
Civilization 0

In a future where humanity's scientific prowess has reached unprecedented heights, brilliant physicist Dr. Alexander Hawthorne leads a daring experiment to create an artificial singularity – a region of infinite density that could unlock the secrets of the universe itself. However, something goes catastrophically wrong. The unstable singularity ruptures the fabric of reality, unleashing a cataclysmic wave of energy that warps the fundamental forces governing the cosmos. Alexander finds himself hurled back in time, stranded in a primordial era where the laws of physics have been twisted beyond recognition. In this strange new world, mythical creatures roam the land, and humans wield inexplicable supernatural powers. Worse still, Alexander is bound by an enigmatic "god-like system" that threatens to claim his life if he fails to undo the damage he has caused. Trapped in an ancient civilization on the brink of collapse, Alexander must race against time to unravel the mysteries of this altered reality. Aided by unlikely allies and armed with his formidable knowledge of science and technology, he embarks on a perilous quest to restore balance to the fundamental forces of the universe. As he delves deeper into the bizarre workings of this new world, Alexander uncovers shocking revelations about the nature of reality itself. But even as he inches closer to a solution, dark forces conspire to stop him, driven by their own sinister agendas. In a desperate bid to avert an unraveling of existence itself, Alexander must confront his own limitations, challenge the boundaries of human understanding, and ultimately decide the fate of not just this strange realm, but of reality as we know it.

MrKonic · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Reset [PART 1]

In the year 105 of the Technogenesis calendar, a new era established after the twenty-first where artificial intelligence and technology advanced at an unprecedented rate, the world had undergone a remarkable transformation. Contrary to the fears of many, AI never conquered humanity but instead became an integral part of civilization, propelling innovation to unimaginable heights. It was akin to rediscovering fire, igniting a century of progress that surpassed all previous achievements.

The city skyline was a marvel of sleek skyscrapers that pierced the clouds, their surfaces glinting with holographic displays and energy-efficient paneling. Hovering trains glided effortlessly along elevated tracks, their silent propulsion a testament to the marvels of anti-gravity technology. The streets below were pristine, with self-driving vehicles navigating seamlessly amid lush parks and immaculate walkways. The air was fresh, purified by advanced environmental systems that had reversed the effects of centuries of pollution. It was a world where humanity had finally found harmony with nature through the aid of technology.

However, even in this advanced era, the darker aspects of human nature persisted. In a dimly lit alley, three burly men, adorned with tattoos and scars, surrounded a tall, thin figure. The man wore a tattered white lab coat, and his handsome features were marred by deep eye bags, evidence of countless sleepless nights.

This was Dr. Alexander Hawthorne, a brilliant physicist, but in that moment, his brilliance was overshadowed by the beating he endured. It was clear this wasn't the first time he had faced such mistreatment.

"Hey, when are you gonna pay back our money, Mr. Doctor?" one of the crooks sneered, grasping Alexander's collar and lifting him off the ground.

Another thug chuckled menacingly, "Let's just take his kidneys and sell them."

Alexander struggled feebly, his voice barely above a whisper, "Give me just one more day." His plea was met with a vicious punch to the stomach, and the crook holding him stepped on his face, grinding his features into the pavement.

"This will be the last time, doc," the man spat, waving his hand as his minions followed him, leaving Alexander battered and bloodied.

With a pained grimace, Alexander lifted himself from the ground, his focus unwavering as he entered the unassuming house behind him. If one could even call it a house – it was more of a dilapidated hovel, belying the wonders that lay beneath.

A wide grin spread across his bruised features as he approached an old bookshelf, removing a single tome and triggering a hidden mechanism. The bookshelf slid aside, revealing a secret passageway leading to an underground tunnel.

"Sophie, turn on the lights," Alexander commanded, his voice echoing in the darkness.

Immediately, the tunnel was bathed in a soft, ethereal glow, revealing sleek metallic walls and a futuristic design that contrasted sharply with the rundown exterior.

"Welcome back, doctor," a feminine voice greeted him, the melodic tones emanating from the far end of the tunnel. A slender figure emerged, her features obscured by the shadows. "Got beaten up again?" she inquired, a hint of mockery tempering the underlying concern.

"Shut up," Alexander retorted, allowing the figure – Sophie – to remove his tattered lab coat and hang it among a row of identical garments.

As he sank into a chair, Sophie retrieved a medkit from a nearby table and began tending to his wounds, her synthetic fingers deftly applying salves and bandages. "How long are we going to keep doing this?" she asked, her voice laced with worry as the atmosphere grew solemn.

Alexander shrugged off her concern, rising to his feet and ignoring her attempts to restrain him. He strode toward a vast, open area that defied belief, housed within the underground tunnel. Towering metallic pipes stretched as far as the eye could see, their purpose a mystery to any outside observer.

Caressing the cool metal, Alexander turned to Sophie, his eyes alight with fervor. "Today," he declared, "after today, everything will change. It's a whole new way, of looking at physics. It will change the way that we think about everything, from a single atom, to and entire galaxy."

He launched into an impassioned monologue, his words tumbling over one another as he expounded on the marvels of his creation. Ever since childhood, when his father – a leading figure in quantum computing – had instilled in him a love for physics, Alexander had been driven by a singular purpose. While others chased the advancement of artificial intelligence, he yearned to conquer the stars, to unravel the deepest mysteries of the cosmos.

It was this ambition that had led him to found Starwave Dynamics, a company dedicated to the exploration of the universe rather than the pursuit of AI. For a few glorious years, his friends had shared his vision, but one by one, they had been lured away by the prospect of greater wealth elsewhere. In the end, only Sophie, an advanced AI created by his late father, remained by his side – an ironic twist, as a synthetic companion proved more steadfast than his human counterparts.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it," Sophie interrupted, her tone fond yet exasperated. "You've told me all about it every time you got the chance, so I've pretty much memorized it."

Alexander regarded her, struck by the realization that this artificial being exhibited more humanity than those who had abandoned him in pursuit of greed. Perhaps it was by design, or perhaps Sophie had evolved beyond her programming. But in that moment, it didn't matter.

"You're right," he acknowledged, his gaze hardening with resolve. "Let's cut the talk and get to it."

With a mighty heave, he pulled a massive lever, the groan of metal echoing through the chamber as a vast gate sealed the open area, enclosing the enigmatic pipes within an impenetrable barrier. Alexander and Sophie retreated to a nearby observation deck, their focus fixed on the screens that would soon reveal the fruits of their labor – a revelation that would change the world forever.

The holographic screens flickered to life, projecting the intricate design of cylindrical metallic tubes arranged in the shape of a massive donut. Alexander watched intently, his mind awash with the weight of what he was about to undertake – a endeavor deemed useless by others, unprofitable by his former friends, but in his eyes, the key to propelling humanity forward. If only he had known then...

In this highly advanced civilization, the scientist was working on a cutting-edge experiment involving the manipulation of fundamental forces and the fabric of reality itself. His goal was to unlock the secrets of the universe by creating an artificial singularity – a region of infinitely dense matter and energy.

To achieve this, he had constructed a massive particle accelerator with the aid of Sophie, capable of generating unprecedented levels of energy. By smashing subatomic particles together at incredible speeds, they hoped to recreate the conditions of the Big Bang on a microscopic scale, allowing them to study the fundamental laws of physics at their most extreme limits.

Alexander's gaze met Sophie's synthetic form, and with a resolute nod, he uttered a single command: "Do it."

Sophie extended her hand, placing it upon a holographic blue screen, her biometrics being scanned as the experiment began in earnest. On the screen, two particles – one marked in crimson, the other in ebony – emerged from their respective chambers. They began spinning within smaller tubes, accelerating to gain enough momentum so that when released into the larger accelerator ring, they would collide at the speed of light, creating the coveted singularity.

The particles whirled through the narrow channels, their trajectories a blur as they gained velocity with each revolution. The tubes hummed with energy, the air itself seeming to vibrate as the subatomic projectiles accelerated past the constraints of human perception. Finally, with a thunderous roar, the particles were expelled into the massive accelerator ring, streaking along its circumference like twin comets.

Faster and faster they raced, their paths converging until they became indistinguishable from one another – a single, blinding line of light arcing around the ring. The moment of impact was upon them, and in a blinding flash, the particles collided at the precise point where their paths intersected.

For an instant, the universe seemed to hold its breath, and then... a bloom of pure energy erupted outward, a miniature sun blazing into existence within the heart of the accelerator. This was the singularity, the pinnacle of their efforts – a condensed maelstrom of matter and energy that defied comprehension.

But as the seconds ticked by, it became clear that something had gone terribly wrong. The facility began to tremble, the ground quaking beneath their feet as if caught in the throes of a massive earthquake. Alarms blared, their piercing tones drowned out by the ominous rumbling that seemed to emanate from the very core of the earth itself.

"We have to shut it down!" Sophie shouted, her voice barely audible over the cacophony. But Alexander remained transfixed, his gaze locked onto the swirling vortex of the singularity, his life's work unfolding before his eyes.

He had sacrificed everything for this moment – friends, fortune, his very sanity. All that remained was the unwavering belief that this experiment would unlock the secrets of the universe, propelling humanity to heights undreamed of.

As the tremors intensified, Sophie clutched at his arm, her synthesized muscles straining to move him from harm's way. But Alexander stood firm, mesmerized by the spectacle before him.

The artificial singularity, unstable and growing ever more volatile, began to expand outward at an exponential rate. This catastrophic event, akin to an uncontrolled Big Bang, unleashed a powerful wave of energy that warped the very fabric of space-time itself.

Yet, even as the world seemed to unravel around them, Alexander remained entranced. The wave of energy drew infinitely closer, a kaleidoscope of colors he had never witnessed, hues that defied human perception.

"What a beautiful sight," he murmured, his voice barely a whisper as the world dissolved into a blinding white oblivion.

This here fellas, is the start of something big. something that even the world is not ready for

MrKoniccreators' thoughts