
Child of Lucifer

"Now, I've become Death, the annihilator of entire realms" Asher declared openly standing at the highest peak and seeing the worlds burning below his feet, feeling ecstasy, hearing the wails of Heaven. ======================= After a million years, the 101st child of the King of Hell, Lucifer, has been born. However, "He is not pure-blooded?" "What?? He also has an affinity to light?" "Such blasphemy!!" In humiliation, Lucifer sent his offspring to a lower world to starve to death. However, Fate has a different plan! The Gods killed Lucifer and all of his descendants. Only Asher remained. But, Will he be able to live after his origin gets exposed? Will he try to get revenge? But who will he aim his hatred to? To his Father? Who is no longer alive!! Or, To the Gods who killed his Father? Follow the adventurous journey of Asher Ignifera as he rewrites his inevitable destiny. ======================== P.S. - ~Main Character is villainous and overpowered. ~No System to help MC, he will achieve everything himself. ~MC will start from a normal world, so stay to notice the real developments. ~There will be a lot of slaughtering. ~There will be mature content and harem. ========================= I'm not a professional writer. So don't expect too much. I wish to improve along with my writing. There might be a few plot holes. Please bear with it.;) English is not my main language. So correct me if there are any grammatical errors. The cover picture is not mine. I'm evil. Thank you for reading. :)

MOONshadow_ · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Suprising Everyone?

Headmaster Albert could not able to tolerate it anymore. And after Asher talked about some unknown old man, he felt his authority was being questioned.

"Boy, this university is not meant for beggars like you," Headmaster Albert sneered, looking down upon Asher with disdain. "We only acknowledge students who come from respectable backgrounds and can pay the expenses."

Asher was about to retort when an authoritative voice suddenly interrupted him from the back of the auditorium attracting everyone's attention.

"Excuse me."

The auditorium of Terra Nova University was the size of a football field. So it was difficult for all the guests including the instructors to identify the owner of the voice.

"What is it now?" Albert replied in an irritating voice.

From the very beginning of the welcome ceremony, Albert wanted to show off his authority to all the observers. It was a good opportunity for him, given no other headmasters were present today.

But it seemed his pride would have to wait for a while.

A tall, old man stepped up on the stage. He was a bearded man with short white hair. He had an overbearing presence that even Albert could not help but feel inferior to him.

Indeed, this man was Benjamin Nova.

Seeing who this person was, everyone could not help but feel something was off.

Cause Benjamin Nova was the grandson of one of the deceased founders of this University. So An influential person like him should not have come here without any reason.

"My apologies for the interruption. My name is Benjamin Nova. Most of you may have already seen me online. But for those who do not know, I am a member of the Board of Trustees of Terra Nova University."

Seeing Benjamin begin to speak, Albert along with others could not help but look at Asher who had a smug smile on his face as if he was expecting something from the start.

But even Ash did not anticipate that Benjamin would come here personally. 'It seemed he was more egotistical than he looked'. Ash could not help but think.

"As a Board member, I have the authority to allow a person like him to be accepted as a student. Other members had already given their approval, so there's no need to waste any more time on this. Don't you think so?" Benjamin said smiling while pointing at Asher in a warm voice.

He might be able to fool others with his gentle smile, but Ash could easily see through the hostility in Benjamin's gaze.

Headmaster Albert looked confused at this sudden statement.

"But sir, please rethink it carefully. A commoner should not have the audacity to seat amongst the riches. It will ruin... " Albert asked in an annoyed tone.

Benjamin cut off Albert and continued, "I'm sorry for being impolite. But there are some things I would rather not discuss in front of others. The discussion has already been made. This will be an exception."

Benjamin then looked around at the crowd. "Does anyone have any other questions to ask"

The crowd could not help but look at each other in confusion.

Benjamin sighed, looking at the crowd in the auditorium. He knew that everyone was thinking of various possibilities that might help Asher instead.

But he did not want that. Even if Asher helped him that day, after contemplating the matter, he found something odd about the whole situation. But for now, he wanted to go with the flow.

"I hope we can agree to disagree. This boy helped me in the past and I'm just paying off the debt. We do not share any kind of relationship other than that. So don't misunderstand." Benjamin replied, feeling aggrieved.

"If he does not perform well you can very well expel him, Albert."

With that, Benjamin left the stage and disappeared.

The crowd was all looking at Asher with a mixture of surprise and confusion. They had only one question in their mind.

How could a boy like him could help an influential person like Benjamin Nova?

Asher could not help but feel annoyed at the situation. He could tell that it was not by coincidence or by design that Benjamin came.

And it seemed his university life would be more difficult than he estimated.

Albert could not help but grin thinking about the ways he could ruin Asher's life for humiliating him.

Asher wanted to sigh but could not do that. Instead, when Albert dismissed them he left the university premises under scrutinizing gazes.

Today was just an introductory day. The classes would start from tomorrow onwards.

However, as soon as he left the main road and entered an alleyway a group of students approached him with clear animosity.


Meanwhile, after the welcome ceremony ended, the top five families who got treated as royalties were discussing about Asher in a luxurious hotel room.

"Do you think that Benjamin was actually serious? Is this boy really saved him?" A family head of one of the five families asked.

"I have already sent someone to gather all information about him. So wait for the report." This time Jorge Horton spoke up.

"It is fine if he did save Benjamin. I don't think he will interfere if we do something about this brat. We just need to know if anyone is backing him up now that Benjamin Nova is out of the picture." This time a burly one-eyed man spoke up in a deep voice.

This man was Roberto Guzman and he was a General in the government army. With so many scars on his face made him look menacing.

*knock *knock

After confirming it was the man who was sent to collect information about Asher came back, they let him in.

The man was wearing a static expression. His name was Francis and he was the Horton family's head butler. Even though he was a handsome middle-aged man, the physique hidden behind the suit was enough to tell a different story.

He reported Asher's background to all that was present in the room. The more he spoke the more their expressions seemed to gleam up.

"If that is the case, I agree with Roberto. We just need to get rid of him in silence. No one will suspect us if we just kill an orphan."

The next family head to speak was a woman with platinum blond hair.

Her name was Silvia Cox and she was the leader of one of the top five families as well as the CEO of the Mind-Tech AI Dynamics, a multi-billion company related to Artificial Intelligence.

"As expected, the boy is an orphan and he has no one behind him." Others also added.

"I think Benjamin was only acting friendly with him as a pretext to show off in front of the public. This is good news for us though. But I think we should still get some confirmations from him before doing anything." Roberto spoke up enthusiastically.

"Mother and Uncles, please give us, the younger generation, this opportunity to settle this matter in our own way. If anything goes wrong you guys can always help us. Not that I think it will. And I also need some toys to play with, you know!"

A soft voice suddenly spoke up attracting everyone's awareness. She was Sophia Cox, the only daughter of Silvia Cox and the sole female among all the heirs. So it was no wonder everyone from her generation wanted to marry her for her mother's wealth.

She had blue eyes and blonde hair and her appearance looked like she was in her early twenties. She was even more beautiful than her mother with a curvy figure.

"If we, the students do something, I don't think it will attract too much attention." Sophia continued.

"It will look like a fight between fellow students."

Her voice was more mature than her age making everyone listen attentively to what she had to say.

The room suddenly started filled with laughter the moment she finished explaining.

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