
Chapter 2

Pain came first. Then loud noises and blurred figures. I tried to scream but my throat felt like it had never been used before. After that I was pressed up to something warm and soft, and a warm liquid was fed to me. As soon as I finished I fell asleep.

It took 3 months for my brain to adapt and for me to realize I wasn't going crazy or in some weird hell. Honestly how come someone that's sane just accept that they have woken up as a baby? Plus the stories of people being fully cognizant while being born? Bullshit! I could barely hear or see anything let alone have the ability to comprehend my surroundings. Add on the sensations of a new body feeling everything for the first time. Yeah complete Bullshit!

Then it took another 3 months for my baby brain to soak up the language. Which as someone whose language skills involved proper and improper English with a scattering of Spanish from high school that I mostly forgot as soon as I learned was I'll admit pretty freaking cool.

So after 6 months of living as a baby I started to learn about my new life. First it seems that my mother died shortly after I was born due to complications of my birth. It took a bit for this information to sink in and I blamed myself and the person that sent me for a bit. Then I learned that they thought I was dead when I was first born then I miraculously started to cry. After some consideration I decide that my soul must have been placed into a stillborn baby's body. At lest I decide that to ease my guilt over her death.

The second important thing I learned was that my name was Rohan Hatake. Luckily I'll have plenty of time to get used to people called that before I actually have to answer to it. While I'm learning all of this I can't help but fill a familiarity with everything. Like I've seen this world before.

It's officially I'm and idiot! I'm now 1 year old and I've only just realized what world I am in. How the hell did I not figure it out even when I was being watched by my older silver haired brother freaking Kakashi! In my defense I haven't watched naruto really since college besides a few episodes every now and then in college and I'd graduate college around 4 years before my death in my old life.

So now that I know where I am it's time to make plans from the bits and pieces that I remember. Also I have to keep in mind that I'm around 22 years ahead of when the show starts if my guess on ages is correct. My father has started training Kakashi just turned 4 a little bit before my birthday. If my recollections are right he dies for some reason next year. Hopefully, with my birth that might change but since I'm not sure the reason for his death I can't really count on it. As for Kakashi I know he gets all emo and mood kinda like Sauske and ends up become one of those secret police shimonoseki guys around like 6-7 which I always thought was weird when I didn't think they started at the academy until 8. Although our dad starting his training now might explain that a bit.

Anyway enough rambling thought that I'm really only using as an excuse to not plan. If I want to survive in this crazy world child soldiers and insane powers I need to prepare myself. First order of business is to get strong but stay out of the spotlight unlike my brother. Don't want to end up in that creepy underground orphan cult training ground place. Second I should try to change the timeline is as much positive ways I can realistically can. Me being born is already changed things to a degree I can't predict so no point in holding back in that account. Last but not necessarily lest I need to stay out of the shinobi war. Kakashi was like 9 or 10 when he fought in that. There's no way in hell Im gonna sign up for that at the age of 7. Hopefully I won't even be in the academy or am at lest just starting then.

Hmmm for now I'm going to try meditation. In all the books I've read that always seems important. Although from my experience so far most of what I read was a ton of horse shit piled on top of bullshit. I never really was into meditation before and clearing my mind isn't something that comes easy to me. Oh yeah I remember something I can try. Not sure where I got it from but the trick is to close your eyes and picture a flame burning inside your subconscious. Once you picture the flame start to feed it all your emotions and thoughts until there is just the flame. Sounds kinda silly but I'll give it a shot.


Well I guess I was right about a few of my predictions and I'll just blame the rest on me changing the timeline instead of a fault memory. Our father didn't die when I expected him to during my second year of life and when Kakashi was 5. However, the next year he died in a fighting retreat the next year to allow fellow shinobi to escape some enemies. It wasn't really surprise when it happened. It was like he was living with a shadow hanging over him, and the only thing keeping him here was Kakashi and me.

Once he passed away it was only a year latter that Kakashi graduated from the academy at the age of 7 and joined the Anbu. Although Kakashi has gone all dark and moody he till takes care of me and has said that he will start my trading soon since I am 4 now. I've made sure that while I am seen as smart I am not the genius that Kakashi is. It's been a hard tightrope to walk but so far I've been able to manage. Luckily Kakashi is kinda self absorbed in his own problems and issues which makes it easier on me.

I know that soon Kakashi will be fight in the was soon, but I don't really know what happens besides him getting his Sharingan. I vaguely remember some happen that involves him that will set off the big war with Naruto but that was when I stopped really watching so the information I have is fragmented at best so I don't have much of a plane to change it. All I can do is hope that the extra year he had being trained by our father will make him even more likely to survive then in the originally timeline.

With my training starting soon I've been planing my build as it were. In my old life I had my share of fights and was a decent brawler so with that experience add to whatever close combat training I get I should be pretty good. At least when it comes to the Academy. I'll try to learn the multiple shadow clone jujitsu seen Naruto seemed to be able to from zero to hero with that being his almost exclusive trick in the first part of the show. Also that teleport thing that Naruto's dad dies seemed a bit OP so if possible that will be part of my arsenal.

Lastly I got to stop narrating to myself I feel like the guy from Scrubs. Oh well I guess being reborn into a show you watched as a kid and having to go through childhood again with all your memories is bound to loosen a few screws. The important thing is to keep myself grounded. After these 4 years I really do see Kakashi as my brother which has helped me stay focused and to not go crazy. He has already lost his parents. If he were to loose me to I think it'd through him over the edge. What was the thing the Joker would say? All it takes is one bad day.

Hi everyone I found a few conflicting things about what happened to Kakashi’s mom with the main thing being she was definitely dead before his dad killed himself. So I decide to go with her dying giving birth to a stillborn in the original time line.

Please comment and let me know what y’all think and any suggestions that you have.

RandJcreators' thoughts
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