
Chapter 21: Clash

The sun kissed the ancient cobblestone streets of Clavis, and the soft chirping of birds signaled a new day. Shopkeepers were beginning to open their wooden stalls, but today felt different. An ominous sensation lingered in the air. Lucius, recognizing the importance of the day, made his way to the city's grand garrison.

Upon his entrance, he was met with a formidable sight. The dark expanse of the garrison field was punctuated by the glint of armor from twenty thousand soldiers. Each one stood in precision, the meticulous formation revealing the extent of their training. Some of the elite soldiers bore arcane crystals embedded in their armor, giving them an otherworldly glow.

Veron, standing with an almost statuesque posture, acknowledged Lucius. "My Lord," he said with a voice as cold as the northern winds.

Lucius nodded, "Veron, have our forces prepare. The empire's envoy is here, and they aren't bearing words of peace."

Just as the morning was beginning to brighten, a resounding call echoed, interrupting the city's routine. From the city's gates, a regal figure in a majestic golden-red armor floated above a battalion. His aura demanded attention and his armor indicated his allegiance to the Lysandria Empire.

However, his confident demeanor seemed to falter, replaced with a mixture of shock and awe. The transformation of Clavis was evident. Arcane lanterns illuminated the streets, and the marketplace vibrated with life, a clear indication of a magical renaissance.

Regaining his composure, the General scanned the scene, and his eyes fell on Veron. The very man who once served under him now stood on equal footing. The vast army of Clavis stood like an unbreachable wall, their aura indicating formidable power.

Summoning courage, the General shouted, "I demand an audience with the newly appointed Lord Lucius. The Emperor wishes to discuss Clavis' newfound defiance."

Veron's ascent into the air was smooth, his tone indifferent. "Your request has been granted, General. Follow me, but remember your place."

The silence between the two was palpable as they made their way to the palace. Inside, Lucius awaited, his throne accentuating his commanding presence. His raven hair seemed to dance with the torchlight, and an intimidating aura enveloped the room.

Swallowing hard, the General began, "Lord Lucius, by Emperor's decree, I am tasked to assess and discuss the sudden developments of Clavis."

Lucius' eyes seemed to pierce through the General's soul, "Discuss? The Emperor sits idly by as his empire crumbles. Clavis stands as a testament to what true leadership can achieve. Join us, and together we can usher in an era of prosperity."

But the General's loyalty was unwavering. "While Clavis may have prospered, it has done so in defiance. The Emperor will be informed of this rebellion."

Lucius's smirk turned cold. "Rebellion? No, General, this is evolution." Suddenly, a wave of magic pressure erupted from Lucius, forcing the General to his knees. Without uttering a word, Lucius extended his hand, and the General's youthful vigor was drained, leaving a frail, old man in its wake.

Turning to Veron, Lucius commanded, "Eliminate their forces, but let a few bear witness to their folly."

Veron's assault was relentless. The skies darkened as magic-infused projectiles rained down. Soldiers of the empire fell like dominos, their silver armor tarnished with ash. Despite their numbers, the Captains were powerless, struggling against the might of even the weakest Clavis soldier. The once mighty Lysandria battalion was reduced to mere rubble within moments.

As the dust settled, Lucius retreated to the palace's inner sanctum. A massive crystal stood at its center, shimmering in hues of blue and crimson. The souls and essence of the fallen were trapped within.

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