
Conan Exiles. Stuck in a new world.

Tamara wakes up in a strange new world. In the world of Conan Exiles. Where demons, monsters, witches, skeletons, ghosts, different tribes, hunger, thirst, and sand storms can pretty much kill you. As well as lions, gorillas, antelopes, panther's, tigers, elephants, mammoths, rhinos, jaguar's, gators, turtles, scorpions, snow tigers, leopards, bats, snakes can you. But all of these animals can be turned into pets. Now Tamara and her god Ymir most battle their way through many bosses and tribes in order to both protect the lands and survive.

TravisLaRowe23b · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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1 Chs

(Into Exile.)

Chapter one:

Tamara slowly comes from the black abyss of her mind. Her bare skin is hot and itchy. As she slowly lifts her aching body and opens her eyes she is greeted by a blinding light and immediately most close them again. She sits up and slowly runs her hands over the ground. Sand.

Eventually she gets herself accustomed in the bright reflection off of the tiny grains and takes in her surroundings. Nothing but endless desert as far as she can see. She stands and begins working her way over to a nearby sand dune. Her body fights the entire climb but she forced herself up and over to see a beautiful valley. In the distance is a looming city of black obsidian- like rock. Where am I? She thought to herself.

She picks up a nearby flask that was abandoned by it's owner for some indiscernible amount of time and attempt to vanquish her nagging thirst. It's completely empty. Whatever was in there most have evaporated in the scorching sun. She sighs in aggravation and stumbles through some ruins overrun with sand deciding heading into the valley she can see ahead to look for water source may be the best option for the time being.