
Chapter 20: The Proposal

He took me to the underground part of the house which even seem to be more beautiful than the one above. There was no way anyone could ever suspect that there is anywhere like this in this mansion, it even has a mini library, it was obvious that fake dad was a reader because even as we were down there, he will walk to the mini library a picked a book on business and a bottle of Carlo Rossi red wine, he took it to a portable luxurious glass table with golden stand, the table had just four seats surrounding its East, West, North, and South regions, the chairs were identical to the ones in the dining room above, they were of gold skin, white arms, and black legs. He also took with him three glasses and asked me to come to join him at the table which I did, I was just loving this man every single bit, his gestures and body language was that of a perfect gentleman.

Just as we sat down an alarm bell rang, which actually gave me a shock because the would place was very calm before the sudden cry of the alarm.

"It is your mom, she is already at the study, hold on let me go get her."

So he said pointing me to a screen on the wall where a head of a deer was hung, and I saw mom looking around in the library. Fake dad stood up with his phone to his ear, he had already called mom, he said to her;

"Hold on my love, just shut the door behind you, I'll be there in a jiffy."

He said and left me as I started at mom how she kept looking around like a scared child. I know that she will be wondering where we were. It was only when I saw mom on the screen that I realized who the third glass was for. Mom was shocked when she saw the shelf opening like a door and saw fake dad coming out from a place that was supposed to be a wall. He walked to her and gave her his hand and he led her down to the 'secret safe house' according to fake dad, she smiled at me when she saw me sitting In wait for them, her smiled me to blush lightly, she came and rubbed my head in her usual way.

"Sit my love, I will like us to have a toast to togetherness."

So he said trying to open the whine.

"My son does not take alcohol, Matt."

Mom said, when she said this, I gave her a look that screamed out, "who asked you for that?" 

"Oh my God! Sorry, it's just that I have never seen you take alcohol."

Mom quickly retracted her words and fake dad bled out a sweet smile as he said.

"There will be no child of mine that won't take alcohol, of cause, he won't be a barfly or worst a boozer, but he will for sure once in a while take a little bit of alcohol, it opens the mind for wisdom, hahahah."

So he said and ended up with a lighter. So, he opened the wine and the wine and poured little after little in our glasses and he picked up his and raised it up and we both did as he did.

"Cheers to togetherness"

So he said and mom and I both said cheers.

We shall leave together and forever."

He added and we all said Amen, it was a very happy moment, we drank and discussed, and in no time I was already becoming used to him, he made me to be very confident around him. Everything was going on smoothly until he ruined it with his impatience. 

Just in the middle of our celebration and joyful mood, he went to his knees before mom and deep his hands into his pocket, and removed a diamond ring which was packed in a white tiny box with a gold rope. 

"Miss Juliet, please will you do me the pleasure of being my wife?"

So he said. Immediately, mom stood up with great force, causing the table to shake, the bottle of wine revolted and found itself on the bare floor like a broken bottle


Mom screamed at the pup sound of the broken bottle, the shock caused her to even cause more damage, trying to dodge she staggered and kicked her chair and it fell to the next corner.

"No! No! No! No oooh."

She cried with tears dropping from her eyes as she wobbles to the doorway leading to the library. I also stood up and ran after her giving fake dad a look of disappointment. I was also sincerely jealous, I just don't know why at that moment, yes, it's true that the man is a nice man, he wants to go make made all the wrong he had done to mon, but mom belongs to my Dad, she is going to be the Aqua Queen, a queen beside dad, I was glad mom did not accept that dirty offer of his, at least that was how I felt at that moment. 

You know, only recently have I come to understand how selfish I have often been, mom was a person that can do anything to make me happy, she can sacrifice anything for my happiness but I have always proven to be selfish, I knew well that mom and Dad could not leave together, Dad was not just any Merman that can go rogue and leave his sea to become human because of a lady, and Mom cannot survive under the sea, we are not the same. And I have seen a man who was so kind and cool, who I know will take care of her, ease her stress, and all I could do was hate him for only loving her. I had not been a caring son to mom, I think the love had been one-sided, my love for her was a selfish one, I just want her to always be with me and slave for me, but I can not sacrifice anything for her.