
Chapter 242: Sorry Mom

Now we both had our orgasm together, but I had just cum in her, not like I had a little cum in her, It was a massive one, and I had it shot deep in her, the thought of it actually caused me a great deal of fear, a fear that lingered for quite a while, "what if she gets pregnant?" that was ghat I have been thinking all the while, poor little me with little or no experience, who thought me about ovulating, all I know about a woman's body was learned In the classroom, in the reproductive system topic, and god knows we weren't paying much attention at that moment, we just laughed about it and It will pass.

So by the time we both had this sweet orgasm, we were both tired, nothing came to my mind more than to sleep, but I remembered a book which I read one time online about sex, I remembered the writer advise against sleeping immediately after sex, he wrote that girls enjoy a little discussion after sex, so I had to fight the sleep and advance straight to little chit chat, by before we could even start, I noticed a creamy concoction, a thick fluid running down from her cracks, it slopes down to her asshole, when I saw this I justbrealised that it was some of the massive cum in her, I had really shot a little bit too many cum in her, her system could not hold it, so I quickly broght a tissue and used it to clean her up, on a normal day I should have cleand her up with my tongue, that was how I see it done in most porns I watched, but how could I have my own cum in my mouth? the thought of it alone was disgusting. 

So, with enough care, I cleaned her up, after the cleaning I slumped to the bed, thank God that we loved the gate after mom and aunty Paula went out, that means no one could possibly catch us, the can only horn and we will have to pen the gate for them to come and catch us in the act, but how possible was it that I will open the gate before cleaning all tracks.

So, I slumped in the bed, and I dragged myself up so that we can be on the same Keith, but I made sure that I was a bit higher that her with shoulders and head, the I took out the pillow which she rested her head and I slot my hand there for her to use as a pillow, at this point she was backing me, her fat warmth ass was caressing my floppy joy giver, so i had to make her gurn so that she may face me. Yeah, she actually faced me, but she wasn't just looking me in the face, she had her face on my chest. With this I hugged her and kissed her forehead and said to her.

"I love you baby, I love you so much, you are my joy, my everything baby."

So I said to her as I kisses and hugged her.

"Yes honey, I am your... Can you please say it to me? Can you please tell me that I am yours again? I love it when you say that, it really killed with in a sweet way."

So she said and without hesitation, I switched into it.

"Yeah baby, you are mine, mine you are, Mine alone, I love you so much, and you will be mine for ever."

So I said do her, really I do not know what motivated me into saying those words today, I guess it was my creative mind. But I realized that it really got a strong reaction in her, and it was then that undecided that I will always use those words as weapon against her. 

I really Cynthia, she is one girl that had caught my attention, one lady that I shared this strong attractionwith. And she is so beautiful, looking at her at that moment after sex, made me realise how lucky I am, she looked so beautiful, but though I can't deny her beauty, she is still not the most beautiful lady i know, she is the second midt pretty, my mom is number one. She is perfect, just too perfect, no man in his right senses can say that he can't see the beauty of my mom. No wonder fake dad almost died as he pleaded. But for a fact, what happens if mom had turned him down, what was it that he would have some? Yes, who would he have done? After humiliating himself that way, he actually got mind, I wondered if he even thought of it before doing, well Cynthia had told me that the man was only desperate, that he acted out of desperation. Yeah, it was true, I believed her, he was definitely desperate, I heard his thoughts and they were that of a desperate man, he even had in in mind that he was going go kill himself if mom had reject his plea. 

Really that was a typical act of desperation, and who will do that? A man madly in love. And what kind of lady could make a man fall that deep in love? Only a lady worthy to be called 'the most beautiful woman in earth, and angel in human form, the definition of beauty, beauty personified'. And who could that woman be? Only Miss Juliet Chibizor, that happened to be my mom. Of a fact its not like I am trying to praise my mom because she is my mom, she is truly the most beautiful woman in the world, at least in my eyes and in my mind. 

So here I am with the second most pretty girl in the world, I just don't know why God had to surround me with beauty queens.

"I love you my Phas girl."

So I said and kissed her on her forehead again. The mention of this word made her finally rose her head, looked me in the eyes and kissed me deep in the lips, you won't believe that I almost got an detection when she did this, did I say almost? I do get an detection, just the Cynthia noticed it and it seemed that she was also exhausted, so, when she felt the kick by my junk, she halted and looked at me saying:

"What is your problem, you don't get tired? Are you a horse or a dog?"

So she asked as she broke the kiss. 

Little did she know that I might even be more exhausted than she was, it was just that always hungry beast in between my leg who is never satisfied that was there misbehaving and not it me, the erection had nothing to do with me, after all, it had been confirmed that the kittle old boy got a mind of his own.

I just look at her and smile

"My dear, it is not me, it is the guy himself, I don't thing that I am the one in control of it."

Sos i said with a smile, and she also joined in the laugh. So we lie there talking with me trying hard not to fall asleep, the same soeep which we still slept nonetheles.

'Puuhh puuhh"... That was the sound of the car horn that woke me up, the gorn persisted before I realised that it was mom and aunty Paula who where back from their shopping.

"Jesus Christ!"

I shouted as I jumped up from the bed. I woke up with my hand cupping a fleshy bump on Cynthia's chest with her fat buttcheeks pressing hard against my junk, I think that she was the one who intentionally put herself in that position, I won't up with a burner, if not for the fact that I woke up by the horn of mom's car, I couldn't have resisted the temptation of a second round.

"What is it Damie."

Cynthia asked looking quite confuse. She just lay down there with that awesome body of hers, she was so confidently naked around me, she was no longer ashamed like she was the last time, I remember that last time which was apparently the first too, she woke up just like this but fighting and cursing me, somebing which i later realised that she was only acting out of shame. But for a fact, I actually think that she look more pretty and sexier without clothe, I meant that I love her nore when she is nude.

"I think my mom and your mom is back, that is my mom's car horn"

I said to he and she also jumped up in panic.

"Oh my God!"

She exclaimed, she quickly rushed into my bathroom and washed her body and quickly ran out to get her cloth, she almost fell as she ran out of the bathroom.

"Please wait for me na."

She called out at me, as I wanted leaving her in my room as she was still dressing. Before she could even come out of the bathroom I was already done with my dressing.

"Hmmm..." She sniffed my body and my waist region.

"You smell like sex, go and spray perfume before you go out there. See his huge pipe."

So she said, and I quickly went for my perfume which sat on top of the table where my creams were. I sprayed it without hesitation, she was right, my mom could smell it and that would be a mess to me, she only saw us kissed and she almost slit my throat, what if she now realized that I just had sex with her best friend's daughter. So, be the time that she was done with the dressing, we together rushed outside after she had fixed my bed.

She sat on the cushion in the living room and switched on the television as I went to get the gate.

Thank God that we had fixed the whole house before we resulted in the sweet sensational sex that we had.

I ran to the gate and unlocked the padlocks and listened the chins that binded the gate.

"What us your problem? Do you know how long that we had been out here? Do you even know? Where did you keep your ear?"

Mom asked looking very angry as she stepped down from the car after she had been outside for quite a while even after her several horns.

"And what about Cynthia, why was she not hear to help carry things back to the kitchen?"

Aunty Paula said.

"We slept off while watching the TV. And as for Cynthia, she was still sleeping when I came out to get the gate." So I said.

"Can you imagine, she is sleeping? Didn't she Sleeap last night? What is she sleeping for?"

Anty Paula said and joined me in the packing of the things which they caught from marke., mom also joined us in carrying of the goods which they got from the market.

The things were not even that much, and it was only where we had already carried all that was in the car that Cynthia came outside rubbing on her eyes. 

"What?? What is this one doing here? No, go on, go and sleep, go and get some sleep."

Aunty Paula said looking reader angry that her daughter was not out earlier.

"Mom..., I am sorry, I was sleeping, and I sincerely do not understand, he never told me that you are already back. Though I saw him when he went out, this was because he stumbled and almost fell, it was the sound that he made when he bashed his feet that made him groan in pain."

Cynthia said as she tries to take the things form her mom, Cynthia tried but aunty Paula seem to be very mad.

"Common will you leave the poor girl alone?"

Mom said.