
Chronicle 11: King and Queen get Daze

[ ... ] = Gamer system

' ... ' = Thought/transmition call

/// ... /// = System interface

Zero reporting, I must take care of Raynare groups and prepare for Riser, I asked Jack to monitors the abandoned church and to report to me after school.

When we arrived at school, I and Lu separated from the others and go to the student council

*Knock* *knock*.

I wait for a moment, it's Tsubaki who open the door

Tsubaki: Yes, who it is? Ho Zero and Sourcream-san

Zero/Lu: Hello, Tsubaki

Tsubaki: What can I do for you?

Zero: I'm here to talk with Sona

Sona: Who it is Tsubaki

Tsubaki: It's Zero and Sourcream-san, Kaicho

Sona: Let them come in

I go in the room and I see Sona on her desk with Tsubaki beside her and the other members must be in class or duty

Zero: Good morning Sona

Sona: Good morning to you, Zero, Luciela-san what can I do for you?

Sona asks me, blushing a little which makes me smile, while I hear Lu whisper something like '+1'

Zero: It is about the fallen angel for yesterday I make him talk about why they're here

Sona: You work fast, take a seat, Tsubaki can you bring us tea

Tsubaki: Understood Kaicho

Then Tsubaki went to make tea right next door, while I and Lu talking with Sona, while Tsubaki brings us back tea I take out a box of cake of my inventory.

Zero: Thanks for the tea Tsubaki and here a present, A new cake eat it with the other members after your break

Tsubaki: Thank you

Sona: Thank you Zero, you don't mind we play chess, will we talk

Zero: No problem

I take the white and my first move is to advance one of my pawns.

Sona: What did you get out of that fallen angel?

Zero: It seems they are here to take the sacred gear of a girl that will come in Kuoh in some weeks later, they also come after another Sacred Gear user to recruit her or kill her but I think more for the later and they attacked me because it seemed I was a hindrance for the operation.

Sona: He didn't tell who he works for?

She asks while taking my rook with her bishop

Zero: For what I know, it's a fallen angel name Raynare who seems to have this information, and it seems they take their order for a high up, maybe from a Cadre.

Sona: Are you sure, it may be a problem. If we make a move against them, we may have a big problem with Grigori.

Zero: You're right, but you don't have to worry about that, Azazel will not like, that some of his fallen try to stir conflict with the devil and will try to do something to prevent this.

I admit while my rook takes her Knight

Sona: Why are talking about the governor like you know him?

Zero: You may not believe me but, Azazel and I are friends, our meeting was during a video games tournament. Hays, for an old man who leaves all this time to best me in one of my territory Smash Bros Ultimate, but in the end, I win against him so we became a game buddy.

Sona looks at me with a 'really' face

Sona: You change during the last 8 month, are you the same Zero?

She tells looking at me in the eyes

Zero: That me to know and you to figure out, checkmate

When I say that Tsubaki and her, look at the game board effectively I win.

Lu: Nice work zero, and it looks like all those months of teaching you tactics finally paid off.

Zero: Few, I finally win against you

Sona: ...

Sona did respond and her check begin to become red

Zero: Sona are you alright, you are all red?

Sona: It.. nothing.

I know why she is blushing but I'll play dumb only to see how this will act.

Zero: You think I'm dumb to believe such lie, tell me we're friends right

She begins to think before she talks

Sona: You must know that I'm a high-class Devil, right

Zero: Yes, I know that

Sona: To escape the predicament to marry someone I don't like I tell my parents that, whom I'll be engaged to, must beat me at chess, nobody at this date defeat me but you are the first

She becomes redder

Zero: So you are telling me, defeating you at chess, means we are engaged

Sona nods

Scáthach: 'It seems that girl is really in love with you what did you do to win her.'

Zero: 'All I did it only act like myself, help her with her work when she underhand, make her good food, play chess with her from time to time, hang out during our free time.'

Scáthach: 'You know, what you're telling me is how a couple spends time together.'

Zero: ' ... '

Zero: What do you think about it Lu?

I ask my first girlfriend, since the day I accept Mio as my girlfriend, she tells me she was the Alpha of my harem and that all new girl has to win her approval.

Lu: Why not, she smart, have good quality as a leader, if she trains under your order, she'll become as powerful as her sister who's a Maou, and you have a crush on her, no? you have my Ok.

After hearing Lu's answer I turn to Sona

Zero: Are you OK about became engaged to me? You must know that I have other girlfriends, are you willing to be with me

I tell her with serious eyes.

Sona: During these past months with you, have been the best moment in my life at first you only a troublemaker that I have to look out then you become one of my only friends other than Rias or my peerage to treat me like a normal girl, you were honest and a pleasant playmate and your cooking is great and delicious and I think a fall in love with you

Sona: So I can tell it now I, Sona Sitri I'm in love with Zero Akatsuki. I don't care if I have to share you with other girls if I can have your love that all for me.

I smile then get up off my seat then go to Sona and kneels with one leg and takes her hand and respond to her.

Zero: I, Zero Akatsuki I'm in love with Sona Sitri, will you be my girlfriend?

Sona: Yes

Then Sona hug me

Tsubaki: Congratulations Sona

Say Tsubaki, then look at me for a moment a little envious of her master

Lu: You want to be part of his harem?

Ask Lu to Tsubaki, noticing the reaction of the Queen of Sona.

Tsubaki: May I?

Lu: I don't think Zero will see any inconvenience, he doesn't show it but he's a real pervert, having a girl as pretty as you, he won't say no, but just know that I'm the alpha in this harem, ok

Tsubaki: Thank you Sourcream-san.

Lu: You can call me Luciela or Lu since we are going to become sisters...

Tsubaki: Got it, Luciela.

Rias: Sona, are you here?

Then the door of the office open

Rias: What happened here?

Akeno: Ara ara Zero-kun you are romantic

We all turned our heads at the door to see Rias and Akeno who are looking at us.

Zero: Good morning Rias

Rias: Good morning Zero

Rias looks at me with her serious eyes, it seems she holds again me the grudge of what I tell her yesterday.

Rias: Can someone please explain to me what the hell is going on

Lu: Nothing interesting apart from the fact that Sona and Tsubaki have just joined Zero's harem if nothing else interesting

Rias/Akeno: What ?!!!

Zero: It's true Tsubaki?

Tsubaki: Yes, Luciela said I could, and as Sona said, if I can receive your love, I don't mind sharing you with other girls.

Tsubaki answers me blushing and plays with a lock of her hair with her index finger.

I look at Sona to get her opinion about it, she smiles at me and nods her head to give me her approval, I approach Tsubaki.

Zero: Tsubaki, are you sure you want to be with someone like me?

Tsubaki: Yes, if you want to be with someone like me.

Zero: So it's official then, and since you have the green light from Lu and Sona. Take care of me, Tsubaki.

Tsubaki: No, that's more my line, take care of me Zero.

On the other side, the king and queen of the Gremory are still stunned by what Lu has just told them and what they've just seen and heard

Rias: How is that possible Sona, I thought you'd only marry the person who would win against you in a chess match.

I tell her that I've won against Sona at chess and was checking her feelings for me before giving my response when they come in, when I look at Rias I can see she is jealous of her childhood friend for finding a good fiance.

Zero: That the story, it is almost time for the class to begin Lu let's go, see you later Sona, Tsubaki

I get up and give a kiss at Sona on her lips, which make the girls in the room blush

Sona: Zero not in front of everyone

Zero: Don't be so shy, I'm only showing my affection to my loved one and close friends

Sona: Don't do this kind of thing when we're at school

Sona tells me, turning back in her serious mode

Zero: Ok Ok, oh Sona you should talk to your sister about what we just talked about so that something doesn't fall on us if I'm not mistaken she's not in charge of foreign affairs.

Sona: Yes, but we won't make things worse with the fallen angels if I tell my sister.

Zero: Don't worry about it, I'll contact you know who to make sure nothing happens he needs to start cleaning up his place. And I think your sister's mature enough to know that war won't do any good for anyone.

Sona: Got it. I'll tell her.

Then I give a kiss to Tsubaki who turns red from head to toe, which makes me laugh.

Zero: And Rias sorry about yesterday but you have to face reality and begin to think seriously about your training, I've already begun with Koneko and Kiba months ago the rest is for you to decide.

Then I exit the student council room

Odd-eyes Driver: 'You're too merciful with her.'

Zero: 'I only show her the path, the other part it's her to decide".'

Me accompanied by Scáthach and Lu going in direction of the 2nd-year classes and I've also sent a message to Azazel to tune him about the fallen angel situation in town while telling him I got Donhaseek and I'll keep him until he sends someone to take him, I also tell him that I inform Serafall about this and he should take action against the traitor inside his faction before something really bad happen.

Scáthach: 'What the problem with the red hair girl I can feel highly destructive power but it isn't structured and controlled and it seems you argue with her.'

Zero: 'Her name Rias Gremory of the Gremory family of the 72 pillars, she bears the Bael power of destruction, from her mother Venelana Bael like her big brother who is the current Mahou Lucifer one of the 4 rulers of the underworld.'

And I explained her problem, her engagement with Raiser and our fight, Scáthach was upset at these old men of the devil council and pity Rias for her predicament.

Arrive at my class, the day comes to an end as quickly as it begins while I walk from the school Jack came back at me with information about the number of rogue exorcists and fallen angels. While I walk to the supermarket to make supply

Then my [Danger Detection] activate

Odd-eyes Driver: 'Partner we have an uninvited guest.'

Zero: Why now? [Cantus Bellax]

I activate my battle boost magic [Cantus Bellax] which boosts my combat stats by 20% for the next 50 minutes...and made a delay Sagitta Magica of wind, then another barrier was created around where I was and a girl with blond hair twin tails, with gothic lolita clothes and black wings, appear it was Mittelt.

???: Raynare sends me to search Dohnaseek and here I find one of our targets, Die.

While she shoots me with an arrow of light

Odd-eyes Driver: 'It seems you are hated, partner.'

Zero: Seriously they don't have another thing to do

Scáthach and I avoid all the arrows I trace Kansho and Bakuya to destroy these that I can't avoid while Scáthach create an earth barrier with a rune that protects and hides us

Zero: 'Scáthach, when you see an opening, attack then bind her and take this also this.

I give her a little device it's called (All-Round Communication and Unison System (or ARCUS for abbreviation)).

Scáthach: 'Why did you give me this?'

Zero: I want to experience one of the functionality called Combat Link System. Thereby, giving more coordinative tactics where one is assisted by their link partner to perform powerful follow-up attacks. The stronger the links become, the more abilities granted between different partners.

Scáthach: 'Let see what your toy can do.'

She put the ARCUS at her belt, and I also activate mine.

Zero: 'Thank' Combat Link ON

Two magic formations appear below us I can feel my connection with Scáthach which is more present than our master-servant contract.

Scáthach go off her astral form and fly to the sky with her runes

Mittelt: Where did she come from?

While using my Koku Shundō to surprise her by appearing behind her in the air but she avoids my attack without knowing that the purple hair woman has laid a trap for her.

Zero: Daemonium fulgur Draco magicae

While chanting my spell I avoid all her arrows by moving through the air by creating support under my feet using mana

Mittelt: Stay still

Scáthach: You should watch your back

And Scáthach cast a fire rune at the wing of Mittelt, her black feathers almost all burnt

Mittlelt: Aaaaaaaaaaaah

Zero: A flash to cross the night, gushed out of my hand and strangles my enemy! Fulguratio Albicans (White Lightning)

White lightning gathers into my two swords

[ Reasonnance activated ]

Zero: Issatsu: Double White Lightning Breaker

Two parallel sword slashes electrocute and injure the young fallen angel, that make her fall on the ground

Zero: Let see, yes she still alive



Lvl: 30

HP: 50/5000

MP: 100/2000

Status: Burnt, Paralyze, Unconscious


We bind her and heal her a little then I send her in another cell in the [Sanctuary] jail, then I cast a spell that repaired the street then I destroy the barrier and continue my road to the supermarket then go to train with Scáthach.

We spar much of the time and each time, I'm taking a beating, the first thing she taught me when I start using her card is how to use [Reverse Causality] by using my fists than my weapons until now I have only achieved 60% of this technique, then I have learned how to perfect my weapon proficiency and each time I'm doing wrong she shocks me with thunder rune this was hell. After I recover from my training, I go back home without forgetting to text Sona and Tsubaki to tell them goodnight.

Arrive at my home, I went to the living room only I see a beautiful young woman of short height, with blue eyes seat in a chair. She has long gray hairs that reached down to her waist with heterochromatic eyes. For someone her age, she has a distinctly slender yet curvaceous figure with a modest breast but I can feel she have a hidden power inside her. And I know who she is, the question is why she is here. When she saw me, she gets up and came to me.

???: You must be Zero the leader of the Akatsuki

Zero: I'm Zero who may you be Miss...?

???: Kiana, Kiana Kaslana

Zero: My name is Zero Muramasa Akatsuki, nice to meet you, now how can I help you Kaslana-san and how you know about us

Kiana: A young man helped me and transport me in this town he gives me your address he tells me to find you and you will know what to do and he told me to give you this letter

Zero: Let's see

Dear Zero of the DxD world

My name is Zero Emiya an alternate version of you from another dimension and like grandpa Zelrech I have the 2nd magic, Kaleidoscope, during one of my trips I came in an alternate version of Honkai impact world that was being destroyed by a very powerful dark entity more powerful than the honkai even me can't do anything about it, then I've decided to rescue Kiana, Mei, Bronia, Theresa, Seele, and Himeko. I send Kiana after she has awakened and mastered her powers, and explained to her the situation of her world, so take care of them if I bring them with me, my wives will kill me. I will send the others at another time if I can convince them to come.

Good luck

Zero: 'What it this Deux ex Machina type of situation, I don't know if I must be happy because I'll meet beautiful girls or be irritated to take care of the problem of the other me.'

Scáthach and Jack go out of their astral form, this surprise Kiana because she didn't remarque their presence.

Zero: So you must know here is not your homeworld right

Kiana: Yes I know, the man explained to me that my world is doom to destruct and that he'll try to save my family

Zero: This world is not so different from your old world only here if you see people you know of your old home they will not know you here, so be prepared.

Kiana: Thank you for taking me in, Sir

Zero: Ah stop I don't like formality here we are as a family?

Zero: You can call me Zero, or Onii-san if you want

Kiana: You're a Siscon, right

Zero: Yes I am, if you don't like I can stop

Kiana: Nice to meet you Onii-chan, please take care of me

At this moment a gained a new imouto and maybe another girlfriend

[You've gained the Title [Imouto Master]]

Hi, guys, this is Zero, I broke the 4th wall to send you this chapter because the author is too busy with his work, so don't get too mad at him okay.

So I have to go back and I have to plug that wall or else Lu is not gonna be happy with what I did.


Daoist_zero950creators' thoughts
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