
Cruising through movie worlds

"So, that's how my life ends, what a waste of time it was....." a young para special forces soldier mutters as he lied in the puddle of his own blood, finally coming to terms that the glory and purpose for which he have strived for his whole life held no meaning in the grand scheme of things, he had just become stats, data alongside many other of the honourable soldiers who are lying dead around him ,had died in the past, or will continue to do so in the near future. he once held the belief that joining army will give him a purposeful life, honor to upheld to, and people to protect but really who was he really protecting, the interest of the greedy politicians of both sides who will call war on a whim and settle by reaching treaty when their personal and political interests are met, huh how incredibly foolish he was....he wished he was more selfish....

atem_pandemonium7 · Phim ảnh
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7 Chs

The end.....or the beginning

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i died

but death should mean the end of consciousness..the state of not existing but why am i still conscious, i can't see or feel anything but their is a feeling of drifting slowly without any form of resistance from the surrounding...had my loneliness followed me to my afterlife too..

If i had to sum up my life it would look like a tale of misfortune and dissatisfaction, I was born in a poverty ridden village in Uttar pradesh , my parents died when i was just a child, leaving me orphaned and alone in a world where survival was a daily struggle. With no one to look after me, i was forced to fend for myself from a tender age, scavenging for food and shelter in the streets.

despite my dire circumstances i did possessed a unique gift, a unique gift in the form of desire determination to persevere against all odds. I used to do meneal jobs throughout the day to sponsor my studies in the nearby government school, I understood that education was my ticket out of poverty, and i worked tirelessly, often studying by the dim light of a kerosene lamp, to excel in school. All was going well till i reached class 10th and as there were no provision for further studies than this in the government school ,i was once again left directionless and struck with misfortune but fortunately my dedication and perseverance caught the attention of a local teacher, who recognized my potential and helped me secure a scholarship to continue my studies.

 academic achievements opened doors to opportunities i never thought possible. Through sheer grit and determination, i managed to complete my schooling and gain admission to a prestigious military academy. The rigorous training tested my physical and mental strength, but i refused to be deterred. i pushed himself harder than ever before, drawing upon the resilience and resourcefulness i had cultivated during his years of hardship.

Despite facing numerous challenges and obstacles along the way, i emerged victorious, graduating from the academy with top honors. my exceptional leadership skills, strategic acumen, and unwavering commitment to duty caught the eye of his superiors, who recognized his potential for greatness.

one of the commendations included enrollment in the para special military forces.. i still remember and concur to this day that it's training was harder than anything i have done in my whole life but as always i persevered through it too, but it was at this time that i started questioning the reason behind all my actions why i tray so hard, what do i truly desire, is it love that i crave if so than why i still remain unmarried in late 30's.. at first i believed it was glory and honor that i desire which i had found in the army but as i lay in the puddle of my own blood, i find myself question the beliefs that i always upheld to.. there is no glory in a meaningless death, it would have been meaningful if my death would have achieved something but there's is nothing to achieve in wars fought over the political and personal interest of those in power, who call war on a whim and call it off when their agendas are met.. every dead soldier in past, future or my own comrades who had perished alongside me had gone on to become mere statistics of loss after few days of mourning.. i remember some vivid instances from my childhood ,when starving i used to watch children who had their parents to provide for them only because of the so called whims of destiny for being born in that circumstances.

i used to be jealous of them but soon i realized they too are not the anchor of their own destiny but in the whims of forces of power in the form of parents, sometimes their teacher, when commiting crime police and other.. we live in a time where being controlled is seemed virtuous and civilized while being free means a object of disorder and barbaric..

I too have spent my whole life adhering to the societal norms, conforming to the order to try to fit in. But at my death bed i did realized that ,that's not what i wanted, that's not what my soul desired.. If i had to quote the event which had led to me being the way i am, it would be that day when i first saw the birds soaring in the sky...if i have to say i was not envious it would be a huge lie. They were so free unrestrained by any tangible things like land and water and intangible things like societal norms, principles, cultural values etc , They had the whole sky to conquer.

i wish i could have lived my life the same way, haha but what's the use of regretting my past it's not like i can change it.


i don't know how much time had passed days,years,100 years , there is no concept or sense of time in this space or more specifically void, i don't know how long i have been drifting and how more i would continue to do...

WAIT...is that light.. it do looks like it but it so far ahead i am enable to clearly.....oh it's growing, am i moving closer to it...wait how can i still see..



HUH.. what is that glowing thing...is it a soul.. but it isn't supposed to be here.. had it flown out of the river of samsara...but that isn't possible according to the divine rules.. let's first bring it here, lest it travels into nothingness.



i found myself sitting in a chair with white unending walls surrounding myself from all sides.. wait how can i sit.. i scanned my body or what i assumed it to be, it is made of translucent light which had binded together to take the shape of a human body.. suddenly i sensed something sitting in the chair in front of me, i cautiously looked up and found that the light had converged and taken the visage of an old man, i asked the question despite deep inside knowing the answer myself.

"who are you, are you god"

The old men looked at me inquisitively " can't you see i'm just an old men in his last leg"

I deadpanned, or with whatever expression i can make close to it with this translucent face i looked at him

"hahahahah...this is the first time i have seen a mere mortal giving me that look, well i suppose i am what you infer as a god" the old men replied while jeering.

so is it like the scenerios like those fanfictions where an rob reincarnates people with superpower.?

"no i'm not an rob and this type of case doesn't usually happen you're an anomaly, you were supposed to be judged in the samsara based on your fate value and after that you would have been reincarnated in your world with your memories wiped out" The old men answered amused.

i was disappointed, but asked the most important question " will i be reincarnated i my own world, and please can i keep my memories" i begged i didn't want to lose my memory because according to me without that i would not be the me as i am right now, i will lose my essence.

"No unfortunately not ,once exempted from the river of samsara one cannot reincarnate in their same world" the old men answered plainly.

I answered lost " so this is it..is this the end this time"

" heh don't be sentimental kid i can give you the option to be reincarnated in any of the fictional world, and i know for a fact that you were quite fond of watching movies in your past lives"

I was annoyed to say the least " couldn't you said about that earlier instead of circumventing around"

"hmm.. you didn't asked ,and there's one catch you can't select the world you will travel to it will be random"

i was overjoyed with realization that i will get the second chance at life to correct all the misjudgements and live on my own accord " that's not the issue, will i be getting the wishes too?"

" hmm.. In a world where people lift cars and punch through walls it would be unfair to you, not give you something special"

i asked the most important question in the mind of any reincarnator " how many wishes will i get and can select the background"

"you will be getting 2 wishes apart from that and you can also select your background, and be aware no to ask something too much overpowered it would be unfair to the people of that world"

I chuckled, two wishes would be more than enough for me, i started pondering over the wishes........

Okay," for my background i would like to be orphan, with inheritance of about 500m$ in assets left behind by my parents and a loyal butler ,i would also like for the memory to be sealed away till i become 10 years old .

1.for my 1st wish i would like to have peak talent{in respect to the transmigrated world) in fighting,artistic,cooking,sexual,scientific areas, i would also like to have a body with genetics of peak human{in respect to the transmigrated world)

2. for my 2nd wish i would like to have a system with no other function than to view status of myself and other it will not in any way assist me in learning any skills.(it too will be sealed away till i reach)"

" That's some intelligent choice of wishes, being useful while not being overbearing, and considering your awful past experience i can grant it" the old men was somewhat impressed by the young soul.

" Thank you, you don't know how much weigh this opportunity that you have given me hold for me, i was not much of a devotee but i promise to pray to you daily" i said sincerely

"There is no need for that child, just live your life as your soul truly desires,now off you go, by blessing is with you"

I was sucked into a vaccum the last thing i saw was his smiling visage fade away into lights...


comment your suggestions and thoughts about the story.. thank you

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