
The Royal Family of Giyeondo Kingdom

During the ruling of King Jeon Hanhwa, there was many outbreaks of war. He was soon overthrown and killed by an enemy kingdom's assassin.So the king's son named Jeon Dangjo had his coronation immediately. He worked endless days and nights with the military general to come up with plans for the last final attack before surrendering. They decided to capture the enemy kingdom's daughter; who was heir to their throne. They would keep her hostage while attacking the people on guard during that day. They kept her captive for about 3 years until the kingdoms negotiated. The deal would be for them to join military forces whenever war struck again. A few years later, King Jeon Dangjo found himself a wife and married. They soon had a baby boy born under the name Jeon Jungkook. They wanted to make sure that if they ever do pass away, their only son would be the best king. They found a witch that would tell them the fate of their son. Deep into the Jiyo forest was the witch's hut. The King, queen and young Jungkook came on horseback and arrived. When they entered the house, they were fascinated by all of the the things she had inside. There was a big calderon in the middle of the room and along the walls was shelves full of plants and jars. She quickly urged them not to touch anything around them when they entered. When his parents had told the witch of them wanting to know what awaits their son in the future, the witch took a hair from him and threw it into the calderon boiling with something in it. His parents let him go because he would not stay still. Since Jungkook was only about 2 years old, he was very curious about where he was. He saw many things that were shiny so he slowly stubbled over. He found many silver jewelry and decided to pull them down. As he was rummaging around the witch's hut, the witch told his parents what fate was awaiting his son's future.

"He will become the most successful king ever. He will be loved by all citizens. He will fix every problem that arises. You will be very proud of him when he becomes a king. I see that he will be very happy to rule his kingdom". The boiling calderon had settled down just as she just finished speaking.

"Thank you so much for letting us find out our son's fate. Is there anyways we can repay you"? The witch's hand stroked her chin in a very micheviously.

"I know it's not a big gesture but would you mind choosing one of my products to have. But I would like your child to choose what he wants". She showed her jagged and broken teeth as she tried to smile.

"Sure. He can choose anything correct"?

"Yes he can. In fact I think he already found something he likes." She pointed to Jungkook sitting on the floor playing with the necklace he found. Her long finger looked like a dead tree's branch. She started to walk toward Jungkook but his mother quickly approached him and swiftly picked him up.

"We will take that necklace. How much would you like for it"? His father took out a bag full of coins and started rummaging in it.

"No charge for it. I'm just glad he found something he likes". She gestured the family to the door and opened the door.

"Thank you for coming. Beware that my prediction for it may be changed".

"What were you say-". As the king turned around, they were left in the middle of the forest but the witch hut wasn't there anymore. They grew suspicious about what had happened and decided to head back to the castle. When they made it back to the castle, Jungkook was crying so loudly and he wouldn't stop.

"Should we put him to bed"? The queen was still trying to quiet him but it didn't work. Her husband gave a nod and she walks up the stairs towards Jungkook's room. She out him in his bed and he slowly started to feel tired and quieted down. He did grabby hands toward his mother but she didn't know what he wanted.

"Oh, do you want your necklace"?. She pulled it out of her pocket and handed her son the shiny accessory.

"Don't put it in your mouth. I don't want you to choke on it. You know what, you would look cute with this on". She pulled him out of his crib to out him on her lap. She put the chain over his head and centered the pendant.

"You look so handsome, my son. But you should get some sleep". She took the necklace off him and laid him down once again.

"Sleep well my prince". As his mother left the room, Jungkook slowly drifted to sleep. His mother went down the stairs to the main room but didn't find her husband there at all. She decided to check if he was in his room or the library so she first headed to the library. She found him there surrounded by many books and maps. He always spent the most time finding different military strategies in case anything happened.

"Dangjo, you shouldn't overwork yourself. Get some rest". She patted his shoulder and he looked up at his wife.

"Thank you for caring for me, Sooya. But I have to have different strategies to teach Jungkook when the time comes". He got up from his chair and headed for the large window faced the town full of bustling people and shop owners.

"I know that after we have heard what will happen with him, you'll want to do everything you can. But it's his fate so we don't have to go overboard with it".

"You're right. We'll just have to sit until the time comes for him to become king. It feels so far away but it'll come in a breeze".

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