
Chaos in Camelot

In the third adventure of the Voyages of the 997 series. Treasure hunters Kyle and Tina go on a quest to find the powerful gauntlet known as the Dragon Star in the Arthurian city of Camelot. A relic that it said to have the power to have power the lighting and grants incredible armor. Along the way cross paths with sea monster, some new friends and a sinister new enemy.

Master_MoJo · Võ hiệp
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18 Chs

Final Battle

It's about time you show up, Kyle. Hey, dealing with Haldor took longer than I expected, but I'm here now, so let's take down this giant lizard. The two clashed with the dragon barely able to damage it with their swords, with Broder enjoying every minute of it. This is better than wrestling, said Broder. Kyle paused and saw a tear run down the dragon's face. He's crying. Zhane, I don't think the dragon is dangerous. Well, I think the lightning says otherwise. Remember, Broder's controlling it, so we have to get the Dragon Star and destroy his scepter. Maybe we can help. Margaret and Tina showed up. We helped Sir Julian rally the knights, and now we're taking back Camelot. Awesome here's the plan. The four whispered and broke up.

Tina used the element of Earth, and Margaret used her magic to freeze to restrain the Avalon Dragon while Kyle and Zhane fought to pry the Dragon Star from Broder Give it up already! Yelled Broder. Never! Yelled Kyle and Zhane. The struggle resulted in the gauntlet flying to the floor.

You brats! I've had enough of you! Broder attacked Kyle and Zhane with Excalibur and overwhelmed the young pirate and knight. Zhane, I'll hold him off just get the gauntlet, "said Kyle. Gotcha. No! Screamed Broder. Zhane grabbed the Dragon Star and put it in his hand. Finally, Dragon Star Activate! But nothing happened. What's going on?

Silly boy. I charmed it to where I'm the only one who can use the gauntlet. Broder gloated. The Avalon Dragon broke free from Tina and Margaret's grip. Great, Avalon Dragon put a shock to their system! The dragon fired a powerful lighting blast at the girls. No! Screamed Kyle. Zhane ran in front of them and seemingly took the blast. The smoke cleared to show a forced field that protected the three. What! But how? The Dragon Star chose Zhane, Broder. You no longer control the gauntlet or the dragon, said Kyle. Zhane was once again clad in crimson and silver armor. Avalon Dragon come forth, he commanded. The beast leaned forward and licked Zhane. Hey, better than being fried, said Tina. Kyle gained the upper hand on his sword fight with Broder, to where he knocked Excalibur out his hand.

Broder reached for the sword. Oh no, you don't! Yelled Margaret. She used her wand to float Excalibur to her. You may have everything, treasure and the dragon, but I still have the Mind Scepter. Broder charged his scepter to fire a beam, but Zhane unsheathed his Draco Saber to slice the scepter in two. I think you had enough fun with that, said Zhane.

My scepter! You'll pay for this. Suddenly, King Edmund and the Knights of the Roundtable showed up to arrest Lance Broder. Broder, we have a nice cell for you, said King Edmund. I'm not going anywhere! The Avalon Dragon shot a spark of lightning at Broder. I failed, Camelot was mine. Sorry, Broder, but you were a terrible king, said Tina. It's over, so give up, said Kyle. For now, Broder threw a smoke bomb to the ground and disappeared. Darn it, he got away, said Zhane. Don't worry he'll be back, and we'll be ready for him, said Margaret.