
Cultivation With a System in the Morden World

Out of all the people in the world why did I get selected for the System. Danial Crawford a simple collage going student suddenly got the System while he was playing games. The seems to be very powerful and it choose Danial because he was 100% compatible with the System itself. Were there other System users and what would happen if one day I met one of them. The only thing is that the System requires Danial to get stronger and stronger no matter what the consequences are. And the System seems to be hiding something its True Purpose. If Danial wants to know the secrets of the System he needs to get stronger. But his life takes strange turns due to the System itsefl.

YuKy_Man · Kỳ huyễn
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42 Chs


I dropped Dorothy off and started going to my home. I sensed that several martial Artist was following me and the highest cultivation within them was a beginner Master level cultivation started going in a circle. The Martial artist following me didn't stop following me and kept going after me in circles I frowned and thought" if I go home they will find the location of my house "

So I abruptly stopped and looked at the shadows and said " Show yourself I know that all of you are following me so we better settle this here and now "

Suddenly the five people that were hiding came out of the shadows and formed a circle around me.

All of the energy started circulating as I was prepared for anything. As my energy started surging people waved his hand and said calmly " Slow down kid we are not here to harm you ."

My energy calmed down but I still didn't relax and kept my eyes on all of them.

The person who waved his hand said " My name is Marshal Barns and we are from the Somerland LawEnforcers

"Somerland LawEnforcers? I have never heard of you and by the looks of it it's a Martial arts organization?."

Barns explained, "Somerland LawEnforcers is a government-funded organization where the motive is to protect Somerland from fights between Martial artists like you and keep the citizens safe."

I was embarrassed because I knew they were here because of me since I damaged a lot of public properties using the Dragons Roar.

Marshal Barns continued, " You violated the rules made by the Somerland LawInforcer organization and for that we need you to cooperate and follow us."

I was stunned and replied "I did what I did because of self-protection or whatever you can call it.

Also, I never initiated the fight."

Barns frowned and said with a stern voice " You will have to come with us for investigation for 2 reasons the first is that you used a high level of skill in the open where even citizens can be injured or even killed. The second reason is that at such a young age you were able to use a high-level skill effortlessly which amazes us and also I cannot read your cultivation level."

I frowned and said, "What If I refuse?"

Marshal Barns then said, " Then we will be forced to take you ."

I took a stance and this time I released all of my energy and aura of a Third Stage peak Mortal level cultivation descended on them.

Marshal Barns and his associates were defending with all their might and one after the another they fell on the floor while Marshal Barns remained unaffected. I was not surprised since Marshal Barns was Already a Master level cultivator.

When I Saw Marshal Barns's expression I was confused and thought " why does he look excited and happy? That doesn't make any sense "

Marshal Barns seemed excited and looked like his smile would tear his face.

I heard then Marshal Barns saying "The Absolute Peak of Mortal Level Cultivation how It's amazing... No .... He's a freak, a Monster."

I was confused and just as I was about to attack he stopped me and said " No need to attack your free for now ."

I was stunned and looked at Marhsal Barns and asked him " Why the sudden change in attitude."

Marshal Barns ignored my question and asked "Who is your Master boy and where does he live ."

I thought for a While and said " I don't have a Master."

Marshal Barns was horrified and he said " How did you achieve such a level without a Master ."

I answered, " I just trained and it happened I don't know ."

Obviously, I couldn't tell them that I have a System and it helped me reach where I am.

Marshal Barns's mouth dropped to the ground and said excitedly " We could use talents as you would you like you join our organization ."

I thought I heard wrong and asked " You want ms to join your organization ?."

Marshal Barns replied, " We will train you and you can become the Strongest Martial artist there is ."

I was tempted, Being the strongest is the title that every Martial Artist wants. In a society where strength is ranked above everything, this title is a paradise to others.

I said to the Marshal "I am not sure I need to think about it."

The Marshal nodded vigorously and said, " Okay we can give you a week and no more than that ."

I nodded and then proceeded to leave while the Marshal and his associates left.

I went home and realized what was about to befall me. I gulped and entered the house.

To my surprise, no one was waiting for me so I took the opportunity and went into my room silently and closed the door.

I turned around and saw something that will haunt me for the rest of my life. My mother was sitting on the bed with a belt in her hand.

She stared at me like she was staring through my soul.

She asked softly "Care to explain where were you Danial my love ."

I panicked and said, " No mom wait a min I can explain ."

She said while standing up " oops times up ."

She kept walking towards me and I kept backing up until my back hit the door.

I thought to myself " I should have come home sooner."


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