
Chapter 3

So training as a shinobi Sucks! Learning all the different hand signs, getting my ass handed to me, and all the all around intense exhaustion on a daily basis can't be good for a 5 year olds body. Right now I have been training on and off for a year. Like I predicted when it comes to hand to hand combat I'm pretty good and surprisingly not to bad with a kunai and sword which it seems I have a talent for. Shuriken however will need a lot of work for me to be proficient in. I am just learning the basics so no jujitsus yet and the training is not as bad as what Kakashi went through when he was my age so I really shouldn't complain. Still part of me wants to call child protect services hahaha. I guess I can understand why he came off as lazy and at the beginning didn't train his team all that much when he went through hell training at a young age.

Hmm maybe I should try and help him get a girlfriend. Well he is still young I can think about that at a latter date. Anyway Kakashi said that I will start at the academy at 7. I think he wants me to have an actual childhood and keep me out of the Anbu. It's kinda ironic since I am mentally older and actually had a childhood once already. Man! This guilt is tough, but there's no way me telling him I am reincarnated with all my memories. That would not go well.

I've been walking around the village trying to get to know it and the people. It seems like a pretty nice place to live. The technology is a little weird. The mix of modern and ancient doesn't really make since on why they have some things but not others, but whatever. I wasn't an engineer and the vague notions and ideas wouldn't help unless I meet a genius crafter that can figure out to build things from super vague descriptions.

The only person I really recognize so far that I've met is Might Guy. He is just as weird as the show portrayed him, but at the same time it's hard not to like him. It seems with me being here Kakashi and Guys relationship is a bit better then what I remember. They are still rivals with hilarious competitions, but they also hangout as well.

While walking through town trying to picture different people as their older counter parts something stops me cold in my tracks. I see a guitar in one of the store windows! I didn't know Naruto had guitars! I remember those Sound guys hand flutes and stuff but that's about it. I quickly rush in side and ask how much it is. The teller looks at me weirdly for a few seconds as I suppose it's not everyday a 5 year old walks in wanting to buy a Musical instrument. It cost all my spending money for the so no ramen today but it is definitely worth it.

In my past life I was by no means a professional musician and my skills were only so so. Yet I loved to play. Hmm trying to explain how I know how to play to Kakashi might be a bit awkward. Oh well he was a genius that graduated from the Academy early. I'll just put it out there that my genius leans to different things.

I excitedly showed off the guitar to Kakashi when he cam home that night. I didn't need to fake my child excitement either. While I didn't sing any lyrics I strummed a few songs for him. When he asked me how I knew to play. I just shrugged and said I figured it out after a few minutes. The look on his face was priceless hahaha! After getting over the shock the proud look in his eyes made them seem like they were glowing. I feel like he is about to turn into one of those parents that goes around bragging about his kid all around the village.

With the appearance of my new guitar I decided to kinda of recreate my old look. Not that what I normally wear is bad it just wasn't really me. Especially the open toed shoes! Those have to go! Anyway after getting more money from big bro I went on a shopping trip the next day. It took all day and a few custom orders but I finally have a badass look.

Not that I am a vain person but I could help to admire myself in the mirror after I got home and changed. In the looks department I resemble Kakashi for the most part. Not quite as pretty but still handsome. My hair I keep short on the sides with it being just slightly longer on top with its color being a shade darker then big bros. My like steel the silver. As for my new outfit the most important part is the steel toed boots on my feet. In my option much more comfortable doing practical then those open toed ones. Then is is black pants a sleeveless sky blue shirt for everyday wear. Next up is a long black leather jacket to wear in the colder parts of the year. Lastly which was a custom order was a cowboy hat. I couldn't resist getting one. It's not like a wore one all the time in my old life. Especially after moving to Denver, but it was something I owned. Plus I'm like literally a ninja cowboy. How cool is that! The hat completes the look.

Kakashi is turning 9 soon and has been put into a team with Minato as his teacher so I know things are about to get rough for him and he is going to acquire the Sharigan soon. I wish there was something I could do to help but without really knowing the plot I'm afraid of making it worse. At lest if it goes like in the show he survives which is what is important to me. I should suggest that he ask Minato to teach him the Flying Thunder God technique. That would be a huge boon for him.

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