
Chapter 2

After having walked for what felt like an hour, Corven managed to find a running river.

While resting, he manages to make him a loincloth out of leaves and vines, to cover his important bits.

After hes done, having no real weapon to hunt with except a stick, he does the next best thing.

Looking around the river, he finds himself a nice flat rock, and uses it to sharpen the tip of his stick, making himself a temporary spear.

*stomach growling*

Hearing his stomach growl, Corven looks towards the river and debates on hunting for fish, but before he does he needs to walk further downstream in hopes of finding a body of water, and he needs to make a fire first.

Itll take awhile to make a fire with no proper tools, so he wants to make a hand drill.

So with everything figured out, he walks around near the river, following downstream, looking for whatever twigs and moss he can find for a fire.

Taking the time to look for what all he can use, he admires the plants and scenery, many things are similar to the plants back on his earth but there are also many new things.

Eventually his search ends and by touching and thinking about storing them in his inventory, he now has several sticks and twigs to use.

It doesn't take much longer before he comes across a small pond with many fish in it.

Seeing the pretty pond, he starts setting up his fire to cook with.

He gets a good piece of tree bark and manages to use a sharp stone near the pond to cut a notch in the side, and dig a circle groove right next to it.

After he does that, he grabs some moss and places the bark onto it, and then grabs a straight stick and smooths it out the best he can with the stone.

When he's done with that, he puts a tip of the stick in the circle groove he made, positions his hands at the top, and spins the stick while pushing his hands down, making him a hand drill.

This will take some time to do, and Corven knows this, but its a must to have a fire before it gets too dark.

Hours eventually pass, with Corven sweating enough to fill a small pool, hes had failure upon failure and many close calls, but he finally managed to get a good coal.

Gently pouring the coal fully onto the moss, he moves his hand drill set up and grabs the moss gently, slowly blowing on it to get the coal hotter so it'll ignite the moss.

It takes a moment, but the moss finally catches a flame, and working quickly, Corven manages to get it set up with twigs and stick, he finally has fire.

Gasping and smiling widly at his success, corven lays on the ground happily, finally able to take a short break before hunting.

As he lays on the ground to relax, he looks towards the sun slowly setting.

He doesn't know where he is or if the time zones are even remotely similar to earths, but he guess its around 4 or 5 depending on the position of the sun.

When its about time to get going, Corven grabs his spear and makes a notch going in slightly towards the tip with the sharp stone, making a hook to help pull and catch the fish.

Corven slowly takes his steps in the shallow water, not wanting to disturb anything too much,

When he gets deep enough, he waits for a few moments so the water can resteady, and stands still so the fish will wonder back towards him.

Seconds pass, and a medium sized fish comes closer towards him.

Not wanting to scare off a good catch, Corven waits for it to get closer so he'll have a better shot.

As the fish creeps closer towards him, he takes his shot and jabs the spear into the water, managing to just barely snag the fish.

Pulling back quickly to catch the fish, Corven gets it snagged on the hook, pulling it out of the water, and slowly taking it back to the grass.

When he gets to the grass, he uses his sharp stone to kill the fish quickly, not wanting it to suffer.

{+0.1 EXP}

Seeing his new EXP gain, Corven grins.

With such a small number itll be too long before he can really do anything with his system, but he must focus on his survival first.

As he then gets a good look at the fish, he sees that its a pretty good size, but it looks odd, from what he can tell its like a cross between a catfish, and a clownfish.

Admiring its beauty for a moment, Corven makes his way back to his area in the pond and waits.

1 hour later---

Corven is preparing his fish in the water with the sharp stone, he doesn't want too much blood to stick around to attracts predators, and after hes done he props the meat up on sticks above his fire to cook.

Throughout the hour Corven managed to kill 5 fish total, earning him 0.5 EXP total to use, but he plans to save it and experiment with his system after he's made a shelter for the night since its getting dark.

So as soon as the fish get done cooking, he scarfs them down fast, almost like he hasn't eaten in days, and makes a torch with his fire and stores it, along with his sharp stone, and searches for a place upstream to make shelter.

As hes walking away from the pond area, he hears rustling and grunting not far away from his cooking site.

Before he can be seen, Corven dashes in some bushes and watches as an animal slowly approaches.

What he eventually sees is a large group of brown boar like creatures, with brown turtle shells on their back, and a red Mohawk like stripe on their heads.

The Turtle-Boars sniff around his cooking site, most likely looking for the cooked fish he made.

Eventually they give up and decide to rest around the pond to drink before they get going, some walk around to mark their territory, so more creatures won't wonder over to them.

As Corven watches this, one gets dangerously close to his bush.

Watching it start to take a shit right infront of him, Corven wants to throw up because of how bad it smells.

He manages to hold it in and is tempted to try and kill the boar with his spear, he has a perfect angle to jab it right through its eye, but he decides not to. What if he misses and it attacks him, or it alerts the others, he'd be done for.

Knowing he should sit and wait for it to move, Corven sits there until its finished and wonders back towards its group. After it does, Corven sneaks away upstream, searching for his shelter for the night.


Just wanted to say that if anyone has any ideas for the story to just lemme know and I might use it, and give credit where its deserved, im doing this for fun so id love to see what I could do.

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