
The Cursed Blacksmith (2)

"Wait, let me get this straight," Adrian said while Shinon took a sip from his de-ageing potion. "You mean you got cursed, and that's why you're ageing super fast?"

Shinon nodded, his eyes pleading as he put the cup down. "Our mutual friend thought you might be able to help me with this situation at hand-"

But Adrian got lost in his thoughts. If it was someone like Shinon, plenty of people should be willing to help him, like one of those guilds that James talked about.

But then Adrian remembered George's words. Shinon had turned even the biggest, most influential guilds away from his doorstep. Given their status, Shinon might have unintentionally hurt their egos.

'As such, those guilds would either refuse to work with him or have an outrageous demand for doing so,' Adrian thought. 'Hell, now that I think about it, it could be one of those guilds is behind Shinon's situation.'

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