
Collided Hearts

Killing so she can accomplish her goals independently, destroying anyone who tries to impede her. Not until she encountered the Mafia Boss who's willing to get played by her rules, but while trying to win the game, what will happen if she wins his heart instead? What would transpire if their lives crossed paths? Would he still be in love with her if he knew she was out to kill him and bring down the Organization he risked everything for? What's more, when she realizes that he was a hybrid one? Does the love they have found worth the risk and the sacrifice?

Hiraya_Avria · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

3: Facing Fears


AB can't still process the thoughts. She knew she needed to be careful about whatever will come when facing the Ruzvelt clan. They can know everything as they read thoughts in one touch. And AB is skeptical of meeting them, afraid to find out what's in her thoughts.

It's been 10 years since she last met them, she was still young back then but she already saw how dangerous they are. The Ruzvelt clan consists of 7 members and they call them the lucky 7, they were the one to destroy the Monarchy of Agadon's opponent many years ago, leaving the Agadon to be the only one standing Monarchy and now, they are here to see her. And she has no idea why and that's what bothers her the most.

"I don't know, your mother asked me to tell you the news. I supposed she's not meeting you again tonight." Aurelia said to her, leaving her speechless. Her mother was more afraid of the Ruzvelt clan, since they maintain the equality of every tribe inside Agadon, AB's mother who kept on doing greedy things needs to be careful.

After 10 years, she's still not ready to face the clan.

"You know you need to face them, right?" Aurelia made sure she was coming. They can't turn down their request, they will surely hunt those who refuse.

AB sighed and nodded her head. There are so many thoughts running in her mind but she needs to be still and standing.

Aurelia sighed and smiled. She believes that there is nothing to worry about AB, she's intelligent and she knows her friend can do it.

"You're not afraid, aren't you?" She jokingly asked her. AB in response smirked while looking at Aurelia who's hoping for her to answer no.

"There's nothing to be afraid of anything or anyone." She confidently answered. Aurelia blew the air she was holding back, then smiled.

"Alright. You know where to find them. As much as I want to go with you, I just can't. They were so strict about rules. You are the only one they needed." Aurelia pouted her lips. She had never seen the Ruzvelt clan, and she was wishing to meet them just one time in her life. However, it's not her time yet. Even AB doesn't know what they look like now. It's been 10 years, she hasn't even seen them together back then.

"I'm okay. I don't need company." AB told her that made Aurelia stomped her feet and crossed her arms in dismay.

"Okay fine, I will just find Culton and pester him for a while until you get back. We will wait for you," she said and walked away, but she looked back after some steps. "Goodluck," she added and finally left AB there standing, clenching her hands while gritting her teeth.

"Rules, fuck those damn rules." She said to herself before making her way to the dungeon, where she can find them.

When she finally reached the huge door, she stood up straight and prepared herself to see the clan. She knew she couldn't hold it back. Whatever she will do, she will always have a spot to target. That's how the clan works to kill their enemy.

Once she opened the door, a very bright light welcomed her, blinding her vision for a moment, but as soon as her vision got back she finally saw the big people sitting like a King and Queen of Agadon, though the only one that shows his face was the one at the center area, the others faces are covered with a black hood. Her heart pumped very fast when she saw the man's face, it felt like he hadn't aged at all.

Her eyes started squinting, making her feel nervous for a moment. Whatever will come after this, she knows she will not have time to decide what death she will be having.

Even afraid, she needs to face them. She walked on the red carpet until she reached their feet. She went down to her knees to give them respect.

"Greetings to the Ruzvelt clan, I am honored to meet you." She said and bowed her head a little more.

"Rise." The person in the center told her. His voice is like magic.

She was the only one there, and that's making her more anxious. It was her first time feeling that way. But she needs to be strong like she used to.

"My pleasure." She then looked him in the eyes, leaving no clues she had something to hide. Then there she clearly saw the man in the center, his eyes were cold as ice.

"I guess you don't have any idea of your sudden arrival." His voice felt like she was under the deepest grave, it was echoing inside her ears.

She secretly bit her lips and forced herself to smile a little. "You know everything," she answered, trying to sound respectful.

The man in the center whose eyes are blue looked at her intently. She knew he was reading her soul at that moment and she didn't want that to happen. She tried hiding the deepest and darkest thoughts at the back of her mind.

"You are one of the best agents of Xilan. You should be rewarded." Her eyes started swelling after hearing that, she couldn't feel any happiness deep inside but still she was grateful that they saw how she worked hard.

However, she knew something was wrong.

"By an honor of sending you to a mission that your ancestors did not make for years."

"Anything for the Monarchy." She bowed once again.

"Get the Sacred Moon Jade back." Her head lifted. Ears felt numb after hearing that.
