
Created an Empire for my Sister's Lie.

After so many ups and downs, Qi Yun finally completed all his Missions and wanted to live well with his family and lover. "Come, This is my Empire." Qi Yun pulled the man forward and excitedly showed his home to him. However... "Your Majesty!! The Dragon clan elder ran away with Shark Clan's Princess!!" "Your Majesty!! The scientist blew up the Imperial Palace!!" "Your Majesty!! Elves planted rice in the stadium!!" "Your Majesty!! The Prime Minister and the General are having love affair and the Prime Minister ran away with the baby!!" "Your Majesty!! The young Princes fell in love with the young Princes of the other Empire!!" "Your Majesty!! The Dragon Clan leader and Vampire Clan leader destroyed the jail and went to fight again!!" Aldriac glanced at his lover, who fumed angrily and hugged him tightly. But Qi Yun broke free. "Good, Excellent! You bastards destroyed my welcoming ceremony! Watch how to destroy your whole ancestry!!"

Zeal_Faust · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
13 Chs

3. Idea

Elysia, the Elven Earth Elemental, stood tall and graceful, her emerald-green hair shimmering under the faint light. Beside her, Seraphina, the Light Elemental Healer, exuded a calming aura, her golden hair and gentle eyes radiating warmth and compassion.

Qi Yun looked at the two elementals, he decided to test them a bit.

"Elysia, Seraphina, I need your opinions. How can I save my sister?"

After that he told all what happened to his sister and brother.

Elysia's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. She floated closer, her vibrant energy filling the room.

"Qi Yun, if your sister has lied to the Emperor, why not turn that lie into reality? If she claimed you are a powerful emperor from a distant land, then let's make it so. With enough power, we can protect her and take revenge on those who have wronged your family."

Qi Yun leaned forward, intrigued by her suggestion. "Go on. I'm listening."

Elysia's expression grew more excited.