
Chapter 173: The Gossip Moms

When Mr. Bright left for church, mom and aunty Paula started with their gossip, they were literally gossiping about me, and when they noticed that I was eavesdropping they sent Cynthia and me inside. Very funny, mom never wanted us to go inside together but she just couldn't stress it so aunty Paula won't know the reason why she doesn't want us together.

So, as I was saying, they were gossiping about me, Mom was telling her how I fought the people from the Bermuda Triangle, mom even added some spice and sweetener to the story.

"My dear, as we just got there, he started complaining, in fact, he started the complaints before we even got to the house, he kept telling me that we should go back, that he was having a bad feeling about our house, and even when we finally entered inside, he started telling me that he feels like there was a presence in the house, he called it an evil presence, and evil they were we were just there talking about it when out of nowhere this five female came out, they literally appeared into the house holding hands, at first they were saying things that I could not comprehend, I think it was their evil language, or maybe they were making incantations or enchantment. Later one started speaking English, they said something like they want to take Damian my son to their Queen in the where ever they came from. That was when I grabbed my boy, I wrapped him with my body like the globe wrapped us all."

Mom said.

"So, as I wrapped him in me I said unto them: You will have to go through me if you want him."

She added. When mom said this, she made herself look like she was boasting she tapped her chest with her hand.

"But my dear, these ladies were not kidding I, they were actually serious, they held their hands together forming a chain as they walked to us, but as they advanced closer, Damian, I just can't explain how he did that, he just slept off my hand and I fell to the ground, that was when I could no longer move muscles, I felt like I was bound to the ground."

Mom said. As she kept saying this, aunty Paula who happened to be a lover of gist sat so comfortably curiously listening to mom's gist.

"But my son made me proud, he really did me proud, he left me on the ground moved to the other place dragging their attention away from me and focussing to his side. I tried to stand up but I couldn't, my boy defended me, she fought them, all of them. There was a lady among the people who fire was coming out of her hand, she wanted to strike my boy with the fire, but before she could throw the fire, Damian swiftly ran to her, held her by the hand and broke her hand, I saw the hand snap, and it did not end there, he fought all of them down breaking their bones, after that, a lady raised her hand again as if she wants to curse and fire started forming out of her hand again, my there this was when I started to see something strange about my son, his eyes glowed, his blue eyes literally glowed, shining and illuminating the whole of the sitting room, and as if that was not enough, he raised his hand too, and he started doing something which I knew not and cannot explain, but all i know was that it was having an effect of the lady withbthe fire in her hand, I remembered that these people called it Blood bending, because the lady started screaming in pains and twitching, when the ladies saw him doing this, tbey became extremely scared of him, they ran to her and they said something like it was only Ehmm... What was the name they called? Yeah, they said that it Was only the great Poseidon that possessed such power, my dear, this was how they all disappeared again but before they disappeared they said something about going back to their Queen mother and telling her about the blood bending."

Mom said to her friend.

"What? Poseidon? Do you mean that they called Poseidon? How come are you acting like you don't know who Poseidon is? Poseidon is a water god, in Greek mythology, something that we all thought was an ordinary myth, I never knew it was real, so, does that mean that Damian's father is related to Poseidon?"

Aunty Paula asked looking even more interested. As at that moment, I found it funny how aunty Paula could even consider the possibility of dad having any relationship with Poseidon. 'Poseidon was actually a fictional character and a myth, it was never real.' So I thought in my head, but it seemed like they just noticed my presence after their long discussion.