
Chaos Of Zenneth

Zeo was born in Lake Town, a small village located in the path of his vengeance. Little did he know the world was a much bigger and more treacherous place than he ever imagined. He embarked on a journey full of hardship in pursuit of his goal, never realizing that each step he took would lead to a much larger issue that would eventually affect his loved ones. Despite the obstacles that Zeo faced, his courage and determination were unwavering. He fought hard, and eventually rose to become one of the most powerful figures of the Zenneth Realm, leading the way to a brighter future. He forged strong alliances with other key players in the Realm, and his reputation spread far and wide. His success was celebrated, and his courage and resilience were an inspiration to many. Zeo’s story is one of resilience, courage, and determination. He pushed himself to the limits, and never gave up despite the odds against him. His courage and determination were an inspiration to many, and eventually led him to become one of the most powerful figures of the Zenneth Realm.

DarkSin · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs

History of Fuuma Clan

The Fuuma clan story began with the meeting of Matsudaira and Lin Tong. The Lin clan had previously been a humble merchant family within the Nightbloom Kingdom. Matsudaira had its roots in Wind Hill, a stunning village located in the gorgeous Rocky Mountains. It was a place of extraordinary beauty, with the sun glinting off the mountain crest, the calming sound of the shore and stars that glowed brighter than ever.

The village was celebrated for its cultural heritage, with its traditional festivities and beliefs kept alive from one generation to the next. The mountain of Wind Hill was a place where a powerful wind demon lived, a three-legged crow, which caused the area to be subject to strong winds and powerful hurricanes, thus earning it the name 'The Wind Demon's Village'.

The inhabitation of the mighty wind demon causing the frequent storms. Hence, annually, the village chose two of the most beautiful women to be sacrificed, in order to protect the village from the tempests. Consequently, no kingdom ever tried to invade the village to claim as their own due to the tempest. The Lin Clan, however, has been trying to gain access to the untapped mineral sources found there.

Nene, Matsudaira's older sister, is one of the most gorgeous ladies in the village. The two of them always had fun beyond the limits of the village where they encountered Lin Tong. Lin Tong was immediately smitten with Matsudaira's sibling.

Thanks to Lin Tong, the Lin Clan was able to acquire their trade commodities from Wind Hill village, as he was able to persuade Matsudaira's dad, one of the grand elders of the village.

One day, at the yearly assembly of the Elder Meeting of the village, it was decided that Nene would be one of the offerings to the wind demon. Matsudaira's father was very much against it, but his opposition was overruled as nine voted against one.

Matsudaira's dad hatched a plan with Lin Tong and his son to sneak Nene away from the village at night and have her marry Lin Tong. However, the Elder outwitted them.

When they tried to make their escape along the route they had decided on, the Elder's people were lying in wait and they were greatly outnumbered. Nene got taken, Matsudaira's father was killed in the fighting, and both Matsudaira and Lin Tong were left in dire straits.

The duo was returned to the Lin Clan by the Lin clanmates who had been waiting for them at the rendezvous spot. They took a few days to rest before Matsudaira and Lin Tong departed from the Wind Hill with a squad of soldiers to save his sister and avenge the Elder.

Matsudaira was given a Lin Clan family heirloom, a dagger that was decorated with the Flood Dagger. This relic was discovered by one of the Lin Clan ancestors in some old ruins and was supposed to be part of Matsudaira's wedding present. The dagger was so sharp that it could slice through steel like it was made of tofu.

When they got to the village, they encountered opposition but the people there weren't experienced in warfare and took major losses. When Matsudaira asked after his sister's whereabouts, all the Elders snickered, saying he was too late since his sister had already been taken to the peak. They criticized the Matsudaira family for trying to disrupt their tradition and causing the wind demon's rage.

In a fit of rage, Matsudaira killed the Elders and brought some of his loyal friends from the village who opposed the tradition to the peak, alongside Lin Tong and his group.

When they arrived at the peak, they noticed a large cave that was surrounded by a powerful hurricane. They observed the place for a week and noticed that the hurricane was slightly weaker during the afternoon for about an incense stick before it got stronger again.

At that point, they hurried to the cave together. Sadly, some of the people were blown away by the gale due to their lack of caution, not adhering to the path they had plotted.

Lin Tong cast a spell to light up the cavern, and the sight that greeted them was staggering. A huge array of bones from several demonic beasts and a few that even seemed to be from a dragon were present.

The bones were heaped up like a mountain, and on top of it was a gigantic black crow with three legs.

Lin Tong quickly sat down, clamping his hand over his mouth to stop himself from screaming. He saw Nene's body, which looked completely drained. Her clothes was torn apart with her legs were spread apart revealing her private part which was covered in blood. Anyone who saw it know the unfortunate thing that happen to her.

Matsudaira yelled in a fit of rage, daring the Three-Legged Black Crow to fight. In response, the creature woke up , then stirred and glared at the humans with a haughty expression as if it were a deity looking down on its peasants. It then transformed into a figure with scarlet eyes, jet-black hair and a black suit adorned with dark feathers. After understanding why Matsudaira was so enraged, it chuckled and declared that the village had amused it for some time with its offerings, noting that Nene was not good enough, so it absorbed all her life force.

Matsudaira and Lin Tong, accompanied by their followers, faced off against the Three-Legged Crow. Despite many of them being killed, due to the Crow's moment of carelessness in underestimating them, Matsudaira was able to stab the Crow with the special knife he had been given.

The Three-Legged Crow laughed, claiming the wound was not fatal, but its face went blue when it realised what type of blade it had been stabbed with. It yelled, "How did you peasants get hold of this divine weapon?"

The Crow then dissipated into the dagger, leaving a blue core and its bones on the ground. The remarks of the Crow made it clear the dagger was something special. Matsudaira noticed a transformation in the dagger, which was now ornamented with a Three-Legged Crow and Flood Dragon.

When people from Lin Clan saw the supernatural event, they wanted the dagger and asked Matsudaira to give it back. He, with deep sorrow, consented since his sister was no longer around, so the wedding gift was no longer valid. Lin Tong, in a fit of fury, murdered all his own people who desired the blade. He declared that even though Nene was gone, she was still his spouse.

Matsudaira, upon hearing this, comprehended Lin Tong's words, taking into consideration that Nene always came back late when she was out with him. He noticed that she had a blush on her face and seemed worn-out when she returned.

He pledged to aid Lin Tong in all his struggles. With his group from Wind Hill, the Fuuma Clan was created.

Kotaro then looked at Zeo who was keenly listening to the story of the clan's foundation.

"This place where we are is constructed out of The Three-Legged Crows' bones and held up by a skeletal frame, it is surrounded by a haze and outside the fog is a fierce tempest thanks to the formation created by our ancestor."

Zeo got a glimpse of the blade that he had seemingly pulled out of thin air. "This dagger is the key to why Zennethia became such a powerful empire," he said. "It's been handed down to the head of the Fuuma family for generations."