
Cyber Crime

Azer is a cyborg living his life as criminal. One day, he sets on a journey to become "Cyber Emperor", so to fulfill that dream he makes companions as well as enemies around the universe during his journey. The journey to become the greatest criminal in this cyber world has started. The world shall know what a true emperor is.

Mephisto_0712 · Khoa huyễn
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3 Chs

We Are Criminals

An old man who had a hunch back was walking down a hallway. He was bald in the center of his head but had side hair. He had no facial hairs but he had wrinkles all over his face. He was wearing circular glasses.

He wore white coat like that of a scientist with a normal black sweater and blue pants. He walked slowly but steadily.

Soon, he reached a door and entered inside. He saw a long table with a man sitting on the opposite end of the table. There were many other men who were sitting on either side of the table. They all were wearing business suits.

The men had sweats on their faces. The old man ignored the men around the table and looked at the man sitting on the main chair.

"Have you decided?" The old man spoke in a rough voice.

"I am sorry but we cannot give you Loinar Coin." The man spoke while cold sweat covered his back.

He knew this old man who, even though, looked kind due to his frail body was actually a devil in human disguise. The man gulped. He didn't want to die. He really didn't but he also can't leave that coin in this old man's hand or else...he can't think what would happen.

The old man looked at the middle aged man, who was sitting on the main seat and smiled.

His broken yellow teeth were shown but no one showed disgust as they knew he was someone with immense power and showing him disrespect meant certain death.

The old man spoke with a smile, "Then, die!"

All men's eyes widened but before they could say something, many metallic insects came out from the collars of old man, moved towards the men and bit them, extracting their blood.

After couple of seconds, the insects went back to where they came from and all that remained of men were...only dried flesh and their clothes.

After that, many flying insects came out of the old man's collar and dispersed in the whole building.

After a moment, the old man's phone rang.


Old man took out his phone. It was just a simple cell phone. He looked at the name of the caller. It showed, 'Alan.'

Old man put the phone near his ear and spoke, "What is it?"

"So, you found that brat? What was his name again? Ares? Azar?"

"Oh yeah, Azer."

"Yeah, do it! I will hear your explanation after I come back!"

After that, the old man put his phone inside the pocket of his jacket and sat on the ground.


"I won!" Azer, who was a 12 years old, spoke as he looked at the cards placed on the table.

He had long blue hair tied in a braid while his eyes were of darkest shade of red. He was wearing a black hood with black short and long black socks that almost covered all of his legs and black joggers. His hair was in full display as the cap of his hood was down. His long blue eyelashes looked very beautiful.

He was playing cards, gambling his money and he won. He won a really large sum of money. Even though, he was only 12 years old, he was allowed in casino because this was the area controlled by criminals, so there were no laws nor rules. There was just the dominance of power and authority.

"Money! Give me my money!" Azer spoke with a smile and looked at the people present around the table who were now glaring at him.

These men were all criminals. One bigger than another. They also had really big pride, so of course they can't accept this loss.

Though, this loss was a fact as it happened in front of their own very eyes.

A man slammed the table hard and looked at Azer with a frown. He had a bald head with a big moustache and wrinkles on his forehead and a bit of wrinkles under his eyes. He was wearing a blue three piece suit. Behind him, many men in suits were standing straight.

"You cheated! I know you cheated, you fucking brat!" The man, who had slammed the table, spoke. His eyes narrowed while his hand grabbed a scientific pistol and pointed this pistol at Azer. The gun was of silver color with blue outlining.

Azer leaned against his chair and spoke, "Really? Do you have any proof, Mr. Steward? Or are you blaming me without any reason just because I won a big time."

Azer had a smirk on his face as he looked at the man.

"We are criminals! We don't need any proof!" Mr. Steward spoke with a smirk of his own as he took out another pistol that had same design and color.

Other people present also took out their guns and aimed them at Azer. There were pistols, assault rifles, revolvers and shotguns. All of them looked to be made of advanced technology just as the guns in Mr. Steward's hands.

The people present around the table were all big criminals in the underworld. They had come here to have fun but they didn't know that they would lose to a kid. They didn't even think about it as their prides were really high.

These people had subordinates that would kill anyone at their order, so they signaled them to take out their guns.

When Azer looked around, he saw that more than fifty people had taken out their guns. This building was really tall as well as wide, so one floor can easily accommodate more than hundred people.

"Hey, we are in a casino. Chill, man! There are other people here." Azer spoke with his hands raised up.

"Shut the fuck up! Take out all the money you have." Mr. Steward spoke with rage.

Azer sighed. This old dude really doesn't listen!

Azer leaned forward and glanced to his sides before saying, "I have a secret. How about you let me go if I tell you that?"

Mr. Steward looked at the boy for a good few seconds. This was a dog-eat-dog world where power reigns supreme and when talking about underworld, this is more than true.

He knew every information is crucial, so he wanted to hear what this secret was. Maybe, it could give him an upper hand against his enemies.

"Hmm. Fine, I will consider it after you tell me the secret." Mr. Steward spoke after giving it a thought.

"No! You have to promise me!" Azer spoke as he leaned back on the chair and folded his hand and put one leg over another.

"Hey! I am already giving you a chance to be alive and not get your money stolen. So, spit that secret out." Mr. Steward started getting irritated.

Azer looked to his side and didn't talk any more.

Seeing this Mr. Steward had no choice, he spoke, "Fine. I promise I will let you go!"

Azer looked at the other men and they also nodded, so Azer leaned forward while Mr. Steward also leaned forward.

"The thing is..."

All the men present leaned forward to hear what is the secret.

"...I cheated."








There was complete silence for a few seconds before the first man shouted, "YOU BASTARD!!!"

The man shot a laser bullet from his pistol that seemed to be of advanced technology.

Azer kicked the table making the table fly. The table was really thick , so the bullet didn't pass through it.

Azer made a gun gesture with his fingers of both hands.

"Now...RATATATATATATATATATA!" Azer made the sound of an assault rifle. From his middle finger, laser bullets came out that pierced everything. His laser bullets were far stronger than Mr. Steward's bullets.

Ten minutes later.

The floor on which Azer played card was now silent. Many died while many got wounded but one man was still alive and well and he was Mr. Steward. Azer killed and wounded everyone but left Mr. Steward.

Azer said to Mr. Steward that, [I am going to leave this area, today so I am gonna leave you alive. Consider this a gift and don't do anything intentionally or unintentionally that would make me change my decision]

After that, Azer took all the money that was in this floor and left.

Other than Mr. Steward, only workers were left untouched. These workers were currently hiding. They were just normal people that wanted to earn money. Of course, there were some who tried to kill Azer but he quickly killed them without hesitation.

Mr. Steward was trembling from anger.



A man who looked to be of normal build was walking in the middle of the crowd. His face was hidden by a face mask. He wore a hat while his overcoat covered his body.

After walking and dodging the people in the crowd, man entered an alley.

In that alley, there was rusted door. The man opened the door with a loud creak and entered.

On the other side of the door, there was just a room.

In the room, there was a bed on which Azer was sitting.

The man looked at Azer and then, took his mask off.

The man just had an average face with no special features. His eyes were black while his hair was of same color.

"So, you got it, Calvin?" Azer spoke as he smiled.

"Yeah, I got it, kid." The man, called Calvin, walked towards Azer and gave him a piece of paper.

Azer took the piece of paper and looked at it. His eyes reading everything written on it.

"Thank you!" Azer spoke with a small smile on his face.

"Haahh, I know even if I say something to stop you, you are still gonna go." Calvin sighed and sat beside Azer on bed.

"Heh. You know me too well!" Azer looked at Calvin with a grin. Azer was a stubborn boy. He would do whatever he wants, ignoring other people's opinions.

Just thinking how much of a headache he caused when someone robbed his money and he beat him up like beating a punching bag, Calvin rubbed his temples. Even though, everyone stopped him, he didn't and beat the shit out of that robber. He was so stubborn that he didn't consider anyone's words and did what he wanted.

"What do you want to achieve, anyway?" Calvin asked as he looked at the ceiling.

"Hmm. Good question." Azer spoke like a great philosopher.

"Heh. Stop acting mature and spit it out." Calvin asked with irritation.

"Well, I have told you many times already, Calvin." Azer also looked at the ceiling.

Calvin raised an eyebrow.



"I don't really remember!"

"You never tried to remember."

Calvin looked at Azer with an apologetic look.

"I know you have your own reasons. Don't need to give me that look!"

Azer turned his face towards Calvin with a serious expression.

Azer's red eyes into Calvin's black eyes as if watching his soul. It made Calvin squirm in discomfort.

"H-hey—" Calvin wanted to speak but before he could Azer spoke with a smile, "Calvin!"

Calvin flinched. He gulped hard, sweat appearing on his forehead.

"Never forget this! I will become the Cyber Emperor." Azer spoke as he fell on the bed.

Calvin's mouth was wide open.

'Cyber...Emperor?' Calvin thought with shock. Now, he remembered. Azer always said that he will become the Cyber Emperor.

Before Calvin could think more, Azer asked, "Why do you work?"

Azer's question confused Calvin but when he realized what Azer was asking, Calvin spoke, "To give my little sister a good life."

"Little sister, huh?" Azer mumbled with a dazed expression, his eyes on ceiling.

"Did you say something?" Calvin asked to which Azer shook his head and said, "Nothing."

Azer sat up and patted his back.

"Well, I also want to achieve my dream, you know." Azer spoke with a faint smile.

"But there are dangers outside." Calvin spoke and tried to put some pressure, so he could at least stop this foolish boy from going outside.

"Pfft." Azer let out a suppressed laughter.

"What is so funny?" Calvin looked at Azer with a frown.

"Sorry, sorry. Its just that I am laughing at your hypocrisy." Azer spoke with a smirk.

"Hypocrisy? How?" Calvin asked with a raised eyebrow.

Azer moved his face forward and when it was only one inch from Calvin's face, Azer spoke, "You really don't know?"

"No." Calvin shook his head.

Azer moved back and sighed.

"Ignorance is truly a blessing." Azer shook his head with his hands up in the air.

"What do you mean by that?" Calvin asked with narrowed eyes. He really didn't know what he was talking about but he knew one thing. This brat was mocking him and he didn't like it.

"Your job has risks, right?" Azer spoke.

"Yes, they have risks but why—oh!"

Calvin now realized that he really was being hypocrite. Even though, he wanted the good of Azer, he really shouldn't tell him not to take risks when he is also taking risks, regardless of reasons.

Realizing his mistake, Calvin smiled apologetically and spoke, "Sorry!"