
Chronicles of Power

An earth-bound teenage boy experienced the passaged of death in his sleep, one unfair, dark night. Upon his death, the boy made fortunate contact with a Random Omnipotent Being! Sitting upon his throne, the overpowered existence glared at the boy. “Take the pen, pick up the book. Create your desired traits and embrace them.” And from that moment on. That kids life took a turn for the best

Sheedts · Tranh châm biếm
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6 Chs

My Parents Are Cry Babies

The moment Hitoshi went unconscious, his condition worsened deeply. His quirk had been lying dormant since his birth, and due to his trait, Eternal Evolution, his quirk continuously underwent "death", and "rebirth." 

The more it essentially had been blocked by Hitoshi' physical maturity barrier, the more evolutions it had partaken in order for it to reach a level of acceptance. By the time Hitoshi had reached the maturity for his quirk to finally manifest itself, it had evolved so much that his body couldn't even handle its presence.

And that's where his immortality came into play.

Even when unconscious and lacking any nutrients even hours after his initial collapse, he continued to regenerate, working in tandem with Eternal Evolution in order for his body to reach the same level as his newly developed quirk.

* * *

Day turned to noon and the sun began to start setting.

The door to the library swung open with haste, Ayana Sato came rushing in, her eyes a blurry, anxious, fear-stricken whip that instantly absorbed everything within the room.

Her eyes immediately landed on the unconscious figure, and she stifled a shout, "H-Hitoshi!" Darting so fast she practically teleported, she fell just beside him, her arms instantly wrapping around his body.

She hugged him as she held her ear to his heart. 

"Oh, thank god... You're still with me." She mutters, her body relaxed but the worry still stiffened her shoulders.

"Ayana! Was the library ever so important to you that you'd take off in a spr-"The rough, deep voice suddenly paused, Haisei Sato frowned and pointed a finger towards his son.

A strange warbling sound invaded the library and Hitoshi began to float out of his mother's embrace and over to his still approaching father.

"What happened to him?" He questions. His façade never faltering even at the sight of his son's condition. Ayana sighed, shaking her head in defeat.

He hummed and deactivated his quirk with his arms outstretched, letting his son plop into them.

Turning around, he exits the room.

"Get in the car."

* * *

The car ride was a rather smooth, but quiet journey. The couple stayed quiet, Hitoshi in his mother's lap in the backseat while Haisei drives. 

"He is four, love. It's most likely his quirk manifesting. This kind of thing is normal, you know this." He says, his words serving to calm his wife.

The one in question let out a heavy sigh, her breath carrying the weight she feels in this situation.

"I know, but still... I can't help but worry. We don't even know how long he's been unconscious for." Rubbing Hitoshi' scalp, Ayana smiles softly. Haisei doesn't say much else after humming in agreement with his wife.

Working as a pro-hero during the day and a businessman in between, he knows just how serious this could be. After all, what if something went wrong and when he collapsed, he hadn't hit his head? Suffered a concussion... There were many things to account for, but Haisei knew that was all nonsense.

The hospital soon appeared in the distance, and they arrived moments later. After walking through the door, their appearances garnered lots of attention. Those who knew Haisei from his hero work all wanted to crowd around him but a quick look at the situation disregarded them.

A nurse and a doctor were soon with them, and they were guided towards a hospital room towards an emptier area for their privacy sakes. 

The room was quiet. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence, but a heavy one.

On the medical bed lay Hitoshi, his eyes still shut. Haisei stood in the corner, his eyes shut but his senses were focused on his wife and his son. 'Why do I have a bad feeling? Maybe I'm nervous... Yeah, definitely nervous.' 

He frowned, his thoughts drawing all of his attention. 

Ayana glanced over and noticed this, she smiled slightly and just moved her eyes back over to her son.

"You haven't been that nervous since his birth, dear." She chuckled, Haisei grunted, feeling a bit embarrassed about being found out.

"Would you rather I flash a confident grin and tell you that everything would be okay?" He shook his head.

Ayana just continued to smile softly, taking no offense in his question.

Haisei glanced over at his wife and let out a defeated sigh, folding his arms and readjusting himself against the hospital room wall, he spoke.

"...I'm sorry. I don't mean to snap at you." Ayana chuckled lightly. "It's okay, honey. It's just the nerves."

She paused, standing up and approaching her husband, she wrapped her arms around his neck. Gazing lovingly into his eyes, she spoke again. Her voice was a lower whisper.

"It's a lot harder being a father than being a hero... You're here, that's all that matters." To her words, Haisei just hummed lowly. Pecking his wife on her lips and hugging her back.

With a slight smile loosening up his face, he muttered something under his breath.

"Sometimes I wish I could be good at both-"

"Ew... What are you guys doing?" 

The duo's eyes widened at the sudden intrusion, their heads snapped in the direction it came from and bright smiles broke out all around. 

Hitoshi was soon enveloped in his mother's hug and received a pat on his head from his father, snorting happily.

There was a smile on his face too, but even while his parents talked to him and asked him how he was doing, his focus was more so on the new changes he could actively feel coursing through his entire body.

The power that surged through every limb, the euphoria behind it lying in wait made him almost want to jump out of his skin and through the roof.

He clenched his fist, and a small gust of wind blew light enough to flutter the sheets.

Haisei' eyes squinted. 

"Your quirk?" His question interrupted Ayana' mindless checkup questions. It still garnered her attention rather than upset her.

Her face scrunched in confusion, "What?" But Haisei and Hitoshi both ignored her.

"Yeah... I feel-" Hitoshi couldn't quite describe his current predicament, however, his father could. 

Adjusting his weight he spoke, "Enraptured? Flowing with enough power to topple a building?" Hitoshi could only nod slowly.

"Yeah, that's usually how it goes." He commented, nodding approvingly. Hitoshi just said, "ah." And went back to autopilot. 

He mindlessly answered his mother's question while still trying to come to terms with his new self.

Until he interrupted his mom.

"Mom? Dad? Can we go home...? I-I don't really want to register this quirk..." His eyes shaking, importuning for approval.