
Crimson Faith : A Naruto Tale

UA plot, Naruto is the main mc Not a SI or transmigration fic, Just an alternative universe, with my own spice Jounin actually mean shit here. Kage level are genuine monster to normal people. Jashin is a real thing, the whole UA because of this mf Some cool fights and world building, Jutsu will actually make sense Neji certainly wont end up penetrated by the world here. No harem (at least nothing too obvious if any caractere got one ) More dept to chakra and chakra techniques Read if if you got a fetish for some hot blooded fighting and epic shit This here is a what if story. Made after watching Asuma dying to Hidan, i asked myself how would the world look with Jashin having more presence in it. This is a story where chaos and intrigues never end,with long arcs. Disclamer : I dont now own naruto or anything related to it that belong to their respective owner, only Oc would belong to me. I dont own the Book Picture. if you like the work you can support me on ko-f* you can find me on k*fi /lightofcertainity/

LightOfCertainity · Tranh châm biếm
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55 Chs

The sun of the land,the fire shadow

Days later

Team 7, gathered in the Hokage's office, ready to deliver a detailed report about their mission to Lady Matsumoto.Greeting their leader,Hiruzen asked them how they doing 

"Team 7. Looking good it seem " 

At the Hokage's question, Naruto couldn't contain his excitement, "Hey, old man! We're back, and we've got quite a story for you!"

The third Hokage, his eyes twinkling with mirt, nodded, "I'm eager to hear it. Begin your report, Team 7."

Sakura, always organized, started, "Our mission started as a routine escort, but it turned into a political intrigue involving Lady Matsumoto's family. There were attempts on her life orchestrated by her uncle, who sought control over the family's assets."

Hokage, listening attentively, raised an eyebrow, "Political intrigue, you say? Go on."

Kakashi, providing the tactical perspective, continued, "We faced a bandit ambush, and Lady Matsumoto's uncle revealed himself as the mastermind. The team handled the situation well.with some…incidents."Looking at Naruto"but its all ended up well "

Naruto,cold sweat on his back,knowing he can end up in a lot of trouble if Kakashi sell him out,was unable to contain himself, interjected, 

"And then we confronted the uncle in the capital! There was evidence, confrontations, and –"

Sakura, smiling, finished Naruto's sentence, "A revelation of his true intentions. Lady Matsumoto handled the situation with grace, presenting evidence and witnesses."

The Hokage, absorbing the information, nodded appreciatively,and decided to not comment on Naruto behavior 

"Well done, Team 7. You've navigated through more than just physical threats. You've proven yourselves as adept diplomats."

Sakura, a bit bashful, added, "Lady Matsumoto was grateful for our help and gave us each a traditional item from her family's collection."

Hokage, intrigued, asked, "And what were these gifts?"

Naruto, with a mischievous grin, replied, "You'll have to wait to find out, old man! They're pretty cool, though."

Giving a chuckle,he added "It seems you've been through quite a challenging mission. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed, and I appreciate your dedication to protecting our allies. Lady Matsumoto's safety is paramount. Well done, Team 7."

"As for the changing mission parameters,I shall deem it as a B-rank,and give appropriate compensation "

Nodding approvingly, acknowledging the gravity of the situation and the significance of Team 7's role in resolving the family conflict. Asking Kakashi to stay,The team left the office with a sense of accomplishment, having successfully navigated the complexities of both shinobi missions and intricate family politics.

Now alone in the Hokage's office, Kakashi recounted the mission's intricate details to the third Hokage. The usual warmth in the room was replaced by an air of seriousness as the Hokage leaned forward, his expression intent.

"Kakashi, tell me everything. I want the specifics of this mission and the unexpected events that transpired."

Kakashi, maintaining his composed demeanor, began narrating the tale, emphasizing the political entanglements and the drama within the Matsumoto family.

"We were on the edge of a political powder keg, Hokage-sama. The Matsumoto situation was just a glimpse into the complex political landscape of the capital."

The Hokage's eyes narrowed, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"And Naruto? What role did he play in all this?"

Kakashi, sweating slightly, recounted Naruto's adventure with the butler, describing the risky encounter and the subsequent gift from Lady Matsumoto.

Hokage, freezing for a moment, put down his pipe and gave Kakashi a cold smile.

"It seems Naruto is intent on adding his own brand of excitement to the mission. I'll make sure he learns the importance of caution."

Kakashi, acknowledging the Hokage's concern, continued, detailing the significance of the tokens received and the potential implications for village politics.

The old Hokage, resuming his smoking,said " I'll handle Naruto's lessons on nobility and gifts. As for you, Kakashi, That brief lapse in judgment requires addressing.I was in need of a training partnair recently,to keep my skills sharp. it seem like you are volunteering "

"Can i refuse ? "

"No "

Kakashi sighed, knowing that Naruto's impulsive actions were about to bring consequences, not just for the young ninja but for his sensei as well,only gave a reticent nod of acknowledgement. 

Moments later,Naruto clutching his gama-chan now full of money, strolled through the village streets, a grin on his face. Spotting an irate Iruka scolding a sheepish Konohamaru for a prank gone wrong, Naruto approached, greeting them with a nonchalant wave.

"Yo "

Iruka, surprised by Naruto's sudden appearance, couldn't help but express his relief.

"Naruto! You're back. Thank goodness you're safe."

Konohamaru, taking advantage of the distraction, ran from Iruka and hid behind Naruto, giving a comical face. He then turned to Naruto, excitement in his eyes, and asked about the details of his mission, eager for some thrilling stories.

"Aneki ! You're back ! How was the mission ? Did you save a princess ? "

Naruto, with an arrogant smile, responded cryptically.

"A princess ? Not really,but at least something close enough." 

"Eh ? didint you go in a C-rank mission ? " 

"Hehe ! It wasn't a C-rank. It was a B-rank mission." 

Both Iruka and Konohamaru exchanged confused glances, prompting Naruto to burst into laughter, his hands on his hips.

"Yeah, that's right! B-rank! Surprised, aren't you?"

"What do you mean by B-rank ? "

The revelation left both Iruka and Konohamaru in a state of shock, marveling at Naruto's unexpected leap in mission rank.

Naruto, with a wide grin, treated Iruka and Konohamaru to a ramen feast, proudly declaring that it was his treat this time. As they sat at Ichiraku Ramen, Naruto dove into the details of the mission, recounting the challenges, the fights, and even his daring rescue.

"You won't believe it, guys! There were ambushes, cliffhangers, and I had to save this butler guy from falling off a cliff!"

Iruka, concerned, couldn't help but express his worry.

"Naruto, where was Kakashi-sensei when you were in danger? This is so irresponsible!"

Naruto, dismissively waving off Iruka's concerns, reassured him.

"Nuh-uh, Iruka-sensei! Kakashi-sensei was busy protecting the client. He trusted me to handle it!"

Changing the subject to the conclusion of the mission, Naruto shared how it ended, earning an admirative expression from Konohamaru and an exasperated sigh from Iruka, who scolded him for taking such risks with his life.

Iruka, congratulating Naruto on the successful mission, tried to maintain a stern expression despite Naruto's carefree attitude.

"Naruto, next time you can't just throw yourself into danger like that. It was very reckless of you !"

Naruto, grinning confidently, responded with his usual bravado.

"Came on, Iruka-sensei! it was just that time !"

Iruka, not entirely convinced, decided to playfully punish Naruto. With a sly smile directed at Konohamaru, he hatched a plan.

"Since Naruto is treating us, let's make sure he really feels it. Order whatever you want, Konohamaru!"

Konohamaru, joining in on the mischief, let out a mischievous laugh.

 "You heard the man, Naruto! We're not holding back!"

Naruto, realizing he might have walked into a trap, protested.

"Hey, I just got paid !"

Iruka chuckled, enjoying the banter.

"Consider it payback for all those times you emptied my wallet when i invited you. Make sure to order a lot Konohamaru !"

The ramen stand chef, Old Man Ichiraku,the sage of six bowls (couldn't resist writing this), shared a hearty, accustomed to the lively dynamics of the trio. The evening continued with laughter, jokes, and warm camaraderie as they savored their ramen feast.

Inside the opulent Daimyo's mansion in the capital, the Lord of the Fire Nation lounged on his luxurious chair. Beside him, a kneeling attendant reported on the actions of Team 7. Despite the potential significance of Kakashi's presence, the Daimyo displayed an indifferent expression, more concerned about missed opportunities.

"Why weren't we informed of the famous Copy Ninja's presence in time? What were you doing?"

The attendant, maintaining an emotionless demeanor, calmly replied.

"My lord, you were occupied blessing your concubine. I thought it prudent not to disturb you."

The Daimyo chuckled, pleased with his youthful vigor.

"Ah, we suppose we were. Well done, carry on."

As the report continued, the Daimyo's interest heightened when the Uchiha name was mentioned. His face lit up with curiosity, lamenting the missed chance to witness the last of the Uchiha bloodline.

"The Uchiha? What a shame we missed that. "

When Naruto's name was brought up, the Daimyo's expression shifted to one of nostalgia.

"Uzumaki? Now, that's a name we haven't heard in a while."

The discussion delved deeper into the affairs of the Matsumoto family. The attendant, with a meticulous tone, reported on Lady Matsumoto's action in uncovering the plots within her own family. The Daimyo, while feigning interest, couldn't help but let a smile creep across his face. 

"The Matsumoto family, entangled in their internal conflicts. How exciting. Tell me more."

 The attendant continued, divulging the details of Lady Matsumoto's confrontation with her uncle and the evidence presented against him. As the narrative unfolded, the Daimyo's amusement grew, finding delight in the intricate drama that played out within the nobility.

"Ah, the betrayal coming from within themselves. How amusing. It seems like the Matsumoto affair has been quite the spectacle."

"There is more to it " 

The attendant, aware of the Daimyo's penchant for entertainment,emphasized the involvement of some princes rumored to be influencing the family's internal strife. The Daimyo, intrigued, leaned forward in his chair.

"Princes, you say? Which princes were involved?"

The attendant,smiling his head down,told him about the potential culprits behind the scenes.

"It was between the third prince,seeking allies against the first price.daimyo-sama "

"Hohohoho—--- .Already making factions,such cute rebellious littles childrens,dont you think ? " 

Not showing any worry in what may be a civil war in the making,he added 

"Are they in such a rush to see me dead ? Already fighting for the throne ? "

The attendant kept silent,awaiting for his master orders

"What about their pawn ? "

"In custody awaiting your judgment,my lord "

Closing his fan, the Daimyo declared his decision with a carefree smile.

"Alright, let's make it a public execution."

With a chilling smile, he added further instructions.

"Also, tell the second prince to come to us. Inform him that we would be content to share our evening with our esteemed blood."

Pausing for a moment,he added 

"Let the first and third princes hear about it too."

"As you wish,your majesty "

The report concluded,the orders given, the Daimyo dismissed the attendant with a wave of his hand, a signal for him to leave. Alone in his opulent chamber, he sat back in his chair, contemplating the unfolding drama. The cold smile on his face betrayed a mind that found amusement in the chaos of noble politics, like a silent puppeteer orchestrating the dance of the aristocracy for his own entertainment.

Hey,its author san,hope you enjoying,dont forget to comment and follow my ig /lightofcertainity/

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