
Crystal Ball Dimension

The Dimensional Crystal Ball is a special crystal ball that resides in the Demon Kingdom. The Dimensional Crystal Ball was the manifestation of the all-powerful Demon Lord. The purple crystal ball can take its owner to time travel and can only be used by the possessor of the Special Blood and the direct descendant of the Demon King. *** Living with 3 fathers with a variety of different personalities. This is what experienced this handsome teenager in the early 15 years. Joon is actually happy, but he feels the need to also know his true identity. The journey of a little naughty teenager, Arjuna Raizaski aka Joon, looks for his true identity. Sudenly, someone said that Joon was not a completed human. That makes Joon even more eager to find his true identity. Is it true that Joon is not an ordinary human? Then, in the midst of confusion over his identity, Joon finds a purple Crystal Ball. The Crystal Ball turns out to be taking Joon to time travel. This is Joon's adventure with his friends *** Miryu is Joon's cousin, who is going on a time trip with Joon. Miryu took a small bottle from under his cloak, Joon's blood that he had prepared earlier. Miryu also bit her index finger. He mixed his blood with Joon's blood earlier. He had read this before in one of the books in the library of the Dewar Clan's Castle, how to use the 'magic crystal ball'. A few drops of Joon's Pure Blood and Miryu's Satan's Blood, fell right on top of the purple glowing crystal ball. The crystal ball floated in the air. The purplish light grew brighter until it blinded Miryu and Queen Celaina. The light had swallowed Miryu and Celaina into it. They disappeared with the disappearance of the purple light earlier. Quiet and dark. The room was silent and empty again. *** "Lizen, watch out!" I shouted when I saw Ryujin behind Lizen. Lizen turned around. Ryujin gripped Lizen's arms. His sharp eyes shone directly into Lizen's silver eyes. I don't know what Ryujin is doing right now. What is certain is that after ten minutes they stared at each other, suddenly Lizen's body relaxed. Lizen falls to the floor. Did he just get hypnotized? Ryujin grabbed Lizen's forehead. Lizen's body gave off a silvery white mist. The fog grew more and more slowly and slowly left Lizen's body. It's been a few minutes, the fog has thinned and is now gone. Surprisingly, Lizen's silver hair turned black as the mist from his body disappeared. Now Lizen's black hair covers his face. I could no longer see Lizen's handsome face. Is he dead? "Stupid Lizen! I have taken your power. After this, you will become a lowly creature called a human. Hahaha, I have been waiting for this for a long time, Lizen. But take it easy, my brother! Someday I will restore your strength for one purpose only, to kill your own child. Buwahahah ...." Ryujin laughed like crazy. "Are you making fun of me, Human?" I flinched when Ryujin shouted like that. Can he read my mind? With a terrible grin, he came up to me. I continued to take a few steps back. "Don't kill me, Uncle!" I said, stammering. Swoosshh! Ryujin swung his sword in the air and aimed it right at my neck. ____________ Visuals and spoilers can be seen at IG: @mamathor_joon FB: Zanaka Sofia Maurya

Zanaka · Kỳ huyễn
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29 Chs

Uncle Crow

"I need your help, Uncle." Miryu said seriously. He really wanted to find the truth right now. Miryu's argument with his father yesterday made Miryu even more determined to find the truth on his own.

Ah, yes, Miryu forgot something. He will also invite Joon if Miryu has confirmed whether the place is safe or not for them to visit. For some reason, Miryu is currently on Joon's mind. What's that friend doing, huh? If you don't eat, you must sleep. Miryu felt jealous. He longed to enjoy his normal life as before he knew, that he had a quarter of the blood of a demon.

"So, Uncle Crow wants to help me?" Miryu repeated her request.

"Of course, Mister Mir. What do you want from the servant?"

The crow knelt before Miryu again.

"Take me to a place that holds the magic crystal ball, Uncle!" said Miryu softly. Every now and then he brushed his hair that covered his eyes because of the wind.

Uncle Crow immediately jumped at Miryu's request. No one had ever known about it before. Even if they knew, how could anyone dare to take the crystal ball? thought the Crow.

"B-but... th-that's a dangerous place, Mister Mir. T-that crystal ball is in enemy territory."

Uncle Crow trembled even more at the order Miryu had just asked. What an impossible command.

Miryu raised her sword in the air. Said the sword gleamed in the reddish light of the moon. Miryu held the tip of the blade with her left hand.

"I'm sure, my sword is sharper than father's sword. Hmm ... how long does it take to cut the head of a traitor crow, huh? Or can it be from a distance like this?" Miryu raised her sword in the air, about to scatter the head of the innocent crow.

"W-alright, Mister Mir! I-I-I'll take you to the border. B-but don't tell His Highness Ryujin," said Uncle Crow, pleading.

"Can be considered," said Miryu casually. He removed his sword with one slap.

Uncle Crow pointed the way to Miryu. Entering the misty forest. A purplish-colored mist enveloped the entire forest, greatly disturbing the view. However, it only took one puff for Miryu to dispel the mist.

Uncle Crow could only be flabbergasted at Miryu's increasing abilities.

Uncle Crow still remembered when Miryu first came to the Underworld a few years ago. At that time Miryu's body was very short and his face was very innocent. Miryu even cried because he was lost in his own palace. Uncle Crow did not think that his master was now a teenager.

Uncle Crow was still leading the way, to show the way.

Every time Miryu took a step, all the forest creatures stepped aside. As if they already knew, the master would pass through this forest.

"Don't we need to bring troops, Master Mir?" asked Uncle Crow who was still walking

in front of Miryu.