
Mission on History

Chapter 4: A Mission on History

[The Beginning Arc]


Once the giant and enormous double doors opened, they entered the large double doors and was immediately greeted by the floating thrones of our parents and the rulers of the Rainbow Kingdom. Also the founder of Rainbow Academy.

They were surprised and amazed when suddenly, one by one, the thrones lined up in front of them. Then, Saya's Father, the Red Rose King stood up and we curtsied in acknowledgement of his presence.

"Children." He said in a booming voice, loud and clear. "You probably know why we called you here." Saya and the others nodded their heads in reply. It must be about the accident earlier.

"First off, there is something we would want you to know." The Red Rose Queen said. "For hundreds of years, the Rose and Rainbow Kingdoms were the ones who guided and took care of the Cosmos. We were the ones who maintained balance and peace but only one was able to single handedly, almost defeat us."

At the mention of that story, the hairs on the back of Saya's head immediately rose. She didn't know why but every time that story was told, that's the immediate reaction of her body. Like something's telling her to be wary.

"Rose Reaper." her cousin Sumire said.

Ugh. That just made her goosebumps worse.

"Yes. That's right." Saya's mother replied.

"If you may your highness, what has that got to do with us?" Kiede asked.

Hmm... that kinda makes sense.

"Well, I'll just go straight to the point." Saya's mother said. Then, she cleared her throat.

"As we speak, Rose Reaper is now on the move in destroying realms. And it is now your job to pursue and capture her. Dead or alive. All your years of training is for this purpose." she continued.

Now they knew all the training they had since childhood was usefull after all.

"Now all of you, bow." This time, the Red King of the Rainbow Kingdom spoke. They did as he said and bowed.

Suddenly, sparkles engulfed the Rose Princesses while the princes just stood and watched with a smile. They already experienced this sort of initiation earlier.

Saya and the her cousins originally had pure silver wings being dominion angels but now, they turned into wings with their kingdom's color.

Saya with pinkish wings loosely wrapped with silver bandages that seemed to float as they wrapped around her wings while the silver and red armor she wore changed into a flowy bright red dress with golden rose embroideries and her arms and feet wrapped in silver bandages. It didn't take long for her to realize the material used was the very rare and very difficult to find material, the Ghost thread.

The Ghost thread can only be found in the realm of Death and Darkness, Xhorina. It came from a very rare flower called the Ghost flower, which only grows in areas where a thousand lives had perished. And only one flower grows in each thousand. It is normally a gorgeous shade of red but the rarest colored ones are silver.

Materials used from the Ghost thread is extreme fire and cold resistant. It was also said to be a hundred times tougher than oridnary armor and is extremely light and has a fluffy yet flowy texture that it can be made into a dress.

The twin double-edged swords she usually used changed as well. They were now also wrapped with the same material as the bandages on her arms and feet and visbly tougher than her previous swords. She was quite surprised that the material her sword was made was in fact made from Xhorina's Diethe. A metal only found in the deepest part of the realm. The one she was holding was one off the purest one she's seen for it was pure blinding. Buch blinding than pure steel, capable of turning anyone into ash. It was also a material with seemingly thoughts of it's own. It will only turn enemies to dust but even if you accidentally cut your allies, it will do nothing except cut them normally.

Sumire's wings changed from silver into very subtle aquamarine colored wings with seemingly streacks of galaxy like colored clouds circled and wrapped floatingly on them. Her dress was a body fitting gradient silk dress starting with purple on the top half eventually turning aquamarine at the bottom ending at her ankles with slits on both sides. The dress also had silver emroideries of the galaxy at the bottom it seemed real. She also had purple colored knee length shorts underneath with a belt to store her whip at her hips.

The dress was made with silk thread made from the realm of Dreams, Ytheria called the Oceana Galax . It was the thread found on the magical oceans in Ytheria. The silk was as well stronger than ordinary armor and also extremely fire resistant and creates an air barier when a person is submerged under water. The threads itself was only in four colors. Aqumarine, purple, deep blue and silver.

The usual whip that she had was also changed. The usual whip made from back obsidian was now completely the color of a mysterious mix of black and blue. It was only then that she realized that they were from the Memory Trees of Hellion, the trees capable of trapping you inside a very powerful illusion.

Kiede's wings were now a slight wash of the icy color blue with tendrils of ice wrapped floatingly around it. She was wearing an ankle length dress with a slit on both sides similar to Sumire. It was made from the Everlasting Ice Silk that made her every move feel like she was gliding. The icy blue color reeked aura of an eternity of winter and chill.

It was said that any garment made from the Everlasting Ice Silk were inpenatetrable while also extremely fire and ice resistant. They were also extremely rare as they are created scattered in the dunes of time in the realm of time itself, Relozx.

The spear she held earlier was now made from Immortal Ice, an unusual ice that can't be melted just by anyone. Immortal Ice was one of the rarest of rare and one of the most powerful materials in the entire Cosmos. It was said that it was only found in the realm of time, Reloxz. One might say, it seemed easy but in actuality, it was really difficult. You had to face the snakes of the Past, the enmity wisps of the present and the Uncertain Sands of the Future if you wish to attain even the smallest bit but first, you have to alive in that realm. Much less find the Immortal Ice. But more that, you must have the ability to hold the ice itself. But still it wasn't impossible to achieve, just really and definitely hard. But being the next heir of the Blue Rose Kingdom, it was naturally easy for her.

Rinne's wings was now a faint color of yellow with slight gold shimmers dancing around the feathers. She wore a bright yellow knee length dress with a slightly darker shade of yellow rose embroideries made from the Light Essence silk threads from the realm of light, Lethellis.

Light Essense silk threads were extracted from a flower called Hikari-no-hana that means 'Flower of Light'. Which only grew in extremely highly elevated yet perilous places where it gets a lot of sunlight. It also caried a pure aura and was capable of clearing away impurities and the garments made from its thread was stonger than oridinary armor.

Her double edged swords where made from Lieghtte, a metal found only in Lethellis consisting of purely light energy.

Urika's wings were a very light shade of emerald green with vines wrapping around them floatingly. She wore a green coctail dress that glides over like satin with embroideries of dark green roses. The dress itself was made from Evergreen Rose thread. A material made from the Evergreen Roses found in the depths of the realm of life, Khorah or otherwise known as the realm of humans. The material was rarely known to humans and was said to be extremely poisonous if one did not handle it properly. The poisonous aspect remains on the thread but it does not affect the wearer and the wearer's allies, just like Diethe.

Her weapon was a thin emerad green muslin* from the silk threads made from the Emerald silk worms found in the realm Lethellis and was extremely durable, flexible but cuts like the sharpest sword.

(*a muslin is a thin, ribbon-like fabric usually used in a dance where the dancer usually holds it in his/her hand.)

"Wow! This is awesome!" Rinne exclaimed looking at herself and towards the others in awe.

"I know right?" Saya said with excitement. She also noticed their knights' clothes changed and was in the same material as their clothes.

She then looked at Haji and couldn't help but admire him. He looked handsome with the red coat but something about him and red felt weird. She thought he suited to wear blue than red but it still suited him, though.

They were broken out of their amazement when they heard someone clear their throat.

They almost forgot about that.

"Now that the excitement is over, we would like to tell you, your very first mission." Kiede's mother, the Blue Rose Queen said.

All of them stood in rapt attention, including the princes. This is after all, really important.

"With your new transformation, comes with new and powerful powers. But as they say, 'With great power, comes with great responsibility.' And this great responsibility is making sure the cosmos won't collapse. You now have powers to travel and open portals as well as fix them. Your mission is, like I said, capture Rose Reaper. And a quick reminder, please cause minimal damage as much as possible. You have one week to train and master your powers as well as ready your knights for they are coming with you. That's all, you may go." the Red Rose Queen said as she dismissed them.


"So i guess official duties will also officially start, huh?." Saya said as she plopped down her bed. She then looked over to Haji to see him bob his head up and down in agreement.

"So your-" he began but before he can continue, Saya glared at him for she knew he was about to say your highness. She just really hate it when people close to her call her that except for special occations. She's not greater than anyone, for everyone is just equal in her eyes including herself.

"Okay, I get it." he said and sighed in resignation. "So Saya, shouldn't you be training right now?" he asked.

That immediately brought her to her feet.

Saya scratched her head and faced him. He just sighed in hopelessness.

"Oops. I forgot."

So here's the newly editted chapter. It took me quite a long timetime rewriting this due to the overload of info that's in here.

I hope that you enjoyed this newly eddited chapter and i'll be edditing another chapter again next week and post it here. I'll only update the editted chapters here so if you want to read the rest but unfortunately unedited chapters, check out my wattpad account in the same username.

Until later~

Sayalrcreators' thoughts