
Considering The Circumstances

Hiashi Hyuuga sends Hinata to public school for the first time. From day one, she struggles to figure out who are her friends and who's just pretending to be. One thing's for sure: the silver-haired, foul-mouthed guy that Konan hangs out with is as intimidating as he is attractive. (I'm aware of how crazy this pairing is, but I don't care!) Rated M for a reason!

Hina5enpai · Tranh châm biếm
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47 Chs

Chapter 6

That same night, Hinata lay in bed but couldn't fall asleep. Now that she'd dealt with Sakura and Ino, she had apologies to make to those that she avoided and those that she started unnecessary fights with: Naruto, Sasuke, and Hidan. Only one of the three was next door.

Though nervous and embarrassed, she texted the silver-haired boy, 'Are you awake?'

It was just after one in the morning, but it was also Friday night. A minute passed, then two, then it was five. That's when Hinata accepted that either he was out and about or asleep. Even if he was still angry at her, he'd at least text her back and tell her, in so many words, to leave him alone. Sighing, she rolled over and set her phone on the nightstand, turning to stare up at the ceiling.

What she did, intentionally pissing off Hidan like that, was wrong. He'd helped her with her hand injury, and she pushed his buttons just the right way to get a reaction.

The door to her room opened, and she watched in disbelief as the boy she'd been thinking of stepped in and closed it behind him, locking it. She sat up, hissing, "H-Hidan! What are you doing?"

His mischievous grin was visible even in the dark room. The boy walked around her bed, tossing himself casually onto the side she wasn't lying, "Answering your summons, tits." His arms were behind his head on the pillow.

Though his nicknames for her were annoying, she felt relieved he used one because that meant he was in a good mood. Usually, Hinata would kick him out of her bed with a red face, but instead, she lay back down and tried to remain calm. She expected Hidan to tease her about it, but he remained silent, and they just lay there quietly for a few minutes.

When she finally gained the courage, Hinata whispered, "I'm sorry. I was really unfair to you." Bravely, she turned onto her side to face him because she needed to take responsibility for the mess she made.

To her surprise, Hidan's eyes were closed. He didn't respond, and his breathing was perfectly even.

'He's not asleep, is he? That quickly?'

Hinata wasn't sure what to do. She looked over her shoulder at the door. He locked it when he arrived. Waking him up and telling him to go to his room when she was trying to make amends didn't sit right with her. It made her extremely uncomfortable, but she slowly rolled back onto her back with a sigh.

'Just for tonight, I'll let this kind of thing happen. Only because I feel bad.'

She closed her eyes.

Moments later, the bed shifted, and the sound of rustling met her ears. When she opened her eyes, the breath in her throat got stuck. Magenta eyes were dark as they stared unrelentingly. In her efforts to apologize, Hinata didn't shove Hidan away even though he was entirely on top of her. At least a blanket separated them. Slow and steady, the girl calmed down until she could meet his gaze and not panic.

Hidan's brows lifted, his lips turning to a grin, "Who are you? First, you beat the hell out of two bimbos, and now you're looking at me like that. What'd you do with the princess?"

Blush warmed her face, her fingers gripping the edge of the blanket anxiously, "I said I'm sorry, Hidan."

"I heard ya the first time."

"...Do you forgive me, then?"

His grin widened, "What're you willing to do to make it up to me?" His eyes slowly traveled down between them and back up, gleaming with amusement.

Hinata's blush got hotter, "W-What do you want?"

The young man sat up on his knees, one on each side of her hips, with a finger comically at his lips as he made a dramatic thinking face, "Whatever could I want from you…." He chuckled at her dread-filled expression, "I've got it."


The man came forward to place one hand on the bed, slowly crawling upward until his face was just inches from hers, and she was afraid to breathe. Hinata's heart was racing. She didn't know if she should look into his eyes, at his mouth, or away from his face altogether.

Hidan's smile faded slowly, his gaze sobering as he studied her. The aura he suddenly gave off was so different that Hinata took a long time to process his following words, "Did you look up the definition of "vanilla"?"

Her brows furrowed in confusion before she realized what he was actually asking and turned so red that she was almost purple. He laughed loudly, and Hinata slapped her hands over his mouth, "Shh! Someone will hear!"

A warm, wet sensation met her palm, and she gasped, pulling it away. Hidan put his tongue back in his mouth, smiling widely, "You did! You spent the night watching porn and having some D.I.Y. time, huh?"

"N-No, I didn't!"

Hidan pressed his forehead to hers, his eyes glowing in the dark room, "Tell me, what was your favorite one? Actually, better, show me!" He lifted himself up with one arm and reached for her phone with the other.

Hinata grabbed his outreached arm and tried to wrestle it down, "Stop it, Hidan!"

The man retracted his arm and gently lifted Hinata's chin, brushing his nose slightly against hers, "Oh, you'd rather show me in person? I'm flattered."

Her heart was pounding so fast in her chest; she was sure he could hear it. She swallowed nervously, searching his eyes frantically because she couldn't tell if he was really going to do it or not. His lips were barely more than an inch away.

"If you weren't so obviously a fuckin' virgin, I'd shoot my shot with you right now, but I'll settle for a kiss."

Hinata's lips slightly parted in surprise. When he didn't immediately say, "Just kidding!" she asked in an unintentionally breathy voice, "I-I have to do it now?" Hidan didn't respond; he simply held her gaze, his fingers slowly running down her jaw to slip around her neck like they had a couple of weeks ago.

She didn't know what came over her, but she closed her eyes and did it. She kissed him. Neither of them moved for a moment, but when the girl began to pull away to end it, Hidan didn't let her. A slightly shocked sound stuck in her throat when his lips pressed softly against hers. Not only did she not expect him to kiss her, but she really didn't foresee him being so gentle.

The process was slow, but Hinata figured out what to do when Hidan kissed her again and again, and then he surprised her by speaking against her lips, "Stick out your tongue." Her eyes opened to see him looking down at her through half-lidded ones. An unfamiliar warmth arose in the pit of her stomach, but she did what he said.

Hidan's tongue slid up the length of hers until it passed her lips, and then they were kissing again, but it was less sweet and more sensual. He tasted of mint. Having another person's tongue in her mouth was odd, but Hinata quickly adjusted and guiltily enjoyed it.

Her fingers were trembling, but she wanted to touch him how he was touching her. She wanted to know if she really was vanilla. So, the girl hesitantly wrapped them around his neck, her other hand clutching the arm of the one holding her still. A low sound rumbled through his chest, and it chased her hesitance away for some reason. She could feel it, his pulse beating quickly under her fingers, and she liked it.

Suddenly, the fingers around her throat slid back and into her hair. Hidan's nails gently grazed her scalp as he angled his head to further deepen their kiss, making sure she wouldn't move away.

Hidan was no longer gentle. No, he was giving and demanding and didn't give Hinata a single moment to second-guess herself. All she could do was react.

While their tongues danced, he suddenly lifted himself off of her and used his other hand to pull the blanket out from between them; then he returned, a warm sound making his throat vibrate under her fingertips.

Everything was burning Hinata, his tongue, his lips, his skin, and her own body. She wasn't sure what, but her body wanted the boy to do something to it, anything.

Her fingers drifted up to brush against his jaw. Then they brushed against the two earrings he had in his right ear, then they ran into his hair. It was soft, and the Hyuuga girl quite liked how it felt to touch.

The hand in her hair suddenly gave a slight tug, pulling a soft sound from her. Hidan suddenly pulled away from the kiss, gently manipulating her with his hold on her hair so he could dip down and taste the skin of her neck. Though it was burning hot, goosebumps rose on Hinata's skin. She released her hold on his arm and instead held onto his shoulder like it was the last grip on her sanity, panting slightly from all they were doing.

"I was going to say to wait until your lip heals, so this doesn't count," Hinata's eyes shot open when Hidan startled her with a low whisper against her skin.

She opened her mouth to argue, but a humiliating, breathy sound left instead when the boy allowed his teeth to graze her neck. The hand in her hair disappeared. It pulled hers from his shoulder, interlacing their fingers and pinning it to the bed.

The Hyuuga girl squeezed her eyes shut, trying to will her body to remain still because it badly wanted to press up against him, and she couldn't give the cocky young man the satisfaction, not now that she realized he'd tricked her.

"Next time, make sure I don't expect it," Hidan finally pulled away, grinning at her victoriously.

Hinata could do nothing but lay there, halfway through the process of catching her breath, and stare up at him in disbelief.

The young man's smile widened, "Say, princess, why do you think you just let me do all that?"

Her mouth clamped shut, earning a laugh from him, "I-I don't-" "Maybe this one would be easier: why did I let you do that to me?"

She was too stunned to speak. Hidan reached up, pulled her hand from his hair, and manipulated it around his neck like it'd been a minute ago. Hinata's eyes danced from their hands to his face in a panic. The silver-haired man narrowed his eyes, "I don't let just anyone choke me, you know. Consider yourself fuckin' lucky."

He lowered himself so she was concerned he'd begin kissing her again, but he didn't. Instead, he brought his mouth close to her ear so his breath tickled, "If it were someone else, they'd be dead, but you already knew that, didn't you?"

In a blink, both of her hands were off of Hidan, and he sat back on his knees, looking down at her with a frown, "I'll forgive you just this one time. Don't fucking do it again." Then he was gone. He left the room.

Hinata lay there, still unable to properly comprehend what just happened. All she wanted to do was properly apologize. How did they end up…?