
Okay, so you should probably wait to read this until after the "Death" chapter (chapter 3). This will explain things that may be confusing in the actual chapter itself.

▪The Twins: Twin Lords of the Underworld, Natas and Reficul hold dominion over different parts of the afterlife. Natas is Lord of the souls themselves. Torturing, etc. He makes sure the souls are wiped clean and prepped for their next lives. Reficul is in charge of reincarnation. He makes sure that the souls go to their proper worlds in their next lives. The more pure souls go to better worlds and the corrupted souls go to worse ones. However, if a soul is to extreme in either direction it could threaten the natural order of the world, which would lead to the world's imminent destruction. That is why the souls are eradicated when they become too extreme.

▪Hell: In this story, all souls are tortured in the afterlife regardless of moral standing. This is done to ensure that all memories are wiped clean before their next lives. However their morals do determine the quality of world in the next life, so morals are still important. When tortured, a corrupted soul experiences heat in varying degrees depending on the degree of corruption (more corrupt=more heat). A pure soul experiences coldness by the same concept.

▪Reapers: Usually demons who work for Natas or Reficul in an effort to eradicate extreme souls. There has never been a human reaper until now.

▪Demons: Underlings of Natas or Reficul who do various duties in Hell. They are terrifying, destructive creatures who only answer to their master. There is a hierarchy that they adhere to. They despise humans and make sport of killing them.

▪Cult: A group of people who worship Natas and Refucul as gods. They make many ritual sacrifices, to the point that the blood of their sacrifices grant them certain abilities and perks. Such as the ability to see past demonic illusions.

I will add more to this as I think of more things to explain. Feel free to comment things that you feel are confusing that you'd like me to explain.

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