
Chapter 150: Harmattan Season

But u still felt like I have always felt during all harmattan season past. I often feel like I was going to dry out whenever we get to this season. Here is kinda better because our water hasn't gone dried unlike in the east where our water will run dry and we will have to go look for other sources of water.

Now I remember life in the east during the harmattan season, it was not a happy person for me, because, whenever is us harmattan season we were meant to always wait in the house because of the harshness of the sun and the dry ceaseless wind which tend to suckle on the veins of leaves causing them to get dried up, looking like one suffering from a dreaded disease, even the roots of some trees will shrink, and the worse was when the source of water runs dry, then we need to wait on toll sunset to go and get water, yes, we need to wait till sunset when the sun is down and dust reduced and it was often a distant place where we can get the water.

Poor me, a faithful husband of the rain I am often a dry man who always thirsts for water and whose mind is something...something of... a cup. I had always loved the water, yes I love water; either of wells, spring, stream or whatever water, yes it is true than mom had always warned against these things right from inception, but that never killed my love for the water, though it made me control myself from going into waters. Right then in the east, during this Harmattan season, all I could do then was to pray, yes, I literally usually pray for the return of the rainy season. Of course, it will always return, it sure will return, just like an adulterous wife she has always returned, but only after breaking my heart and making me long for her.

I sincerely loath this season mostly because of the dust that comes with it, I usually have this fear of dust in my eyes, this fear had always been with me. Recently my ears have once again missed the taste of raindrops on my roof. My dreams every harmattan season had always been to wake up in the middle of the night after days of dry heat hearing the soft melodious moan of my beautiful rain.

I guess mom also feel the same way, cause she often act like me during this season, after she had taken her cold water, she sat there for a while before she could get up to her room where she will undress and soak herself into the water which gushes out of the shower tap.

After she was done with her washing, she came out to meet me at the dining table looking so elated, she gave me this searching looks that made me realize that I might be letting out reasons to make mom know that something down today in her absence, so I had to compose myself better, but she never let ho of the look. She sat down on the dining table, she sat facing me directly, with her eyes planted to my face, now I could look back at her, I feel like she knew something.

"Hmm... What is the reason for this smart face?"

 She asked as she opened the cover of her special plate, revealing the pepper red Nigerian Jolof rice which I made for dinner.

"Wow! Looking nice"

She complements.

"Now tell  me baby, what happened why are you so happy?"

She still asked. Presently I know not what to do? There is no possible way that I could be able to tell her that I got laid today and that I did it with Cynthia, common, she will freak out, mom can be a drama queen, I am sure you must have noticed. So, once again, I had to feed her with yet another lie. Do you know what I promised her about never lying to her again? Hmm... I've not been able to keep that promise, it seemed to me like since I came back from my lying skills have increased to a very significant height.

"Ah, mom eat your food, it's nothing"

I responded trying to save her from the lie which she was ignorantly calling for. But my mom, that woman, I guess maybe because she lacks plenty of friends she tends to want to always make me her gossip partner. The woman just won't rest unless I gave her the lie she had been clamoring for.

"Of cause I will eat, the rice looks so sweet, I am confident it will taste as it looks, but common, don't tell me that you want to start hiding something from me, please tell me your."

She added as she stir the rice like it was rice and stew, she used her spoon to bruise the chicken lap which I place on top of the rice to the corner. Mom will hardly taste her meat before she was done and satisfied with the food. She taught me that, to me and mom it is a bad manner, but to Cynthia, it's the only way to eat and enjoy it, Cynthia will always start with the meat before getting to the food.

"Hmm... It is very delicious, I can see that someone has been taking a secrete cooking class. But that will still not make me forget the question."

Mom said. She kept showing me how much she needed to be lied to, well who am I to deny her the lie. I just had to follow the advice that my lying coach gave me, Cynthia had told me that whenever I want to tell a lie, I should open my mouth and say it without fear of how it may sound or appear she believed that if I do it so, it will yield me success, that was definitely was I did and it worked out for me. Poor mom, she never knows how good her boy has grown in the art of lies.