

I was sure I was not hearing him right, like yes, we have been dating for merely a year, but this was too unexpected for him to do this.

"Carl, can you please repeat what you just said."

"Well, like I said, I don't think we should continue with this relationship anymore as you seem to not want me to sleep with other girls" he said, noting to repeat the crap he had said.

"So, because I refuse to let you cheat on me, you want to break-up?" I ask yet again.

"Yes, you know my boss is thee Heath Theodore Duncan, the biggest playboy in the world, and you want me not to be as cool as him."

He continues to say utter nonsense. Of course, I know who his boss is, with the connection I have as one of the best assistants in the country, I had my boss talk to his new boss to get him this job. Ugh, sometimes you should be careful of whom you use nepotism.

"And you think because you are a mere assistant to Heath Theodore Duncan, you deserve to have the same lifestyle as him?" I said, almost biting my lips off with anger.

"Of course, I need to at least be on the same level as my boss," he arrogantly says, "have you seen the women that come out of his office? He is a true God."

I took a few breaths before I could even continue, like I was hurt that he broke up with me, but it is the absurdity of the reason that makes me angrier.

"If that is what you want, then let us break up." I said calmly, cursing Heath Duncan for being a bad influence.

"That was easier than I thought" he says, almost sounding sad. Yesterday Mr. Duncan broke up with this girl and she cried her eyes out, she even knelt on the ground for him to take her back."

"Your point is?" I asked angrily. How dare he give me this dumb scenario? What am I supposed to do with it?

"Well, I want you to show some emotions. The girl was just a one-night stand. You were my girlfriend for almost a year."

"You want me to show emotions, huh?" I asked sarcastically, and as dumb as this man is, he nodded. And that is what I did, showed him my emotions, with my fists.

[The next morning]


"Miss Fiona Lennon, you have made bail."

Did I get arrested for beating his *ss up? Yes, do I care? Not in the slightest. Well, if it were up to me, I would have beat up Heath Theodore Duncan's *ss too.

My black dress which I had worn for our date had torn a little, but it was covering me, I no longer had shoes on, yeah, I lost them.

"Really Fee? Domestic violence?"

My best friend, Clover Easton, wife to one of the richest men in the country, and my boss, Gian Easton, my perfect knight. When the police arrived at the scene of the crime, I did not stop beating him up because I knew my four-leaf clover would save me.

"Oh Clover, thank you so much."

I tried to launch her for a hug and I was rudely stopped, maybe it is because of the stench of the jail cell since I stayed overnight.

"You have a lot of explaining to do, you know I had to lie to Gian about why you are not coming to work." She says angrily.

"Sorry, I will tell you what happens when I get a shower, I promise."

"Ah…" I bumped into a human wall while Clover and I were about to leave the police station.

"Sorry love wasn't looking where I was going."

Ugh, I am going to be jailed forever now, because behold, the very person I vowed to beat just fell on my lap. I glare at Heath Theodore Duncan, the very reason my boyfriend broke up with me, the influential playboy who makes dumb men like Carl aspire to be him.

"Um…. Mr. Duncan, you should not worry, Fiona does not mind, right Fee?" Clover says anxiously, she had given me the 'do not start trouble' look. I could only make a fake smile.

"Of course, Mr. Duncan need not apologize. I wasn't looking where I was going either."

"Is that so?" he raises his eyebrows as he says sarcastically, "nice to see you Mrs. Easton, what brings you here?" he asked politely, smiling at Clover.

"Oh, my friend got into a little trouble with the law, so I came to rescue her. What about yourself?"

"Well, my assistant is the same. Apparently he got attacked last night and doesn't know anyone who could help, so here I am."

Clover had double taken what Heath had said before looking at me with the most disappointed look I had ever seen. Yes, she is about to rip me apart when we get home.

"How unfortunate, I hope they didn't kill him." I said sarcastically, "Oh well, Mr. Duncan may excuse us; we have places to be."

"Hm... like the shower?" he asks jokingly, making me fold my hands into fists. How dare he ruin my night and mock me in the same week. But Clover had started laughing to ease the tension, before saying, "Yes, she needs one. Excuse us."

Our drive home had felt like the times I had been suspended at school and my mother would be mad at me being suspended and I would be so embarrassed.

As I showered to get to work for the afternoon meeting, I caught Clover up to what really happened to me last night and why she had to spend 1000 $ on bail.

"Wait, is it why you were so condescending towards Mr. Duncan?" Clover said on the floor, crying with laughter.

"It is not funny Clover, he told me to 'show some emotions'. Can you believe the audacity of that man?"

Clover continues to laugh at my misfortunes as I get ready to go to work before Gian Easton fires me, unlikely since he was my friend's husband, but better safe than sorry.

"Sorry my friend, he is a jerk, he doesn't deserve you."

"Yeah, seems like my relationship ended in the most climatic way," I said sadly. Well, I have been dumped so many times I lost count. I was hexed when it came to relationships. I know that much.

"Well, this is the first time you got arrested though, a criminal record, just because he asked you to be emotional." Clover burst into another infectious laughter. I myself could not help but laugh. That was pretty dumb, wasn't it? Arrested for such an undeserving man.

Clover drives me to the office soon after I dress up for work, in a classic two-piece skit suit with a white shirt and small heels and had my hair slicked back. The classic assistant fit.

"Good afternoon, Jed." I greeted the receptionist as I rushed to the boardroom, so I was not late for the meeting. I was unable to hear his response because of the speed I was going.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Easton, I am so sorry I am late. I had a prior engagement."

I meet my boss in the boardroom and, behold, the most infuriating man is here too, Heath Theodore Duncan, and with him is the dumb Carl Coon.

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