Bre Buford was an normal average 13 year old girl. Living in the small town of newport arkansas for most of her life. Everything was fine for the first few years of her life until everything changed... Will she be willing to risk it all to fight for her future..... Her friends..... even her family.... find out in chasing stars a galactic series!
Long ago in a galaxy far far away lives a race not like any other in the Crab Nebula. On a bluish greenish planet covered in descolent moutian ranges, green forests and purple seas as far as the eye could see. The creatures that covered the planet was one of the most peaceful people in the whole universe. They wanted nothing but peace and forgiveness in the space time contiuem. They didn't worry about how the looked nor how they dressed. The females hair was always kept long to about the midst of their back. While the males on the other hand kept theirs cut short into an almost marine style hair cut. Their skin tone ranged from different colors such as a light tan to a dark tan or a white to black. But their eyes where different. They're eyes shone through the night, as if creating stars theough the landscape . They have three Sun's on their planet, which illuminates the bright vibrant colors as they seen the world's and their peace within. They had many allies and such ones as they called friends living in neighboring galaxies. They didn't have many enemies at all except for one they called chichiuala which ment in their native tongue as takes of planets or destroyers of all worlds.
Chichiuala and the dheritrodons used to basically be best buds until a prophecy came along.
The prophecy was known as gratis which stood for betrayal.
betrayal for what you may ask. Betrayal of their friendship, betrayal of their allied forces.
The prophecy stated that there would be this great war between the two species. But one would rise up from the ashes of this great and stubborn planet. The people would fall into havoc and chaos causing their planet and culture to fall. The betrayal of the friendship with other galaxies. Until everything is destroyed and turned to ashes unless one could stop this from happening.
But as the war came upon the two species causing great havoc between the two. Families began to separate from Each other. Sending off their children to neighboring planets so inslavement wouldn't be possible for them. Most of them where captured through time. While one was still set free from them in an unknown galaxy with only one habbital planet known as earth where muplital species coexist in one ecosystem. But who is this know hero which is supposedly to save her species from utterly destruction.