
Corrupted memories: The curse of being able to see the future

Endo, a young man of 18 years old, lives in Japan with a foster family, and one day he discovers that he has the power to dream of future events. One night he dreams of living three years later, in a post-apocalyptic world. From that dream, his task will be to avoid that tragic future. The study that he will carry out about his brain, thanks to a young scientist, will allow him to evolve his powers, becoming even more supernatural abilities.

AoNeko · Khoa huyễn
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4 Chs

New knowledge

Day 2 **

The day I realized I had that power... well, it was special for me.

I had saved the life of a child because I had dreamed of her death the night before... Crazy.

That day I pretended to be sick, the school called my house but... No one answered. My father had gone to work and my mother was in the living room reading a book.

Luckily I came home in time to stop my mother... It was a few steps from answering the phone...

"Mom, don't answer either... it's my school, they are calling to warn you of my absence... " I said.

You may not understand... Why does my school have to call home? Well, that day I had a history test, I think it was the third time I skipped it...

I went up to my room to think. 

On my desk, I still had the manga that I was reading from the night before, but I didn't want to continue it... I just wanted to think about my... Power?? I don't know what to call it...

"Endo!! I'm going out to buy groceries... Be careful of your sister".

It was my mother.

"All right!!" I yelled at her.

I was still lying on the bed, two hours had passed and I had not done anything since I came home... I checked the time and... it was 10:30... Time passed by very slowly...

At that point, I thought... My mother is out, my father is at work... My sister is probably making the usual video call with her friends so she won't even notice... Why not go to a hospital and get a check-up?

They would probably think me crazy... I thought, But... all of a sudden... I felt like a shock. I got out of bed and went to the local hospital.

It was the usual first aid center, built on a small street... It was very small and there were usually few people...

As it was, I arrived that day and there had to be a fucking hour's queue.

I arrived at the first aid office and explained in a few words the problem... Then they made me sit for the waiting.

Who knows if they thought I was crazy... I thought.

"Endo Watanabe? Please, follow me... ".

Finally, it was my turn... I was almost falling asleep but... I tried to stay awake, I didn't want to have more premonitions...

A doctor welcomed me in a small room. There was a cot, a scale, a desk with chairs... It was a usual room for the usual checks... 

He sat me down on the cot and began to read what I had communicated to the first aid office as soon as I arrived...

I didn't understand if he was taking me for crazy, but while reading my motivations he seemed to make a strange face.

"Endo, explain this thing better... ".

I tried to explain my "Power" as best I could, but the more I talked the more he seemed annoyed.

I didn't tell him about the dream in which I saw the city destroyed, it didn't seem like the case... But I told him about the little girl that I saved... But nothing, he kept telling me it was a mere coincidence.

Then, I tried to go to a psychologist... The one I often go to talk about my bullshit and my problems...

He also insisted on telling me that it was a coincidence and that I was probably going crazy... 

What was happening?? I thought... It seemed to me a very strange and ambiguous situation... almost as if it were all just a dream...

I looked at my phone, a call was coming in. I was on the train and everyone was completely silent, but I decided to answer.

It was my mother, how strange... she asked me where I was...

Was she back from shopping?? I thought, before answering.

"I'm on the train right now, I'll tell you later... I'm coming home... ".

It was not true, I wasn't coming home... I was going to another hospital to look for an answer to my dreams.

I arrived at this other hospital and, it doesn't even need I write it, they didn't believe me there either... But, however... In that clinic, I found the only doctor who took my situation a little more seriously...

She advised me to go the next day to a scientific research center in Kyoto.

Well, not too far from my home... I thought... Tokyo isn't too far.

I came home after six hours out. Before entering the house, however, I checked my phone.

Shit, twelve missed calls from my mother and eight from my sister... I was a little scared to get in but I pretended nothing happened...

"Endo?? Where were you??".

She had a rather calm but worried tone... Fortunately, she didn't seem angry...

She told me that she was going to call the police... what an exaggeration... I went up to my room without giving any explanation.

I sat down at my desk and looked at the leaflet with the address of the scientific research center given to me by that doctor.

My sister knocked on the door... Right now she should have knocked??

I hid the sheet under a book and made it come in.

She was worried, didn't know where I'd been... It was understandable...

I decided to say something only to her.

"I've been around Tokyo... tomorrow I have to go away again... don't tell Mom anything".

I trusted my sister, so I was sure she wouldn't say anything... Even that evening, during dinner, my father started to break my balls with this story... I told him I was out for a school project.

Not sure if he believed it, but I hoped so.

The next day I went to that center. I was quite tense, but I wanted to find an answer to all of this.

I left early in the morning and arrived at about 10 a.m...

To welcome me was a boy dressed as a scientist... The place was lost in the middle of the mountains but it was gigantic.

It wasn't exactly in Kyoto, it was further away, well...

I told him that I was sent there by a doctor from a hospital in Tokyo and immediately he took me in...

He explained that he had received a phone call where he was told all this. It's good they knew about my arrival...

I was taken inside a small room, inside there was only an old man and a young girl of my age, I thought. She had long purple hair and wore glasses... well, she wasn't bad...

Nothing to do, even that old scientist took me for a fool... But that girl, after the old man got up to go into another room, came to me and spoke.

"You said you dream of the future?" she asked.

I was red from embarrassment, she was pretty... I could not concentrate and maybe I said some nonsense... If I think about it today, I'm still embarrassed...

I explained the phenomenon again... And she, amazingly, took my words seriously.

"I have a personal laboratory at my house... If you want you can come, so we study this thing better... Here I am just a student in an internship... ".

I was gassed, I did not know how to behave and, like an idiot, tried to act like a tough... I don't know how I looked from the outside, but at least she invited me to her house to study my phenomenon better...

We had an appointment for the next day, she lived in Kyoto, I live in Tokyo so... it was convenient for me.

I came home with even more desire to discover this power of mine... The night before I had no premonition dreams and sincerely hoped not to do them even that night...

My school had called my house that day, so I warned them for safety... I warned that I would be absent for at least four more days but that there could be many more...

The night before I left I couldn't even sleep... I was too excited, I wanted to know if that girl would find a solution... 

Well, my hand hurts, I'm writing tomorrow the meeting with that girl... I do not want to remember now...