
A Chance to Hope Once More

Back track to the weirdness of what just transpired. My uncle or not my uncle (whatever), Dr. Reginald Noan, wanted me, his nephew, to be his son.

I mean, it's weird for me first thing life throws at me was like:

'Hey! Guess what, your family doesn't like you so it's adios to the Scifios Bloodline! But wait, there's more; You're expelled from the school you've lived more than 5 years now, basically you're homeless too!'

Then here's Doc, who wanted to adopt me out of nowhere. You can imagine the confusion in a broken 8 year-old's face right about now.

"T-that's... I mean, I'm honored and anything but... Are you telling that you're willing to take in a random child who just got recently abandoned?"

"You are no random child lad. You are the child of my brother, that much is true. His blood runs in your veins, we can never remove that fact. But I am asking you as head of the Noan family, not as a fellow deposed scion of the Scifios."

The Noan Family. Truth be told, I have come across the Noan name in my studies. It is a family that takes in war orphans and those who were abandoned by their parents. Their reputation in housing them and taking care of them was so profound, it is still known as the best place to give children a chance to have a new family.

"Can... Can you give me at least a week. Just a week to see if it is right for me. Plus... I don't think I can move now." I asked and Doc extended his hand to pat my head. I felt warm inside for some reason.

"All right. One week. You can do whatever you want. But all I ask is... Give it some thought." He left me alone in my ward, and I finally had time for my thoughts.

'You're still there... Aren't you?'

'I never left. Considering the fact that you are willing to trust and hope on an adult again, I can safely say that you have a screw loose.'

I ignored it. My doubts, my anxiety... it was so sentient that sometimes I was always have conversations with it. I know it sounds weird but... Here I am. A broken Psionic with a voice in my head living rent free.

But I forgot to ask a question to Doc... Where the heck am I?

No... I did ask him, but he didn't say. Then my door opened and triplets who looked around 7 years old came inside. All three sported gray hair with black streaks, yet their eyes are different. One had teal, the other had yellow, and the third had red eyes.

'Look! A new guy!' Teal eyes said in his mind.

'We have to be careful, Dad says he's a bit unstable.' Red eyes said

'He won't hurt us, will he?' Yellow eyes said.

These kids... They're Doc's blood children.

"Hi there! I'm Conner Noan! Dad said you might need company!!" The teal eyed said with a huge smile. "The guy with yellow eyes is my 2nd older brother, Keith. And The one with Red eyes is Elios, our big brother."

The two boys waved, Elios was keeping an eye out for me, he was the most suspicious of me. Or the most on guard.

"What's your name?"

"I... can't." I said nervously.

"What do you mean by that?" Elios raised an eyebrow.

"I... don't want to remember my name. Please don't make me say it." My shoulders stiffened and my hands won't stop shaking.

Onomatophobia... Aside from my Autophobia, I didn't want to hear that name, I will never hear that name ever again.

"We apologize... Dad said you might need company and... We're sorry for making you remember all those bad things." Keith said nervously.

"N-no... There's no need for you to apologize." I felt bad. Here they are trying to cheer me up, and my negativity just puts them off.

"We'll leave you to rest. Brothers..." Keith said and leads his brothers away.

'Aww... I wanted to know him more.' Conner thought excitedly.

'He's too broken. Guess that's why dad wanted us to see him.' Elios thought pensively.

'I hope... He can see us as family soon.' Keith thought longingly.

Family? Wait... I didn't mishear their thoughts. And those emotions? Why were they sad, excited, and feeling sorry?

'That's just your imagination. Don't get your hopes up.' My doubts said again as soon as night befell my room.

But the days trickled down. And the guys kept visiting me. Keith being the mediator, Elios being the responsible one, and Conner being the noisy one. But I... got used to them. One time, Conner told a joke and we all spat out our drinks.

The surprising part was... I laughed. I never laughed before that loudly nor with that much emotion, well, not because of an achievement, but I had a good laugh. If I had this before in the academy...

"Hey you laughed! Nice to finally hear that!!" Conner smiled widely and leaned near my face. His bubbly teal eyes made me feel a bit scared.

"Conner, don't lean too much on big red." Keith warned him and Elios took him away.

'Big Red'... That was my nickname because I was the oldest one and I have red eyes similar to Elios. In fact, it was Elios who suggested that nickname for me.

"We forgot, Keith. Conner and I have martial arts this afternoon. Can we-"

"Say no more Brother. I'll take care of Big red." Keith said and waves the two boys good-bye.

"Now we're alone big red... Want to continue?" Keith asked and locked the door. I nodded.

Keith Noan, his ability is to read and interpret emotions, an Empath. Keith was helping me recover emotionally. It was slow, but fulfilling. He and I share a few traits, such as reading the room. But Keith is far more observant while I follow my intuition.

"You laughed a while back. That's good big red." Keith smiled as he and I held one hand.

"Thanks... I'm grateful for your help Keith. Especially Conner and Elios." I said.

"Still... We can't keep calling you big red forever. Right? And... You're about to make your decision tomorrow."

That's right. My deal with Doc... It's tomorrow. To be honest... I'm still afraid. What if I'm not good enough once I became their family? What if... I'll just be a burden.

"Big red... Can I tell you something?" Keith began and I nodded.

"I know its difficult in accepting this sudden change. But, we... want you to be with us. The orphanage is in need of another set of hands. Unfortunately... No one is willing to be workers for an orphanage." Keith revealed. "Plus... it's refreshing to see Elios smile. He was feeling the pressure of being the eldest."

"You want me to be your brother?"

"Y-yeah... Well, not just me. Conner will have someone to annoy and Elios will have someone to talk about being... well, being an old child." Keith said bashfully. "Plus... We want you to live with us. You've suffered enough... Maybe it's time for you to let them go."

Let them go? That's right... For the past few days, I've never once remember the words Randolph said, nor can I even recall their expressions. Their voices were drowned, thanks to the incessant voice known as Conner. At first, I was annoyed, but now... It became a voice I was looking forward to hear everyday. Then it occured to me:

I was always with the three of them. Elios with his stern face and sterner academic mind, he and I always stayed up late while discussing our telekinetic powers and ways to improve them. Keith and I are always practicing our empathic and telepathic abilities often, so we created our first mental and emotional link with one another, and now testing if we can make the same for Conner and Elios. And Conner... Even though he always teases me and makes me feel a bit awkward. His boundless energy and his amicable warmth... It... made me want to protect him too. And guide him once he starts to manifest his abilities.

A smile flashed across my face, and tears started to stream down.

"Can... can you call doc." I choked in tears and Keith rushed out, and I could tell. He too was smiling.

I tried to feel my legs, sure enough... I could move them again, and I finally stood up again. Doc came in, with Elios and Conner still sweating from their training, and Keith was holding hands with a woman who I think is their mom and my aunt.

"You called for me?"

"I... I did. That spot in helping out in the orphanage. May I have it? No... I want to have it." I said meekly while closing my eyes.

Doc was speechless while Conner cheered loudly. Elios sighs happily and with relief and Keith was happily stunned. The woman sighs and held my hand.

"On behalf of my rowdy boys and shell shocked husband, yes. You can have it. My name is Shanette Noan, that would make me your Aunt. Nice to meet you... Er..."

"Marc. It's the name the four of us decided on." I said while smiling happily with tears coming down my eyes.

Aunt Shanette embraced me and gives me my full name. "Welcome to the family, Marc Callahan Noan."

Marc Callahan... 'Hope in War'... That was the meaning of my name. I was in war with myself, now, I found hope again. Thanks to them... My new family.

An innocent wish. That's what it takes to make a Child's dream come true.

SibboMarcocreators' thoughts
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