
Heading Off

An army gathered, a group of humans of all races, black and white, with some having unique colors like orange, and red. these humans stood, facing the sky where a huge ship stood. leading them was the human king, a man who ruled over all humans.

across the continent, a group of elves stood. lead by their queen and king, the elves all faced the sky. their number was far lower than that of the humans, but they were all elites among elites. the quality of these elves was unmatched, to make things more shocking was their charm.

The average charm amongst these elves would send Earth into chaos as the world powers would fight over such beauties. as for the most beautiful? well, War World 3 would have started. male or female, everyone would have wanted them. This was a race of perfection and nobility.

across the continent, many dwarfs, dragons wild beasts, experts, and lifeforms face the sky. they all knew, today a battle that would determine their survival shall arrive. through divination, Witches could see into the future. but thats not the only way for experts to do so as countless means can be used to see into the future.

Everyone watched as the white-haired woman on top of a white horse flew down, before stopping mid-air. the white horse had long white wings, it was like a pegasus flying down from the heavens.

"I'm the horseman of conquest, sent by my lord to conquer. leaders of this planet, step forward." Hana said calmly, after seeing how all of the powers just stood there not daring to move forward. it took a moment, but slowly people moved in towards her. many took their time, but the fastest was the dwarfs.

Hana looked at the dwarfs for a moment, before thinking for some time. Her home planet was only home to mostly humans. these other races did not exist within her planet. Dwarfs were a race that Alex wanted badly, as even with thousands of years worth of growth, humans had only touched upon a fragment of the dwarf's technology.

"My home world has no dwarfs, something which left my lord greatly disappointed," Hana said stunning the king of dwarfs who was on his horse. At Hana's words, his eyes were widened. there was a reason he came here first above everyone else, as he wanted to know the secrets of that ship in the air.

"Might I know what the horseman of conquest wishes?" The king dwarf asked to which Hana spoke.

"I'm here to conquer... and with it, I want all of the unique races of this world to also submit. submitting would gift you the chance to travel the stars, studying many ores that your planet doesn't have, as well as many alcohols out there." Hana said calmly, causing the King dwarf to go quiet for some time. 

He and Hana just looked at each other, but Hana's eyes were elsewhere. the horse the dwarfs were on was not a living thing. but a construct made out of ore. it wasn't a robot, but more like a puppet. their swords and armor were crafted almost perfectly. if the ore used to craft was mid-tier, what came out was something that would rival those created from high-tier ore... Sadly dwarfs suffered from a huge flaw, greed.

The King Dwarf who was acting as if he was in deep thought suddenly disappeared, his sword was filled with the law of space, giving it the power to cut through space. the sword appeared before Hana. this was a space-cutting sword, crafted through unknown means, this sword could cut just about anything. What was the sharpest metal if not space? the thinnest thing in this world was space.

This sword could negate almost all forms of durability. ranking items, it went common which would be the normal swords created by the weapons created before cultivation

low-grade: this would be the weapons such as guns. 

mid-grade: This would be weapons such as tanks, of course in the cultivation world it could be a sword with the power to cut through tanks.

high-grade: this would be something like those bombs. not those bombs with nuclear fusion, for cultivation it would be those swords and weapons that could cut through the highest grade steel on modern earth before QI

human-grade: this would be the nuclear bombs. These would be weapons equal to those in the cultivation realms Qi gathering realm. of course, this would be millions of years ago, not today.

Core Grade: These would be items at the core formation realm, they can best channel the core energy, and boost one strength by up to 5 times, of course, demonic weapons that boost your strength at a price could do twice this.

Spiritual Grade: they were at the nascent soul realm, items at this grade were capable of boosting one strength by up to 10 times. of course, demonic weapons that boost your strength at a price could do twice this. Items of this grade were able to be crafted with the power of laws, allowing them to help the user show more power over said law.

Sky grade: They were at the Soul forging realm. these items bond with one soul, allowing them to be stored within one mind and summoned out. they could boost one strength by up to 25 times, with those that boost one strength at a cost doing more.

Heaven Grade: they were equal to the Saint realm, these treasures were mighty and could have all types of effects, with them being able to boost one strength by up to 100 times. just so you know, just because they could boost one strength by up to 100 times didn't mean they would do so to those the item grade is for. A saint would at most have their strength increased by around 2 times, but for those below the saint realm, then they would be empowered nearly 100 times. because of this, those experts would want a treasure of a higher grade than their cultivation even if they would be burdened by the power

Star Grade: they were treasures equal to the Higher Saint realm, those with this treasure could boost one strength by 500 times.

the sword the dwarf was using was a spiritual-grade item, one could know that back on earth there was no spiritual-grade weapon. of course, the dwarf sword was far weaker compared to weapons from years ago.

Of course, it wasn't so simple just because this spiritual-grade sword could cut through even those Star-grade weapons. if the weapon didn't channel the law to defend against this sword, then this sword could cut smoothly through it.

"Impossible..." the dwarf King said in horror, the sword which should have hit Hana ended up having the attack transferred back onto himself. the Dwarf King grabbed his neck, trying to stop the bleeding.

"I was given the power of Absolute conquest, the power to conquer all," Hana said calmly, Indeed Alex has given her a unique power. with this power, she can conquer everything, from reality, attacks, people, fate, and cause and effect.

Hana didn't even do anything, all things that tried and harm her were dominated by her. This ability had many parts of course, but most of the abilities were suppressed by her, if not all who saw were would be conquered.

"I give everyone a chance, submit willingly or be forced," Hana said, ignoring the dwarf king who was quickly using an item that was empowered by lifeforce, helping him quickly heal. breathing heavily, the Dwarf King looked at Hana with slight fear.

"I will count to 3, anyone who doesn't submit willingly will be forced." Hana's voice entered the minds of everyone on this planet. The many kings felt uneasy, but once Hana began counting to 3, the uneasiness grew, and everyone got ready for battle.

"What A waste, submit," Hana said with a shake of her head, forcefully taking over people against their will might lead to them having their future growth cut. Alex didn't want this, but they didn't want to kill future people who would join their race... so Hana took over the wills of all of the leaders on this planet. Even those old monsters were conquered, and from the ship above someone came down to spread the Believer cultivation art.

after Hana left and went on to hit the other planets in the galaxy after leaving behind a clone to make sure things on this planet were going smoothly, and to search for system users. across the galaxy, many planets were hit in such a similar way. some were planets filled with only elves, some were planets with only dwarfs, and the list went on.

those planets with only dwarfs had the highest improvement in their technology, going as far as colonizing other planets within their star system. they were even growing to one day be able to use 100% of their sun energy, which was far above Earth's current capability.

The worst of them was the elves which stayed within the forest and existed almost within the stone age, but lived in peace and had the overall highest power.

Planets that couldn't hold life were colonized, helping the heavens to turn these planets into lifeforms where life could grow. Since Alex wanted life to fill the world, he would of course push for this.

In just 2 months, the whole galaxy was spread out. in these 2 months, many people have started cultivating the believer cultivation art. Alex and the others had a huge boom in their cultivation, quickly reaching level 10 Qi gathering.

In the past, Alex had created a core that was above the Supreme grade and created something that he called the sovereign grade. but he planned to do even better than that, he would make a core that perfectly fit his current capability, and greatly boost his strength.

So, Alex and the others entered closed-door cultivation and began to form a core. Red was considered the highest-grade color for a core. but after 2 months, Alex had created a rainbow core. He said it was a rainbow but had all types of colors. from red to green, white, gold, and so on. With that, Alex stepped into the core formation realm.

Stepping out of the short 2 months of closed-door cultivation. Waiting for him were the 3 siblings from afar, 

"What is the nearest galaxy?" I asked calmly, I was not going to head towards the Bright Star Galaxy right away. instead, I planned to stop by many galaxies, taking them over before heading on to the next galaxy.

"My lord, the nearest galaxy is known as Andromeda by the people of this galaxy. its real name is North Wind Galaxy. this is because the supreme God of that galaxy is known as North Wing." Zeki said calmly, at her words, I nodded slightly. 

it walked off with the two following behind me, and soon I arrived before Eve who went on to quickly give me a run down of everything. the dwarfs had become the head of the blacksmithing part of the empire, with them now being a part of the Eclipse race, they were far more skilled than in the past. Weapons, ships, phones, and other such things were greatly improved in these few months. 

although not as good as the items that Zeki and her siblings came to this world with, they were far more impressive than what Earth tech was a few months ago by light years. there was other impressive stuff, but this was the main thing that Alex cared for right now.

"What grade core did you all create?" I asked while looking towards Hope, Alice, Lu Lu, Cha Hae-in, Jasmelle, Hana, Jane, and a masked woman. 

"I created a deathly black core, I don't know why, but it greatly boosted my power of death," Hae-In said in confusion, as the horseman of death, this suited her. but Black was a never-before-seen core. Looking at her, I can tell her core was a step below mine. Just looking at her made people feel relaxed, so relaxed that their hearts would stop working as they accepted the sweet embrace of death. They would not fight back, and happily jump into the embrace of death.

"Mine was blood red," Jasmelle said calmly, although there was a red core, and Alex had formed a red core in the past. this blood red score was new, but upon looking at the core, this core suits the horseman of war. Just looking at her made people's blood grow restless, a hunger for war and violence. a hunger to fight for her

"Mine was shining white," Hana said with a sigh, she was depressed. for some reason her hair had turned white, everything about her was turning white. but her charm seemed to have transformed, just seeing her made people want to be a simp and let her step on them

"My core is grayish green." the masked woman said calmly, this was the horseman of Famine. just standing near her would make one feel hungry, but the hunger went deeper than the simple hunger for food. It went to power hunger, blood thirst, and so on. it was a hunger that couldn't be filled. 

"... and my face." the masked woman said softly. She had luckily gained the system, and with it was Famished Soul, a technique that induce unimaginable hunger in anyone. She was at death's door when she got the system, dying of hunger. it was a bit odd that she happened to get not only that technique but also the ability [Gluttony] which allowed her to eat anything and turn it into energy.

In the past she was fat, but now she was only chubby. but the most shocking thing was her face. just looking at it made one extremely hungry, no wonder she had a mask. she seemed to have no control over such an ability, forcing her to have a mask on at all times. Seeing her would lead people to grow hungry for her interest. this was the hunger to please her, a hunger to gain her acceptance, and so on. this hunger would only grow as time pass

these 4 horsemen, all had a core a step below mine. this is because their core simply followed one path to the extreme, while mine was supreme. 

Jane's Core was also on the same level as the 4 horsemen, these few months she had managed to fuse her physique with the power of solar and lightning. her physique wasn't perfect and unstable, so she had been locked away to not only perfect it but while use the power I gifted her to help out. She has done it, and currently, her core is like the sun fused with lightning. it was pretty much a lightning-blue sun. 

Adding this and my power, she was considered the goddess of lightning and fire. She had such perfect control that no effect from her unique power was revealed to the world... although the fact she didn't dare to breathe might hint at how powerful she was.

Alice, Hope, and Lu Lu had a core half a step above them. There was also a rainbow, these three were special, They all pretty much had the same power as me just downgraded.

"Alright, let's head off," I said calmly. I planned to take these 4 horsemen, Jane, Alice, Hope, and Lu Lu. This galaxy had just regained its energy, so how could it be capable enough to help me and my race grow?

"My lord, the heavens had birthed many treasures across the galaxy. shall we bring them over to see if there is anything you like?" Eve asked to which I shook my head calmly,

"I already collected them," I said calmly, confusing Eve. but the moment I conquered this galaxy, all of the treasures that existed now, and are being born will appear in my treasury. this went for treasures born from the heavens, so long as it's a treasure that originates within my galaxy, I already have it. My Qi would gather, recreating those treasures, to the point they would be considered the original treasures.

I had all types of treasures, even some treasures which have been sealed away and yet to awaken. on earth where many sealed away weapons which have yet to be unsealed, these treasures were in my gate of Babylon with them being at full strength.

Even those things like food, wine, cups, chairs, jets, phones, cars, and so on. I had them all within my treasury. I had too many treasures, I couldn't even count the amount. thats how many treasures I had. so many treasures that it could all gather for a planet the size of Earth and more.

this is the galaxy worth of treasures, even other dimensions were conquered. the number was so huge that it was crazy.

"On that note... go ahead and collect the seeds from this fruit, give it to the elves to plant," I said calmly while a gate opened a my side. from this gate, countless fruits and vegetables came falling out, of all kinds and shapes.

I knew every treasure within my gate of Babylon and with a simple thought, I could find the best treasure to use within my Babylon and call upon it. these stuff I called upon were those most useful for cultivators, they either helped in improving my cultivation, perfected one foundation, and the list went on. plus, they were better than those that would be found in nature.

"Since you have the gate of Babylon, do you have the sword EA?" Hope asked, thanks to me she had looked into anime for some knowledge. While classified as a "sword" it is more accurately described as a staff, due to bearing a cylindrical "blade" with a dull tip and independently rotating segments with three lithographs that each represent heaven, earth, and the underworld while together representing the universe. Ea's function as a Noble Phantasm, a space-cutting attack that shows the "Truth", that was originally used as a powerful Nation-Building Authority that separated Heaven and Earth.

"of course, but it's currently in a sealed state, so I can't just destroy the whole universe," I said with a sigh, while Hope's eyes widened in shock.

"I also have Venuzdonoa... well, it's one I created. but it does the same thing." I said with a smile, stunning Hope once more. Venuzdonoa is the destroyer of anything in all of existence. Be it providence, fate, or a miracle, all bow down before it and disappear. No matter how sturdy, how eternal, or how infinite something is, Venuzdonoa can destroy it, even Reason itself.

"My sword rejects all... sadly, its attack power isn't so broken. the damage it doesn't can't go against reason. but I will find a way to get around this soon." I said with a shake of my head, leaving Hope speechless.

"Okay, seriously, what do you not have? do you have plot manipulation as well?" Alice asked with a speechless look, to which I smiled

"Of course, Power of the Pencil," I said with a smile, leaving Alice and everyone stunned for some time. 

"Well, it's through this pencil," I said while pulling a pencil from the Gate of Babylon. This pencil is called the power of the pencil, something which I created.

"it has the power to reject the plot and take control of it. and to some degree, I can write a person's story." I said while writing in the air, words appeared in the air.

'While Alex and the others headed off, his galaxy was left in peace, and he would return to find that it had grown beyond his wildest imagination.' 

"Well, unless a powerful expert at the Half Supreme Saint realm comes around, we have nothing to worry about," I said calmly, the half supreme Saint was the realm above the Higher Saint realm. the gap between the two realms was huge, but thats should be where my strength with everything I had fell, or maybe at the Supreme Saint realm. but I couldn't say for sure right now.

"Well, let's go," I said calmly, and so we headed off toward the 3 siblings' ship, we left behind Aptal, but the other 2 siblings came with us. So, we headed towards North Wing Galaxy

Odd, while writing this chapter I felt as if something was out of my control... but I can't put a figure on it. I will go through the chapter to find out what.

itachi1010creators' thoughts
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