

In a world, where the system is beginning to collapse. Yet, many can not see the unseen world that between us, a fight will begin a survival of humankind depends on a few. This future brings a new currency of value. How deep do you want to go in this rabbit whole Alice?

AlainThenor · Thành thị
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1 Chs

Eerie Night

Chapter 1

"Why do we have to stay so long, at this God damn stakeout! Even worst a God forsaken broken down crack house…" Lucas stated, while sipping on his coffee that smell more like Bourbon than black coffee.

A lean dark man, checked his simple plastic watch. The clock read quarter to three in the morning. His eyes were light brown that mixed well with his black skin. He began to lean back and set his sight on the house that was pitch black with a few lights on inside, but the windows were smacked up with rotten wood.

Th old rusty chevy blended well in the backdrop of Chicago's ghetto scene, the neighborhood was quiet as the whistle of wind blew into through the crack window into Detective Tyler Johnston dark face. He began to smell the air and could smell that rain, as it followed this hollow night. The wind blew pass to the passenger seat to the slight lightly over weight Detective Lucas J Smith. Detective Johnston turned his face and began to answer his impatient partner.

"Come on Lucas…This is our job and our work, we get paid for this, I don't we get paid to drinking Bourbon on the clock. Also, I have a feeling about this so-called broken-down crack house, I had feeling from a tip overseas. You know since I was young I traveled a lot; I have a friend who does my intel tracking for any off shore money flow or any weird exchange in bitcoin."

"Ha Ha Ha … Tyler now your blowing smoking up my ass… Ha Ha Ha… That crypto currency can't be trace at any rate."

Rain drops begin touch slowly the window of the old Chevy, and began to make a slight a un ease pattern of beat to the hood of the car add and eerie night tension to this late watch.

"You know why the government made the Dark Web, right?"

"Come on Tyler, you know all I care about are the Cowboys and if I lucky get home to some sex in bed without a bitchy wife… That's all I need to know, the rest is extra, but I know your dying to tell me so go ahead!" said Lucas at the same time opening another small bottle of cheap Burbon.

"Yeah, you and your Cowboys… Anyway, the government set that up to trace all the grimy sinister folks, that during the day time they have a rosy smile and smile of expensive cologne… Bitcoin is the number one funding for terrorism… My brother told me one thing about computer virus, every virus created at the same time has anti-virus created…"

"Yeah… Look at your brother now, mogul to everything he touches damn that guy knows business inside and out, I think we should be working for him Ha Ha Ha. Not going after drug lords in broken shacks. Any way tells me what your intel man found about this special lovely shack, that has our Saturday night under smell of wet trash."

"Your so-called shack, is paid every month on the same date, all utility not missing once its due date in forty-years. A it traces back to a Penthouse in downtown Chicago. If that not red flags then, we have to work for my brother. Ha Ha Ha." Stated Tyler with a smile, showing off his pearl white teeth.

"Hold that thought Ty, there is black car rolling up here from our six, get down!"

A smooth black ride slowly passed the Chevy all black, down to the rim, it slick look made the night dizzying rain roll off it like, the car was blessed by a higher power that the element couldn't even touch it. The car lights passed by the Chevy and went to a rolling stop in front of the haunting house that for some reason had a green porch light in front.

"That's the new Hybrid Mercedes not even out now, saw at the Detroit expo on the internet. What the Hell? It so black can't even see jack inside at any level…"

"Ha Ha… Yeah, hell that not even legal even in the military…" Lucas mumbles and began sipping away at his cup, not paying too much mind to the car, followed by a chuckle.

With a quick motion that Tyler could not see well, three duffle bags, it was off beat speed… A glimpse of two bags to the trunk and one to the back seat, he had to rub his eye the speed was almost like rewritten program, that has been played on repeat for many times to get in that pace. The two Caucasians stood as statue in with the same speed were in the house.

"What the fuck did I just see, man I need glass or something. Could barely see the exchange, I'm getting too old for this shit." Tyler murmured as he robbed his even more.

The car did not even make a decimal of sound at it smoothly went up the narrow street of the ghetto. Riddle with trash and no grass, a warzone between rival gang over some new style of music.

Detective Johnston began to tail from a distant and he seem to notice that trees began to form a cave like atmosphere, Tyler kept his distance not to spook the Hybrid tech car.

"Hey Tyler, lets lay low and call back to the house, that were the exchange was made, plus we don't even have a warrant or cause to stop that car."

"Lucas we known each other for fifteen years and we been rolling with the punches for ten years, now the run the plates."

The slow coasting riding of the Mercedes, made Tyler feel unease. Catching Lucas reach for an old water bottle from the ground, he began to drink it down like he ran a 10k.

"The car is clean, it belongs to a Logan Mitchel, no prior… No nothing. It going to be a hard to have a case to pull over, and not knowing what in the duffle bags makes everything worst. Could be mafia money, and I don't roll to that zone. They got all the state on lock. Even the politicians"

The chevy old school round police light broke the deadly silent of this unholy night. At that moment Detective Lucas J Smith, back up cell went off.

"Damn, a text from my wife, shit now I know I'm in the shits."

"Be cool Lucas we did stops like this thousands of times, and we do have cause those tinted window is illegal, will do it by the book; nice and easy."

"Did you bring your vest?" Lucas asks nervously.

"You know my police style; I went all my life because I don't live by the gun. I never even pointed at anyone, after all the shit we been through there is always a way out everything with the right codes of words. SH… Haven't even killed anybody, If I wear a vest I'm asking to get shot.

"Hold up the car actually stop and turn the caution lights on" Lucas said in a dark tone.

"Stay in the car, going to get my gun. Damn, I never wanted to take it out but let be ready for anything. Let be on point, I'll be right back.''

Tyler moves in a steady pace to the trunk and pop the trunk open, while open he felt the slight drizzle on his face, it reminded of all the time he spent In England but he look a little higher. A reddish moon loom of over the whole scene, giving a light of crimson night, the shadows seem to move and unnaturally way. After he was done he put on his old blazer slam the trunk and made his way through cold air… The drizzle and cold air made the night air fresh and clean. Detective Johnston tap the old chevy three time signally Detective to watch his six.

After the last tap of the hood. It began to pour down harder and harder, adding hard drumming soundtrack, to each step he made to the Hybrid Mercedes with caution light pulsing like a dying heart. He was extra cautious, he was taught himself to prepared for whatever, especially like simple stops like this. But the rain made the filled with a sense of death. His sense where heighten and moved at turtle pace.

The pure black window slowly rolled down with no sound down.

"Hands out of the window, please?" Tyler said in calm form as his face began to be drench with water.

Two pale white hands came slowly out, he notices that both wrists had bright watch one gold and the other platinum that played with police lights.

"Nice night for a stop, right officers? May I help you young fellas, I'm just a simple citizen who knows that he cannot move passed the law."

Tyler was close enough to see his crystal blue eyes and slick blond hair with a nice black suit, that made his pure blue eyes pierce his soul to his heart, he felt unease with his look… It just felt wrong…

Detective Johnston, flashed his badge and stated to unlock the car.

"I guess you're an honorable police officer, and you have a warrant to search my car, but what the Hell I have nothing to hide; so… your more than welcome to search with all your heart." With a tap of a fingers the doors unlocked in the Mercedes, and back door open automatically.

"Watch my six Lucas," Tyler yelled backed, as rain began enter his mouth.

Lucas moves slowly at a distance to his side and was off his six. Reddish moon cover faced, giving him a look of man that was ready to complete his mission.

Tyler looked into a luxurious car that smelled fresh and clean, as if it just came from display, he saw the big duffle bag in the middle. A riddle to his eyes, he looked back to Lucas who was in the shadow, and the driver did not move. The driver was in the same position with his hands out like a cold stone statue. His hand slowly unzipped the bag.

"Jesus Christ…" Tyler gasp… As tears began to form in his eyes.

Half open bag gave way to a thin and bone girl of five years age, almost a skeleton and her skin was yellow, long blond hair…He reach to her wrist still a pulse, as he zips more he saw IV bag filled with blue substance… Unzipping the bag he notices that both her achilleas tendon were cut, and her veins were shining a bright blue… He hurried to pull her out.

"Lucas I nee…"

Four shots at point blank hit him in the back, causing to collapse on the car and slide out of the car, darkness began to fade and he reach out for the young girl with fresh tears in his eyes. And then the death abyss covered his eyes…