
Comparing The Two Lokis, The God Of Story Is Shocking And Diverse!

The comparison character is Loki!In the original world, Loki was emotionally extreme and was not only exploited by Thanos, but also caused his mother to die from the invasion of dark elves because of a word of revenge!He was afraid of being alone, but lost himself. When he woke up, he died at the hands of Thanos!But the other Loki was different from the beginning!Not only did he know how to think about himself and understand the world at a young age.He is also extremely talented, not only can he control the Runes, but he can also awaken the power of ice!And he also created all magic and became the master of magic!till the end!Time becomes his throne!Order and chaos are his servants!The dream turns into a shadow behind you!The story of the Almighty Universe….written by Him! !

Big_Eve · Phim ảnh
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158 Chs

Chapter 53

[Time passed by, and it took three days and three nights for Loki to open his eyes.]

[The deep gaze disappeared in a flash, and calmness returned]

[At this time, he has completely digested the benefits brought by dimensional travel to the spirit body, and his perception of the world has become clearer.]

[The understanding of the two divine powers is also more profound]

[At this moment, Loki suddenly felt something. With just a thought, a rune lit up in front of him.]

[It quivered and seemed to be syncing]

[The next second, green light burst out, and a holographic image appeared]

[What was playing was the strange scene in the surveillance room before.]

[Ten minutes later, the runes flickered out, and Loki showed a playful expression and murmured:]

["It's getting more and more interesting"]

["The atrium is really not simple. There is a secret in an unawakened witch."]

[At this moment, Loki's eyes became more profound, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.]

[A few seconds later, he fell from the air and walked out, seemingly not caring about the matter at all. ]

It is not surprising that there are many people outside the light curtain.

After all, Loki had stated before that this was Thor's ordeal and he would not care about it.

However, Gu Yi narrowed his eyes slightly at this time.

In her opinion, with this look in his eyes, Loki might have discovered something or even had some kind of plan.

[Loki walked casually in Kama Taj. The mystics and apprentices along the way did not recognize him and did not ask any questions other than showing curious eyes.]

[His identity is a secret. Only the two mages who received him and Ancient One know about it.]

[He is here to learn knowledge, not to show off himself]

[It's too stupid to make a big show of it, and it's also cheap.]

[Soon Loki saw Ancient One and showed a hint of surprise.]

[The Supreme Mage was actually supervising the apprentices below. A group of people had golden rings in their hands, and sparks of magic in their other hands.]

["Loki Mage"]

[Gu Yi had already changed his name and said gently:]

["I thought it would take at least a week for you to realize it, but I didn't expect it to come out so quickly."]

["It seems that things will go smoothly next time"]

[Loki smiled, then looked at the apprentice below and said:]

["I feel the space is being pried, what kind of spell is this?"]

[Modu on the side looked surprised when he heard this.]

[You can tell what the apprentices are doing just by looking at them. This is also a very keen sense of space!]

[Or is this the effect of dimensional travel?]

[After thinking about it for a while, he felt that it was probably both.]

[At this time, there was an ancient saying:]

["Kama Taj's teleportation spell completely ignores distance and was created by the former supreme mage Agamotto."]

["What, do you want to try it?"]

[Loki nodded, that was exactly what he meant:]

["How to do?"]

[Gu Yi didn't speak, so Mo Du said:]

["Use the hanging ring to increase the perception of the body and space, imagine the place you want to teleport in your mind, and then use magic to move the space"]

["So simple?"Loki was a little surprised.]

[Modu shook his head:]

["It just sounds simple. The vibration frequency of the magic power that stirs the space needs to be sensed."]

["The target location is different, and it will be different every time you open the portal."]

["And it's not just about prying it open successfully, it also needs to maintain stable magic power, otherwise the portal will still fail."]

[Isn't this still very simple?….Loki looked at Master Modu who was explaining seriously and nodded:]

["It does sound difficult, let me try it"]

[He felt that as a guest, he should be more modest.]

[Modu was also very curious about what the God King could do for the first time. He thought that it took him a full week of practice to find that feeling.]

[Although this God King is very talented, it probably takes a day to learn it.]

[Loki took the hanging ring handed over by Mordu and put it on his hand.]

[However, he did not try it directly, but felt the effects of this magical weapon.]

[After a few seconds, he frowned slightly]

[Seeing this expression, the corners of Modu's mouth curled up slightly unconsciously.]


[Even the God King of Asgard has difficulty learning the Kama Taj spell.]

[This made him feel a sense of superiority.]

[However, this feeling did not last for a second when he saw a green spark suddenly appear in the air.]

[Mordo was stunned for a moment. Before his mind could react, he saw the flames suddenly rotating and unfolding, forming a portal.]

[He has recognized that behind the door is the quiet room where Loki was staying before.]


[Modu couldn't control his emotions and shouted in shock.]

[Just now, I thought that the God King was in trouble, but he turned around and was slapped in the face?]

[this…This is too fast!]

[Tell me the principle of operation and you will learn it in three seconds! ?]

[If he hadn't known that this person was a real big shot and didn't bother to do such low-level things, he would have thought that the other person had learned from him before and was now playing a trick on him.]

[Wang, who was correcting his apprentice's mistakes below, also showed a shocked expression when he saw this scene.]

[What's going on?]

[What he is most proud of is this spell. He learned it in more than a day, but he learned it in seconds?]

[Is there something wrong with me, or is there something wrong with you?]

[For a time, the two fell into deep self-doubt.]

[Loki didn't know that he had inadvertently hit the self-esteem of the two mystics, because in his opinion, they had not succeeded.]

[He frowned and took off the hanging ring, regretfully saying:]


[Um?…Modu looked puzzled and said:]

["Didn't you succeed?"]

["You don't even need to raise your hand to cast a spell, which is better than many mages."]

[Loki shook his head:]

["Too dependent on external things"]

["Although the hanging ring is a good thing, when do you get rid of this magical weapon to truly learn this spell?"]

[That's why he frowned in the first place]

[The corner of Modu's mouth twitched]

[By this standard, Kamal Taj is probably not even a mystic who can't transmit spells.]

[Because he remembered that even the Supreme Mage had to use the Suspended Ring to open the portal.]

[Therefore, he did not agree with what the God King said. ]

Witch Agatha couldn't help but sneer when she heard this.

Is this black guy stupid when picking cotton?

Why do you think that a Supreme Mage who has lived for an unknown amount of time cannot use the hanging ring to teleport.

She was sure that Gu Yiyi was just showing more.

If you really think

so, let alone the grass on the grave, it's probably even rotten to the bones.

[Loki handed back the hanging ring and could tell at a glance what the mystic mage was thinking.]

[He didn't care, but for Gu Yi's sake he still said calmly:]

["Power, only what is in your own hands is power"]

["Hanging rings are easy to use, but unless you wear them all your life"]

[Mo Du didn't take it seriously. He kept the ring on his body and it wouldn't get in the way.]

[However, the king below felt thoughtful after hearing these words. ](To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

[He suddenly thought of a problem that he had never noticed before!]

[That is, what should you do if you are trapped in a dead place such as the mirror space and the hanging ring is lost due to battle or accident?]

[Wang instantly understood what Loki meant.]

[There will be no problem with one's own strength, but there will be too much uncertainty in external objects.]

[I have lived so comfortably these past few years. It seems that I will study teleportation spells more deeply when I look back.][]

[Loki doesn't want to waste time here]

[As his understanding of space deepens, he will naturally master this teleportation spell completely.]

[Gu Yi then opened his mouth and said:]

["King, take Master Loki to the library."]

["And don't forget to tell the administrator that the inner three bookshelves are also open."]

["I will, Your Holiness."The king nodded.]

[There was a trace of expectation in Loki's heart. This was the biggest purpose of coming to Kama Taj.]

[Suddenly, he felt a gaze looking at him]

[This book is nothing. When he cast the teleportation spell just now, many apprentices secretly looked at him.]

[But at this time, this look was mixed with a hint of malice.]

[Loki didn't look at that person, because the aura was far more real than the appearance, and he had already memorized it.]

[He glanced at Gu Yi and followed Wang away without saying anything.]

[But after he left, Gu Yi showed a trace of sadness and murmured:]

["What should I do with Strange? What do you have to compensate me for, Odin?…"]

["what did you say?"Modu asked curiously]


[Gu Yi shook his head, but looked at Mo Du's expression a little strange.]


[Kama Taj Library]

[Loki stood at the door, looking at the bookshelves with traces of time, feeling that every cell began to get excited.]

[He took a deep breath, and then looked at Wang Dao very naturally:]

["Please get me all the basic books on magic, thank you"]

["The most basic?"]

[The king was stunned for a moment. This god-king learned the teleportation technique in three seconds. He still had to read basic books?]

["right."Loki nodded.]

[Just like runes, what he wants is not to learn, but to thoroughly understand the essence and then control it.]

[It's a pity that he couldn't do it with the Looney Rune in 1500.]

[Maybe magic can complement each other]

[Seeing that he heard correctly, the king stopped saying anything and started searching directly.]

[But when he found it, he was shocked]

[Because I found more than a hundred books on the basics of magic!]

[There is so much basic magic?….At this moment, Wang couldn't help but secretly clicked his tongue.]

[If it weren't for this god king, he would never know about it in his life]

[What shocked him even more was that within a month from then on, the other party had been reading these books.]

[I didn't even think about going deeper into the library!]

[Wang was immediately impressed!]

[With this kind of patience and determination, even ten of myself can't do it!]

[Half a year passed, and Loki read more books, but the more he read, the more he frowned.]

[Because he found that Kamal Taj was different from what he thought]

[Until one day, he put down the spell book in his hand]

["`~I thought you would come earlier"]

[Gu Yi said and poured another cup of tea, just like the first time they met.]

[After Loki took a sip, he asked his doubts:]

["Why do most of Karma Taj's magic and mystical arts come with a price?"]

[Except for pure spells like mirror space and portal, almost most of the spells he saw were borrowed from the so-called demon god.]

[Gu Yi said calmly at this time:]

["Because magic and occult arts belong to the Dimension Demon God"]

["It's just that most of us choose ones that are harmless and have no traps, at least the ones that won't lose our souls. This is the truth about the Mystic Mage."]

["What if the devil doesn't lend it?"Loki asked again]

["Then it cannot be used"]

[After Gu Yi finished speaking, he said calmly:]

["Are you disappointed?"]

["Very disappointed indeed"]

[Loki made no secret of it]

[At the same time, I finally understood why Asgard has no secret spells and even very little magic.]

["So the God King plans to leave?"Gu Yi took a sip of tea and asked without raising his head.]

[Loki showed a strange expression and asked:]

["(Why do you want to leave?"]

["Now that you have seen the true nature of magic, what are you still doing here?"]

["No, I just see clearly the essence of the magic of the demon gods. That and seeing the essence of magic are two different concepts."]

["so you….."]

[Loki showed a serious look that he had never seen before and said:]

["So since the demon gods can understand magic and create magic, then I may not be able to do it."]

["And if we can really understand the true principles of these secret techniques, I think maybe there is no problem in using them forcefully. Whoever said that if you borrow something, you have to pay it back."]

[After hearing this, Gu Yi finally smiled, with admiration in his eyes:]

["In this case, I look forward to the day when God King succeeds"]

[Loki drank the tea in his hand and left]

[late at night]

[Apart from the dozing administrator, Loki was the only one in the library.]

[He was still sitting in the library, watching how to use Weishan Emperor's Flame Holy Sword, while reasoning backwards in his mind, deconstructing the spell bit by bit.]

[Suddenly, he felt that sight with a hint of malice again.]

[He didn't look up, only listened to the faint footsteps getting closer and sneered inwardly.]

[Although I don't know why this guy is malicious towards me, I can only say that he is very patient.]

[How could I endure it until now?]

[Three seconds later, the footsteps stopped beside him. county]

[But the sneak attack he imagined didn't come. Instead, he heard a cautious voice.]

["Mage Loki, have you heard of Dormammu?"]