
Chapter 1 : The First Vampire Bite

The overwhelming luxury of this place caused my heart to race in sheer excitement despite the obvious danger. But, truly, I couldn’t help being amazed.

A hand was placed on the center of my back, leading through the fabled gothic mansion itself, where celebrity vampires indulged in people like me. The scent of the vampire behind me was overwhelming. Leather, moss, and woodsmoke.

His touch sent electricity rushing through my body as his claws very gently dragged down my spine, reminding me what he was capable of. I couldn’t help but exhale sharply, though I tried to pay attention to where we were going.

The walls were painted black, and there were paintings of landscapes set up everywhere. Mostly tundra environments depicting wolves hunting elk, or a fox stalking a rabbit. The symbolism wasn’t lost on me.

I was theoretically being dragged by the throat right into the den of a predator, and there was nothing I could do about it. Was I nervous? Damn right, I was. But the fluid between my thighs told me one thing… I would need to be careful not to be too distracted from my mission here by the luxury.

We entered the room, which had black floral designs painted on the walls, incredibly gothic in style. A chandelier with fake scarlet candles hung over the bed we were approaching. There was a side table with a carved stone dragon holding up the glass, a bottle of water placed on it. That was probably for me, given what was to come.

The bed had silky blankets that shined like obsidian. It was a canopy, with a crimson cloth draping down loosely, reminding me of blood gushing out of something.

I wasn’t able to focus on that for long, because I was swept up into his arms and placed onto the bed gently, my back sinking into the very cushiony sheets. My tongue ran over my lips as I finally took in the one who would be biting me today.

A fabled ‘biter’ in this mansion, well-known for loving it oh so much. The male vampire stared into my eyes with his own glowing crimson. He grinned, showing off a set of double fangs. Not only were his upper and lower canines longer and sharper than a human’s but so were his lateral incisors.

He had a double set that dripped with venom, no doubt the chemicals his kind were known to have. They were drugs to some people. What would they feel like on me?

I took in the rest of him, noting the wispy hair that was dyed a deep red, brushed to the side to cover one of his eyes. His medium-tan skin had quite a few bite scars on it, indicating he loved others indulging in him as well. I recalled vampires could bite each other frequently and did so, especially for either dominance or pleasure.

When he slowly took off the leather jacket and grey shirt beneath it, I noticed rippling muscles, strength that showed he could easily crush me if he wished. My eyes glanced down to the nipple rings he had on, which only caused me to grow even wetter between the legs.

“Like that, pretty little human?” he purred in a deep tone, slowly drawing his tongue over his teeth and moving to straddle me.

Without hesitation, he grabbed my shirt and pulled it over my head, disposing of my bra and tossing it to the side. I let out a soft groan as he leaned down and took one of my nipples into his mouth. He swirled it with his tongue, causing me to whimper longingly.

‘Stay focused, try to remember the details of this room. Try to remember anything,’ I told myself, but fuck, I was getting lost in this.

I panted, my cheeks darkening as I felt him reach down into my pants and rub at my clit. There was no hesitation in his movements, he was letting me know he was an expert at his craft. I gulped, closing my eyes and giving a low moan. A release was already coming on, but he wasn’t about to give that to me just yet.

No, he removed his hand and began to grind against me. I felt his erection through his leather pants, enthralled by the idea of him taking me.

I bit my lip, opening my eyes again and looking up at him. His muscles rippled at every movement, and the scent of his woodsy cologne drowned all of my senses. As he teased me mercilessly, he leaned down and kissed my lips deeply.

Now I had the opportunity to taste him this way, and my thoughts were getting lost despite my best effort.

The vampire slipped his tongue into mine, parting my mouth and exploring it. The feeling of him inside of my mouth caused me to shudder and squirm, unable to help it. He broke the kiss and tsked, flashing his fangs at me and lowering his lips to my neck. He nipped at my skin there, causing me to squeal and give a low moan

Damn it, I really was under his spell right now.

Quickly, he grabbed my hands and put them above my head. He shifted a bit, allowing just one hand to hold them there as he pressed me into the bed. With his other hand, he returned to rubbing at my clit. He licked along my vein, nipping and teasing as though he was going to bite at any second.

Said second didn’t come.

Not yet.

Rather, the vampire stopped his actions and removed my pants, then his, applying protection and lubricant as I sat there breathlessly, wet between the thighs and trying to gather my thoughts.

I never got the chance, because, in an instant, he was back on top of me, but naked. I could feel the tip of his erection dragging along the sensitive flesh between my thighs, and as much as I tried to resist doing so, I couldn’t help but let out yet another whimper for him.

“Oh, good. Please, keep making those delicious noises, pet. I need more,” he said. He leaned down to my ear, in the same position as before, and grabbed my wrists again. “I’ll give you a reason for them right now. But you need to give me all of your pleasure, hm? Be a good girl and do that, my prey.”

He leaned up to study my expression, a sneer crossing his face. Slowly, his pupils expanded so that his eyes were completely pitch black.

The eyes of a predator. He was primal, and beautiful, with perfectly chiseled features and a punk-goth style to boot, perfect for a vampire. Most would swoon before him, and right now, I couldn’t help but join them. Well, squirm and whimper rather than swoon, in this case.

I felt my heartbeat increase, causing him to gasp in excitement. His erection twitched, and I let out a moan.

The vampire couldn’t resist any longer. He leaned down to nibble at my neck again, but this time decided to ever so slowly penetrate me. I let out a hungered cry as he dragged along my inner walls.

In and out, so slowly, not giving me anything at first but incredibly slow movements. I could feel all of him, his girth filling me up, guided by my inner juices and encouraged by the massaging from my inner walls.

While he took me, he continued to lick and kiss gently at my neck, but decided now was the time to strike. Fangs sank deeply into my neck as he continued to violate me in every way I wanted.

The sharp bite of pain caused my body to jolt, and a rumbling chuckle emitted from the pit of his chest. Something deep, ruthless, and a reminder that the person taking me could easily jerk his head up and rip my throat out in an instant.

The opposite happened, of course.

Chemicals flowed through my body as he quickened his movements, moving his body in time with mine. It was sheer, utter ecstasy, and my eyes rolled back as I felt shocks rush through my veins.

I felt as though I was floating, but at the same time, waves of pleasure mercilessly crashed into me, overwhelming all of my senses. I let out a cry as suddenly my body tensed up, releasing as fluid poured out of me, lubricating things even further.

The thing is, the vampire didn’t stop.

He continued, wanting another one, though letting go of my throat for just one moment to encourage me. “I want more. I demand you give me more, gorgeous. MORE.” His voice was a mere growl, dominant, a command that I wasn’t able to resist.

When his fangs return to my neck, I could hear him gulping down my blood, and his movements only intensified.

I needed to obey, and so, I did. More orgasms ripped through my body, one after another as the pain and pleasure overwhelmed me. I writhed beneath him, but he held me there with his strength until he, too, let out a snarl and shook with his own release.

The hand around my wrists tightened significantly, to the point where I was worried about my bones snapping within his grasp. Thank goodness that’s not what happened.

The vampire withdrew from me shortly after, letting go of my throat. His lips still bloody, he planted a gentle kiss on my forehead and leaned into my ear. “Rest. I’ll bring you to the bathroom so you can clean up.”

I was too out of it to pay much attention to my surroundings right now.

The only thing I could remember was that he helped me to the bathroom so I could take care of business and get the bite disinfected as a reinforcer of the natural bacteria-killing chemicals in his saliva. Any extra blood spilled on me, he licked off, which included along my breast, causing me to once again shudder with pleasure.

Moments later, I was in bed with him, wrapped in his arms. I still didn’t know his name. He was ‘the biter’ to me. He certainly seemed to enjoy that bite, yes. That was delicious and lovely, and I drowned in every moment of it. The cuddles were nice, too, and he was warm, dispelling one of the silly myths I heard about his kind before I got here.

About an hour later, I bid him farewell for now, thanking him for the sex. We hadn’t spoken much, though it was just my first day here in the mansion, so I didn’t expect to glean much information.

The vampire himself was exhausted from the ordeal, after all, and so faded to a nap. Admittedly, I really enjoyed how he ran his claws through my hair even after sex; it caused tingles to rush through all sensitive areas of my body.

Ugh, I was wanting more already, but really, needed to keep focus!

I made my way downstairs for a late dinner, looking out a window as I went by. Nearly sunset. I had an hour or so of freedom before I needed to return to my room for the night. That was fine, I supposed.

However, as I walked through the winding halls, I felt someone watching me. Rubbing the back of my neck, I turned my head, trying to catch sight of the culprit.

Yes… there he was.

A male vampire standing at the entrance of a room, presumably his room, with long black hair that fell down his back, some strands covering his face. He had black sclera and deep amber eyes, atypical of vampires, which usually had red.

He definitely was one, though; there were double fangs in that scowl.

There was a choker with spikes around his neck, and he wore a simple torn black T-shirt with dark jeans. The chains on the jeans complemented his outfit, and I caught sight of dark makeup around his eyes. His skin was pale, and his jawline was well-defined.

Definitely a vampire, though, despite the odd eyes. I caught sight of those double fangs when he scowled, and besides, I was told just vampires would be at the mansion. When my eyes met his, he narrowed them and turned, darting back into his room and closing the door.

He was absolutely gorgeous, and the sight of him caused my heart to pound.

Why did he give me that expression, though?

Furrowing my brow, I came to a realization. Perhaps he was part of the mystery as to why my sister had vanished here.

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