
Chapter 1: The Little Girl Aloofness

When she was eleven years old...

"Young miss please don't do this." My normally composed butler Allan pleaded for the ninth time this day.

I sighed and ordered him to stop talking. My butler Allan is a tall man with his 40's so I need to lift my head a bit to face him. I was about to reprimand him for whining like a kid but I choose not to.

The poor man is not in his best state. His face is pale and his hands are shaking. Honestly, I understand his feelings but His nervousness is now, little by little crawling in my nerves and it's irritating.

I am nervous too! but who wouldn't?

It is my first time getting a Tattoo for myself and If words of this leak--I can vividly imagine what kind of scandal it can cause to my family.

11-year-old Gustav Heiress got a tattoo or A lady with her first tattoo or maybe A Gustav Princess first step to delinquency and so on would be the best news headline title for my action.

Society is cruel. Do nothing and they will judge you. Do something and they will still judge you. I am not complaining about my situation. This thing is normal. It's kind of unspoken rule of the world, no one is exempted.

"Young Miss, getting a tattoo is painful."

I ignored Allan, inhaled deeply and walk inside the tattoo room.

"Young miss, it will bleed!"

"Shut up!" I angrily said.

I felt a pair of eyes staring at my back and the scene that's unfolding right now. I can just imagine what the tattooist's seeing right now.

An eleven-year-old girl reprimanding a man twice her age and body.

"My decision is Final Allan. Go wait for me outside."

He shakes his head. Refusing my command. He is more nervous than I am so It's hard to believe that he's the one who arranged everything for this to happen.

"You will get in a way." I gritted.


"Allan.." I said his name " I can do it."

"It's painful Ms." he said.

"I know."

I stared at him intently and gave him a simple nod. Giving him the unspoken determination that I will do it and nothing he can do to make me change my mind. The poor man sighed his surrender and smiled.

"Please let this old man knows if you can't handle it anymore young ms." He then turned his attention to the tattooist "please take care of her." He respectfully bowed and start walking out of the room.

When I heard the sound of the door closing, I then shift my attention my remaining companions in the room. She smiled.

Her name is Anna, a professional tattoo artist in her mid 20's. Allan find her for me as per my request.

"Your butler." I stared at the girl in front of me.

"He's the real deal huh!" she snickered.

"He's fine." I walk near the elevated chair while carelessly removing my clothes. Compare to her, My body is not yet developed but enough for me to wear a bra.

"Are you sure with this?"


"You are my youngest customer, you know."

"I know.." I sat in the elevated chair. She already knows what I want and where to put the tattoo that I requested so I don't need to explain it further. "In exchange for this favor and your silence, I will fund your own tattoo parlor as promised."

"Sweet!" she clicked her tongue and laughed. "I could kiss you, young lady. Let's start then!"