard a voice, the voice came from afar, very far, and the voice came with a lightning point to a direction.

"You are welcome you majesty, follow the light, we have been expecting you."

I looked in the direction of the lightning and found a straight road that led down to a place I know not of, the road led to somewhere very far, I thought it myself "am j supposed to walk down there?" I just dont know, but I knew that I sheepishly followed the lightning like the voice said it led me to a strange place where I now started to see fish float, I looked around and saw and I saw even more fishes, fishes of different sizes.

"Where could this be? Why are the fishes floating in the air?" So I asked myself, but I quickly realized where I was, it was the sea, I was in Atlantis. 

"Oh my God! This is Atlantis." I wondered how I managed to find myself in Atlantis, the last thing I remembered was me sleeping in my bed, how I managed to find myself here was what I could not or never explain. As I wandered and wondered how I got there, I saw this huge fish swimming its way towards me. I was struck with fear, great and immeasurable fear gripes me, I thought it was a shark, little do I know that it was a dolphin, it swam its way to me and started to squirm its tail, though the shaking was not that perfect in my eyes, I still felt like the dolphin was only trying to mimic a dog. As it came to me, I was still scared and I got my legs frozen and stiffened like I had lost my muscles. 

"Do not fear your Majesty, you can ride on that dolphin to your father the King, He awaits you in his palace."

So the voice said. I looked at the dolphin do the tale wiggling like a loyal and happy dog, I tried and man up, I stretched my hand with fear still shaking me to the marrow, I placed my hand on the head of the dolphin and it give out this tinny sound like a cricket, it advanced even closer to me, now I got a little more courage to rub it on the head with my hand, I pet it like I will do a dog, and it happened that the dolphin loved it.

"That dolphin is not a pet, it's your means of transportation, now ride on it, it knows where it will take you." So the voice still said. Now, knowing that the dolphin was not harmful, I humped upon its back and with my right hand, I tapped it, and boom!! It started swimming so fast with me on its back. At first, I felt like I was going to slip off the back of the giant fish since it was so slippery, but it turned out that the dolphin kept getting me balanced behind it. It was almost kike I was glued to the giant fish, and it wasn't like there was any saddle on it. The dolphin was very fast. As it swam, it got to a place where I started seeing people, no, not just people, they are Mer-people, I saw their pretty faces as they all hailed me and bowed at me as I rode past them. Atlantis is a very big city, it is almost impossible to ride around it. Well, it seemed like I had been really waited for because as I passes any merman or mermaid, their expressions were this expression that could mean "finally he is here. " but I never stopped, not like I had an option, the giant fish took me down the place where I know not, this place was crowded, at first, "I thought that he was going to have me as refreshment.

I rode on the back of the dolphin for a little while, longer than expected before it halted right in front of the most expensive building there, as we rode, we came across many buildings, different beautiful infrastructures, but the one which we stopped at was not to be compared with anyone. 

When the dolphin stopped, it slanted its tail so that u slipped down off its body, and once again like a dog, it wiggled its tail and went around me, then I began to wonder why the faceless voice said that it was not a pet, the dolphin will make a very beautiful pet, I really do not believe the voice about the dolphin's case. Now, the dolphin with its head, bushes me, making me to have contact with the gate which immediately sounded a very loud Alarm, immediately the alarm was heard, the dolphin fled, it left me wondering and waiting for the worse. I was there right in the front of the gate which was identical to the one outside, only that this one was smaller, very small, normal-sized to be compared with the one outside. Many sea creatures hovered around me in ecstasy, they all came out from where ever they were just go stare at me, I saw different creatures, mermaids and mermen, different kinds of fishes, octopuses, and even jellyfishes among others, they were all in schools as they paraded around me, but they all disappeared as the gate was unfolded, this young and handsome merman in grey hair came out from the gate and said.

"You have welcomed your highness, your father awaits you in his chamber." I looked at him, trying to figure out if he was the man with the voice, but no, he wasn't, the voice was more deeper and mature than his, this was a very young merman, we could be of the same age range, at least, so he seemed to be, without even asking him of the direction to take I just advanced inside the building, and enormous building, it is something so impossible, it was even more like a city, yes, a city in a city, it was not something that could be referred to as a house, it was a like a skyscraper in height, and the size was also immeasurable. I walked in gawking at the whole place that was filled with different kinds of mer-people, who hung around as guards and security operatives. They all bowed at me when I passes them, I noticed that the mermaids blush when they saw me pass, walked a little distance before I could even get to the building which seemed to be built of gold, I really found it difficult to believe that the entire skyscrapers were built of gold, "maybe they just had it painted with golden paint.

As I got to the door, I met two security mermen who helped in opening the door for me, so that I can enter. It was a very classic build, more like a business building, there were many mer-people on this floor of the building, many were there sitted by their counters more like an airport, as I got in there, I saw this mermaid who was looking at me and smiling, she looked like a receptionist, judging from her counter, so I walked to her and asked her how to get the Aqua King's place.

Your majesty, my prince, this is the Aqua Palace, but you must take that elevator by your left, it will take you directly to his chamber where he sits in wait for you. The door by your left, yes, who straight to your left, the door with the trident, go through it it will take you there." So she said and I greeted her and left, she was so excited to speak to me. I left her and went directly to the door, I opened it and went inside, it was just a small corner, built to probably contain only four people at a time., as soon as I jammed the door, I felt this vibration and immediately after the vibration, j saw the door open, behold I was already at daddy's "chamber", as they all called it. He sat there on his gigantic throne that was built very high. There were a lot of stared to be climbed before reaching the seat of the throne. He looked at me and smiled.

"Welcome son, it is time..." So he said. 

"Time for what?" I asked him looking rather confused. 

It is time for your initiation, You are here but you are yet not here, go, and prepare, for it is time for you to materialize here in your father's kingdom. Go my son, we have all been waiting for you, and we will wait. Your initiation time is here, there is no time anymore." I looked at him in wonder, did I come all the way here just to go? Don't know, I felt like I never wanted to go.

"Go my son, go, you have seen how happy your subjects are to see you, now go and prepare for your homecoming, everything had been kept in wait for your initiation, You are the only one holding the occasion."

Now, I began to see all the things including dad in a faded form, everything began to dematerialize. Now I woke up, I opened my eyes only to find myself in the bed and grabbing pillows in my bed. I had all along been dreaming. "What kind of dream is this? I looked so real." So I thought to myself. With my eyes now fully opened, I started at the ceiling fan which rotated clockwise on and on, I look at it as if I was trying to notice the one which was longer than the rest, this was what I often do when I think about anything, j just lay down faces up and stare at the rolling fan like I was obsessed or something.