
Call it a Crush

"Hey Sugar," Jungkook said as he plopped onto the couch beside me.

"Hey Kookie-ah," I replied, we have food names for each other because he's passionate about making food and I'm passionate about eating food. It's a win-win. I also let him drop the honorifics after knowing him his whole life and that we're now living in America together, I figure that it shouldn't be necessary.

"How were classes today?" he asked.

I gave him a side-eyed look and he put 2 and 2 together.

"As per usual, stressful," he nodded before stretching out his arms. I watched out of the corner of my eye as his muscles rippled beneath his skin as he moved them. He was wearing a short-sleeved shirt which made it easier to see, one of my favorite things about summer even as it's ending and we're back to our classes.

I let out a deep breath, almost a sigh, as he put his arms down and I laid my head back on the couch. It's frustrating having an attractive roommate, okay?

"Everything okay?" he asked innocently. Oh nothing just trying not to have a nosebleed, don't worry about me. The only way you could help is to stop being so damn good-looking but you couldn't manage that so don't bother.

"Just stressed out by classes," I lied.

"Sugar I have known you my whole life, what else is there? You've been acting odd lately."

Damn you Jeon Jungkook, "Fine, I'm also stressed because... I like someone," I won't lie completely at least.

He jumped up and sat on his knees facing me, leaning forward on his hands, "Really? Who? Do I know them? What's their name? How old are they? Come one Sugar give me something to work with!" Aish he's a child in a man's body.

"Calm down! Its nothing major just call it a slight crush. It'll probably pass once I find something about them I dislike," the thing is I know everything about you and I still like you. I'm lying right through my teeth.

"Fine," he pouted, crossing his arms. He turned from hot to childish to adorable so quickly I nearly got whiplash from it.

I hastily reached an arm out and pinched his cheek, "Cheer up, I'll tell you if I actually wanna try and date them," I told him, "right now we're friends and if I can I wanna keep it that way, I don't wanna mess anything up," which is true, I don't want to ruin years of friendship with Jungkook over this crush, I doubt he feels the same anyways and friendship is a precarious thing to handle.

He stood up, "Okay Sugar!" He exclaimed before grabbing my hand forcing a barely audible squeak to leave my lips  as he pulled me up from the couch with his inhuman strength, "let's go get lamb skewers for dinner! You still owe me so you're paying!"

He was at the door, ready to pull me out before, "Kookie-ah wait!" I stated, trying to pull against his strength.

He stopped abruptly, letting my hand go and I saw it happening before it actually did, me falling onto my ass.

So, I closed my eyes and braced for impact, but it never came. Instead a constricting sensation found its place on my upper arms and I knew why. Kookie has caught me.

He laughed, goddamn that laugh, "Sugar you can open your eyes, you didn't fall," No, no I can't I can feel how close you are and I can feel the blush that will arise if I open my eyes right now. So no, I can't open my damn eyes.

But dammit I opened them anyways and maybe 5 decimeters away, was his face. I squeaked once more before he steadied me back onto my feet. I looked down at them as he let go, I wasn't wearing shoes, that's why I'd stopped him before.

Apparently he looked down too because he went, "Oh sorry Sugar I didn't realize," looked up and his cheeks were slightly tinted pink in embarrassment but I'm sure they couldn't compete with the heat of my cheeks.

"It's fine," he looked up and I smiled at him, "I'll be right back, okay?" I walked to my room and opened the box with my shoes inside.

I pulled out my black high top converse, loosening the laces so I could put them on.

I could feel my cheeks cooling off and I let out a deep breath I didn't know I'd previously held. I have to get over this stupid crush. I should've let it pass I shouldn't have looked into it, I screwed myself over big time.


Do I like him? I've been asking myself this constantly. I know I'm gay I've known for a while but I don't know if I like him.

I'm horrible with figuring out my emotions, they're too confusing.

I have to test it, test if I like him. But how?

~timeskip brought to you by the jams that Jimin doesn't have~

We're at a party and I have a plan that my friend Mark is going to help me execute.

"Alright guys, how about some truth or dare!" Mark exclaims. We both knew a party of young adults would never turn down such a game, too many possibilities came with. That's why it was perfect.

We both knew we couldn't start with it, too suspicious. So after about half and hour once Mark removed his shirt, as per someone's dare, I gave him the signal and he knew what to do next.

"Yoongi, truth or dare?~" he smirked as the plan commenced.

I pretended to think on it before finally replying with a bold, "Dare."

"I dare you..." he faked thinking as well playing it out by looking around and everything before his eyes landed on Jungkook who was actually sitting by my side, "to kiss Jungkook."

I looked to said boy, silently asking permission with my eyes, "A dare's a dare," he smiles at me.

I nod and angle my body more towards him, before sliding my hand behind his neck, through his brown hair, and pulling his face towards mine.

My heart thundered as our lips met and that's when I knew...

That I have feelings for Jeon fucking Jungkook.

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