
Collided Hearts

Killing so she can accomplish her goals independently, destroying anyone who tries to impede her. Not until she encountered the Mafia Boss who's willing to get played by her rules, but while trying to win the game, what will happen if she wins his heart instead? What would transpire if their lives crossed paths? Would he still be in love with her if he knew she was out to kill him and bring down the Organization he risked everything for? What's more, when she realizes that he was a hybrid one? Does the love they have found worth the risk and the sacrifice?

Hiraya_Avria · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

2: Lady In Black

After the conversation she had with her parents, AB made her own way, started jumping over trees. She's going to the place she feels safe thinking, and that's on the cliff. From there, she can see the palace where the higher monarchy was. Around it are the houses of the ministers and officials who maintain the safety of the whole monarchy including every tribe.

She smirked while staring at those big towers, she knew it's not that easy to go there if they were not part of the Quin tribe, the first leading tribe in the Monarchy, but the upcoming war of the empires will serve as her gate pass to finally reach the inside. That's the only way she could know about her own identity. She knew from the start that there was something wrong with her. The tribe possessed fire power but she didn't have that, at first she was afraid but as time went by, she realized she didn't need one.

AB closed her eyes while looking forward to her victory. She knew they would win no matter what. Their tribe who's holding the 2nd title, was already claiming it.

"I didn't thought you still go here even if it's dark." A voice breaks the silence of the place. AB knows who it is and she doesn't need to look at him anymore. She already felt his presence earlier, and that stopped her unending thoughts.

"Don't tell me you're worried because I am a woman." AB smirked. The guy chuckles because of what she said. Of course he is not worried for her, but for the innocent city people who might see her here. She's very dangerous for them.

"Yes." He joked and sat beside her. He smiled while staring at her face. "You know what?" He asked, still looking at her.

"Spill it and don't make me wait." AB replied, impatient.

The guy grin. "You looked older than the last time I saw you, what happened? Stressed?" It was supposed to be a joke not until a knife was quickly pointed at his neck.

"I killed many oldies and forgot that I supposed to kill those young ones first." AB said while glaring at him. Instead of getting scared, the guy smiled and stared at the palace.

"I know what you're thinking, I suppose I need to make sure you will not do anything stupid." He calmly said, not minding the knife on his neck.

AB pulled the knife and hide it before standing. "I will not."

"You already did once." The guy said, looking back on what she did 5 years ago.

"Shut up, Damien."

Damien stood up and faced her. "I am here to make sure you won't do such thing again." He patted her head before jumping off the cliff.

She looked at where he was standing earlier and shook her head. Damien is the top rank guard of the palace and he is under the Quin tribe. However, he is her friend, he never leaves her until now that he is holding a high spot inside and shouldering many responsibilities. He never forgot her and her dream to get inside the palace, to win over them.

Damien is the only guy she knows she can trust inside the Monarchy, what's happening inside that big palace is still a mystery. They were supposed to be enemies, but that was never a problem to the both of them. They knew each other since they were young, Damien was the only one who kept her company throughout the years.

AB started walking at the silent forest where wild animals were hiding every corner, waiting for something or someone weak to eat. But that doesn't scare her. She has liked hunting wild animals since she was young, and the silence of the woods makes her comfortable even in the darkness.

While she was on her way, a bear showed up, trying to scare her. Its fang was salivating while looking at her, seeing her as the next prey. However, AB just stood still and couldn't even feel any emotions towards the wild animal. She feels like she has a connection with them somehow. Like the wolf in front of her, she was eager to eat her enemies and break them into pieces.

AB smirked at the wild animal before taking out her weapon. They are fast and the claws were dangerous, she doesn't want to have any scar in her body.

While she was above the tree, she saw the bear already preparing to grab her. However, when she was about to shoot it with her weapon, a voice stopped the scene. "AB! Where are you?" It was Aurelia. AB knew she was coming so she tried to jump away using the trees, trying to lure the bear out.

She smirked before making her way back.

"Where have you been?" Aurelia asked, confused about why she could smell something in her. "You killed whom?"

AB shrugged her shoulders, "No one."

Aurelia's eyes narrowed, she knew AB was lying about that but then she remembered the thing she wanted to tell her. "The Ruzvelt clan were asking you to come."

AB's body got stiff and she could barely breathe for a moment. Her eyes squinted and tightly closed her hands.

She always knew how cruel Ruzvelts are.

"When?" She asked, trying to compose herself.

But Aurelia's answer made her lose her posture.
