
The Beginning

[Four deaths. At first, they were thought not to be connected in any way. But in reality, how they were connected was so disturbing and horrifying that it could send chills down the spines of any man.]

(R.A.B. Headquarters, Dhaka, Bangladesh)

(The Director General's office)

: (A constable) Sir, Assistant Director Tareq Mirza wants to meet you.

: (Director General) Let him in.

(Enters the room and gives a salute)

: Sir!

: Welcome. It's been a while since I last called you into my office. How have you been?

: By the Almighty's mercy, I'm doing well, sir.

: Great. Anyways. As I called you, you can assume I have something important to say.

: Yes, sir.

: Read this file.

[The Director General hands a file to Tareq Mirza. 4 Death reports.

1. Dr. Nazif Ahmed, Occupation: Pharmacist, Cause of death: Food poisoning, Time and Date:11:35 P.M., 20 March 2020.

2. Tafhimul Islam, Occupation: Architect, Cause of Death: Car collision, Time and Date:11.40 P.M., 27 March 2020

3. Naim Siddiq. Occupation: Teacher, Cause of Death: Explosion due to gas leakage, Time and date:11:24 P.M.,3 April 2020

4. Laxman Paul, Occupation: Banker, Cause of Death: Falling from his balcony, Time and date:11:31 P.M., 10 April 2020]

: Sir, they all seem to be accidents of sorts.

: Yes, but here's what made us think otherwise. Just 2 hours before the deaths, the nearest Police stations received their photos. It was as if someone was challenging the police to stop him. So, we can assume it is someone's doing.

: I see. So, do you want me to handle this case?

: Yes. I want you and your team to find this killer. And keep this out of the public's attention. The rest of the files and evidence will be sent to your office.

: Don't worry, sir. I assure you that I will not show my face to you without the killer with me.

: That's the confidence I want. Good luck. You may leave now.


[Assistant Director Tareq Mirza. Immaculate, intelligent, and fearless. At just 27, he is already recognized as one of the finest in his field.]

[The next day, Tareq and his team already started to work behind the case. His team included Sub-Inspector Suvroneel Saha, Naik(A rank) Hasan Mahmud, and Naik Ninad D'Cruz.]

:(Tareq) Suvro, what's your report?

:(Saha) Sir, as from the previous report, you can see that all the killings occurred between 11 P.M. to 12 A.M., and each victim's photos were sent to the nearest police station about 1 hour before their deaths. Another thing we found out is that a symbol was found near all of their body.

[Shows photos of the sign. It was a blue colored 'A'.]

: I see. Hasan, what about you?

:(Hasan) Sir, I investigated the possible reasons for the deaths.....

: That won't be necessary. I know how they died.

(Everyone became surprised)

: The first death occurred due to an allergy. Mr. Nazif had an allergy to peanuts. He ate vegetable salad for dinner. In that salad, the killer mixed peanuts. Thus he died of that. The second death was a little tricky. The killer fixed a small bomb on the brakes of the car of Mr. Tafhimul. It was detonated when he entered the highway, causing him to lose control. At last, it collided with a tree at high speed, causing his death. The third one was simple. He opened the gas line of Mr. Siddiq's house. Then he fabricated the bulb on the doorway. So, as soon he turned on the light, his house became an inferno.

:(D'Cruz)How do you know all these things, sir?

: Because I'm a genius. (Laughs)

:(Hasan) Really sir?

: Sorry, just kidding. I found all these while investigating the photo envelope. Watch this (shows). The envelope is made of Wove paper. But when you look inside, you find a layer of cream-colored letter paper. The police didn't notice it at all. Can you pass me the box cutter, Hasan?

[Tareq slowly cuts the envelope and shows that another layer of paper was attached with tape]

:(Tareq) Tadaa. Here's the letter. Read it out loud.

:(Hasan)Going to enter the house of the guy. When he enters the house, simply going to take the keys to his car to make a sound. The guard will already be unconscious. So when he looks out of his balcony, push!!!! You are welcome to catch me.

:(D'cruz) He narrated how he'd kill the guy!

:(Tareq) He looks like a guy with a few screws loose. And to be honest, it wouldn't be fun either without one like him.

[The tea boy entered the room with a tray of tea cups. He left the tea cups and was going out, Tareq noticed. An envelope was on the tray.]

: Hey boy, stop!

[Tareq grabbed the envelope and saw the Blue 'A' on it. The fifth murder victim was determined.]

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