
Chaos and entertainment


TheCheeseCat · Tranh châm biếm
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

A/N: tried and have not edited, will edit later. Sorry. 3600k words is still good if I do say so myself. which I do.

Adam looked at the majestic sight before him and could not help but feel just a little excited to finally see the estate that he had spent so many hours looking at in the game, now had been transported to his new real life. Well, that was before he felt like his stomach had a few Tyranids eating him from the inside out. Straight falling on his knees, as the Crusader rushed to help him up, Adam fell flat on his face and passed out right in the middle of the road. 

Much later Adam came too and then looked around the room that he had found himself in after the fight with the bandit group. Adam looked around the unflashy room, a desk and chair in the corner while the bed was up against the center of the wall. The room was rectangular, the bed was on one of the shorter walls, and in the middle of his opposite wall a window just right of the desk in the top left corner. 

'My head feels like it just took steroids that had HIV in them, everything hurts even moving my toes and fingers makes them feel like they are full of tiny needles. What happened while I was passed out? I did not feel this way before I fainted so something happened to my body or maybe, hopefully, this is just medicine doing its work.' 

[I am showing your status]


Status effects: ???, ???

Age: 21

Class: The Gambler, The Gamer, The Changeling, The Merger 

Title: Tzeentch's Favorite 

Level 2/ Tier 1

Race: [Changeling]

HP: [3/5]

MP: [1/1]

Stress: [30/200]

DEF: 1/2

STR: 1

END: 1

DEX: 1

INT: 2

WIS: 1

CHA: 1 

LUC: 1

Stat points: .2

HP: END x 10 Health Regen = END X 10/min

MP: INT x 10 Mana Regen = WIS x 20/min

DEF: (END/2)

M=mana Magic:

Ice knife: 5M/knife Damage 1.2xINT. Overcast: M/1pirece+2. Max cast 1/5INT 1 at zero (3) 10-sec cooldown


The Gambler - 4/8/12/20/100/1000/TBD(to be decided) mana used - depends on the gamble. How to use: Life is a gamble.

The Gamer's Mind (passive): Your body treats damage, learning, and skill acquisition as a game.

The Gamer's Body (passive): Your mind treats the world as a game.

The Changeling (Active): You have many many faces. You are everyone, every creature, and everything. Ability 1: Shapeshift into the perfect counterpart of your forms this includes skills, looks, race traits, unique skills, spells, and stats. Even your soul is covered in a layer that makes it hard to tell if you are you or not. 

Tzeentch's favorite: Tzeentch likes you. Good job?


'Oh, even showing me the amount of current status effects even though I don't have an ability similar to observe is very convenient. That being said, I would like to know what is happening to my body now.' [Identify the ailments and they will appear] 'Good to know I won't be kept in the dark for long but let's see these statuses, OUCH!, 3 out of 5 HP and 1 mana is brutal.' letting out a small half-hearted chuckle Adam continued 'that being said I am confident of one thing, in the battle with those mercenaries I had used too much magic, shown by the 1 mana I have left one of the status effects must be keeping me at a minimum of one mana preventing me from going any lower. The other one is most likely a combination of dividing my health by two and taking away my mana, if not every second then every minute or so, just enough to outpace my generation.' [Mana drain(HP/2 and 0 mana 2 hours remaining), Occultist healing (provides eldritch mages with just enough mana to survive until the debuff effect wears off)] Letting out a sigh Adam continued in his mind 'This is great, and all, but knowing what makes your life suck doesn't usually make it suck any less'.

As if by magic, as soon as Adam let out a sigh the door was kicked open forcefully and with zero regard for whoever might have been on the other side of it. "BROTHER I HAVE COME TO CHECK ON YOU!" Adam, the much more sane one responded with the same energy, "WHAT THE FUCK?" 'Why is he like this?' to answer the question a pop-up appeared at the side of his vision, reading [Respect: 10/100]. Adam was a tad bit confused because he did not recall having a respect function in the system. Then again he also got it very recently and realized because of its limited intelligence the failure to ask had resulted in no information being given about the topic. "Brother after our combat with the bandits myself and 3 others, including Dismas, had gone on a trip to the weald just outside the manor. Unfortunately, the new Vestal was eaten by spiders, truly a loss" Adam was honestly kind of shocked, after gaining Adam's memories he knew most humans were heartless but to experience it himself was something else entirely. Zero remorse for the death of a comrade of the same faction. Well, he would probably do the same thing but it's worth mentioning nonetheless, he was a changeling and if a pink horror had died he probably would have laughed, very different.

Still, Adam was a changeling and a changeling has a job to do. just because Tzeentch doesn't care about taking over the planet doesn't mean the same thing for Adam, and the way this might be achieved you ask, well some good old-fashioned manipulation. 'Add .2 points to Charisma' [CHA + .2], As Adam added the two points he realized a very important mistake, one is the pinnacle for regular humans, in a single second he made himself 20% better looking than the average man. The problem wasn't the Crusader he had spent his time yelling out the window at the weald, no the real problem is it hurt like shit. In that single moment, he felt several bones in his face break and rearranged slightly on his face before a small amount of black ooze came out of his face. Even though he was mana-deprived, apparently his stats were not significant enough to attain a debuff from it, so as stealthy as he could he used the bottom side of the second pillow on his right to wipe off the gunk. The only saving grace was that due to the lack of potency, the smell was not bad, however noticing the Crusader turn around He threw the pillow back into its spot and hopped out of bed doing his absolute best to ignore the pain and lead the Crusader out of the room.

However, because of the quick departure, Adam still had his old clothes on. Unfortunately, the gunk did not just come from the face and had released small amounts all over his body. The smell is practically non-existent as the only impurities that were removed are the ones retaining to Beauty. It still felt incredibly awkward to walk, practically dragging a crusader along, to go visit the church on the top of the hill to set his plan in motion. It was physically uncomfortable but the light talk with the Crusader made it at least a little bit more bearable, especially since after he started talking about his God some of the black oose started to disappear.

As Adam and the Crusader walked towards the church, Adam decided to break the silence. "So, my overzealous friend, you stormed in here like a hurricane. What's your name, anyway?"

The Crusader, with an air of righteous pride, responded, "I am Sir. Reynauld, servant of the Light and protector of the innocent." He banged his fist on his front chest plate to amplify the effect "You can call me Reynauld."

Adam couldn't help but smirk at the dramatic introduction. "Nice to meet you, Reynauld. I'm Adam. Now that we're on a first-name basis, maybe you could tone down the door-kicking entrances."

Reynauld chuckled, "Apologies, Adam. It's the way I was trained, always ready for heresy. By the way, where are we headed?"

Adam gestured toward the distant church on the hill. "We're going to the church up there. I have some matters to attend to. Care to join me?"

"Of course! I must assist those in need of the lord's light," Reynauld declared.

As they continued walking, Adam decided to make use of his newfound charm. "You know, Reynauld, I must say, your dedication to your cause is truly admirable. It's not every day you meet someone so committed to their beliefs."

Reynauld beamed with pride, "Thank you, Adam. It is an honor to serve the Light."

Adam increased Roland's respect by five points. [Respect: 15/100]. Realizing that the early stages would be the easiest to achieve "And it's an honor to have a loyal companion like you by my side. We make a formidable team, don't we?"

Reynauld nodded, clearly pleased with the compliment. "Indeed, Adam. Together, we shall vanquish the forces of darkness."

As they approached the church, Adam decided to steer the conversation toward the topic of gods. "Speaking of gods, Reynauld, which deity do you worship? I'm curious about the beliefs of a valiant crusader like yourself."

Reynauld's expression soured slightly, as if he had bitten into a bitter fruit. "I am a devoted follower of the Radiant One, the embodiment of light and purity."

"Oh, interesting choice," Adam replied nonchalantly. "I, on the other hand, have a bit of a fondness for the chaotic and unpredictable. Tzeentch, the Changer of Ways, is my patron."

The Crusader's face contorted with disapproval. "Championing a deity of chaos? That's a dangerous path, my friend. The Light offers true salvation and guidance."

Adam, undeterred, smirked again. "Well, Reynauld, to each their own. After all, change is what makes the world interesting, don't you think?"

Reynauld's respect for Adam decreased by five points. [Respect: 10/100, Corruption .3%]. "I may not understand your choice, but I won't judge. Let us focus on our mission and cleanse this land of darkness." 

Adam chuckled inwardly, realizing that manipulating the Crusader might prove to be more challenging than he initially thought. That being said he had achieved some critical information that would prove invaluable if he wanted to steer the direction of the Estate's faith to that of Tzeentch, while religious the Crusaders and most likely vessels will be difficult to corrupt. However, even though difficult, most certainly not impossible. More likely before going after Crusaders and other religious Heroes he should probably start with the occultists. 

As they continued their journey towards the church, Adam couldn't help but at the very minimum appreciate the dedication Reynauld had for his beliefs. He decided to engage in a deeper conversation, aiming to understand the Crusader's perspective better. After all, manipulation requires an in-depth understanding of your opponent's views, but still, he spent time in the infinite expansive void and then was saved letting himself be loyal to his own God. For humans with such a short lifespan, what could make somebody act like the crusader? Not knowing information that was obtainable simply went against his morality as a changeling and servant of Tzeentch

"You know, Reynauld, your commitment to the Radiant One is actually very admirable. What drew you to such a path of unwavering light?" Adam inquired, genuine curiosity in his voice.

As he spoke, Adam noticed a flicker of pain in Reynauld's eyes, a haunting memory etched into the Crusader's soul. Reynauld continued, his voice carrying the weight of that traumatic past. Adam was afraid that he might have gone too far too quickly but the steadfast man responded "These eldritch beings, born from nightmares, descended upon us like a relentless storm. Villages were razed, and the very essence of our existence seemed at the mercy of unspeakable horrors."

As Reynauld's grip on his sword tightened Adam too felt tense as he felt himself reliving his struggle. "In those dark hours, I clung to the teachings of the Radiant One. My faith became a beacon of hope for those around me. I rallied the survivors, urging them to stand against the encroaching darkness with unwavering resolve."

"The Light guided us through the bleakest of nights. With each prayer, with each swing of my sword, we pushed back the eldritch abominations. The Radiant One's divine light repelled them, and we emerged victorious."

Reynauld's respect for Adam grew as if acknowledging the understanding in Adam's eyes. [Respect: 14/100]. Yet, there was an unspoken pain lingering in Reynauld's gaze, something he hadn't fully shared.

"As the battle concluded, I surveyed the aftermath," Reynauld continued, his tone more somber. "The once-thriving villages were reduced to ruins, the scars of the eldritch assault evident on the faces of the survivors. It was a bittersweet victory. The Light had saved us, but the cost was evident in the eyes of those who had lost loved ones … You see Adam, this estate is not the only affected place in the world with the curse of these monsters, it is vast."

Adam could sense the unspoken weight of guilt in Reynauld's words. "I did what I could to bring solace and rebuild, but the memories of that night still haunt me. It's a burden I carry, a reminder of the fragility of our existence and the responsibility that comes with wielding the Light."

Reynauld took a deep breath, as if grounding himself in the present. "This is why my faith is unyielding, Adam. The Radiant One saved us from the abyss, and I will do whatever it takes to ensure that such darkness never engulfs us again."

Adam nodded, appreciating the sincerity in Reynauld's words. "That's quite a journey, Reynauld. I can see why the Light means so much to you. In a world filled with chaos, having a beacon to guide you is invaluable."

Reynauld's respect for Adam increased by a point. [Respect: 15/100]. "Indeed, Adam. The Light provides strength and purpose. It is a force that can dispel even the darkest shadows."

Adam, seizing the opportunity, decided to share a bit about his own beliefs. "You see, Reynauld I understand your pain and acceptance, the world is a complex place, and I find solace in the ever-changing ways of Tzeentch. It may seem chaotic, but there's a certain beauty in the unpredictability of life."

Reynauld's brows furrowed slightly, but he listened attentively. "What is this so called Changer of Ways, you say? It sounds perilous, Adam. How can one find stability in such chaos?"

Adam smiled, realizing this was an opportunity to connect on a deeper level. "True strength lies not just in order, but in the ability to adapt and embrace change. Tzeentch teaches us to navigate the twists and turns of life, finding opportunities even in the most unpredictable situations."

Reynauld pondered Adam's words, but because of the topic his respect decreased by two points. [Respect: 13/100]. "I may not fully comprehend your beliefs, but I respect your conviction, Adam. It takes courage to walk a path less traveled."

Adam, satisfied with the progress, continued to share stories and insights. The conversation flowed back and forth, with each exchange bringing them closer. Reynauld's respect for Adam gradually increased, and systematically Adam tried to strategically infuse a bit of Tzeentch's influence into their discussions.

After several exchanges, Reynauld's respect reached 17, and a subtle corruption seeped into his thoughts. [Respect: 17/100, Corruption: 0.8%]. Adam had successfully formed a connection with the Crusader while subtly planting the seeds of change.

As they approached the church, Reynauld looked at Adam with a newfound understanding. "Our beliefs may differ, Adam, but perhaps there is something to learn from each other. May the Light guide us, and may your Changer of Ways bring unforeseen blessings."

As Adam and Reynauld stepped into the empty building, an eerie silence fell over the dimly lit space. The stained-glass windows cast fragmented colors across the pews, and the air seemed to thicken with an unspoken tension. The priest at the altar, his face obscured by the shadows, began to chant scripture with a fervor that sent shivers down Adam's spine.

Clearly, some unease settled over Adam, but he ignored the initial discomfort, attributing it to the solemnity of the place. "Oh, mighty Light, we offer this servant to thee, a sacrifice for the purification of our souls. Burn away the heretics, cleanse us in your divine radiance," intoned the priest with unwavering conviction.

Reynauld appeared unperturbed, his attention fixed on the ambient glow. However, as Adam took a seat in one of the pews, an unsettling feeling began to gnaw at him. It was a gradual unease, a subtle shift in the atmosphere that he couldn't quite put his finger on.

As the priest continued his fervent chanting, each line of scripture seemed to carry a weighty power that bore down on Adam's consciousness.

"In the brilliance of the divine blaze, may the heretics wither away, reduced to ashes. Their shadows banished, their sins purged in the unrelenting inferno," the priest continued, his words resonating through the sacred space. HP - 0.2 [stress +10].

Adam winced, feeling the searing effect of the imagined flames not just in his mind but now manifesting in the tangible loss of health. The priest's words painted a vivid picture of cleansing fire, each syllable chipping away at Adam's well-being.

An uneasy laugh escaped Adam's lips as he grappled with the discomfort. 'In the game, praying was a stress defense mechanism, a way to cope with the stress during missions. Yet, I need to get over myself this is no longer a game and the unease is very real, the pain is tangible.'

"In the Radiant One's fiery embrace, we find salvation. Let the flames of righteousness engulf us, incinerating the impurities that dwell within." HP - 0.2 [stress +10].

The oppressive atmosphere in the church seemed to thicken further as if the very air conspired to amplify the impact of the scripted scripture. Adam, still unaware of the source of his diminishing health due to his vision starting to fade, clutched the pew, feeling an inexorable pull toward the abyss.

Curious thoughts nagged at Adam's mind. 'In the game, occultists could enter churches and pray without repercussions. They were eldritch beings, well-worshipers not actually eldritch, still relatable to me. Why, then, did the scripture, meant to purify, harm me?'

"Radiant Light, let your scorching judgment rain down upon the unbelievers. May they know the agony of your wrath, and in the searing pain, find redemption." HP - 0.2 [stress +10].

With each passing line, the damage to Adam's health accumulated. The priest's voice echoed through the hallowed space, and Adam's surroundings blurred with the intensity of the imagined flames. The scriptural onslaught persisted, relentless in its assault on his physical and mental fortitude.

Adam, now fully in the throes of distress, checked his status, only to discover a grim reality.

[Respect: -23/100, HP: 2.5/5]

An almost shocked realization struck Adam as he continued to endure the ordeal. 'The priest, according to the status, was hostile to him. In the game, he had been a neutral entity, a being that technically did not even exist, like you couldn't see him that much, you just assumed he was there because otherwise how would there be a church, but why did an unimportant NPC hate him?' The discrepancy between the soul and the palpable agony he now experienced left Adam bewildered, confused, and unable to move.

His health had plummeted from 3.1 to 2.5 from just sitting and listening. The realization hit him like a physical blow, a sudden understanding of the correlation between the scripture and his deteriorating well-being. The oppressive atmosphere in the church, coupled with the damaging effects of the priest's words, left Adam weakened and drained.

As the priest's words continued their relentless assault, a sudden disruption pierced the oppressive atmosphere. The church door swung open abruptly, and Abel entered with determined steps, causing the priest to stop chanting in a momentary shock. The fresh air that rushed in felt like a reprieve from the suffocating ritual.

Abel, seemingly unfazed by the tension, approached Reynauld. "Tomorrow, you, a shield breaker, and a musketeer are going on a quest. Also, you," Abel glanced at Adam, This unexpected inclusion left Adam both surprised and delighted.

The priest, recovering from the interruption, grew visibly agitated if one had kept a close eye on him after the intrusion. Strangely, his anger seemed directed more at Abel than at Adam. At this point Adam was straight-up confused; he had just been sent on a quest by a priest who tried to murder him and the fact that there is tension between the two it was more than enough reason to get out. 

In a quiet moment of introspection, Adam felt a subtle nudge in his mind [Observe LV1 (passive): Allows a person to read the information of an object or a person through observation]. After successfully analyzing the details in five different situations including, the status of the Crusader, which attack was going to be used by the blood Letter, identifying which ailments were affecting you so on and so forth you have successfully gained the skill, observe. 

And a moment of hesitance just for the worry that he would be discovered if he used the skill he looked at Abel.

Name: Abel

Respect: [-50/100]

Age: [37]

Class: [???, estate keeper]

Title: [Baron of Hamlet, ???]

Level/Tier: ???

Race: [Human 90%,???]

HP: [???]

MP: [???]

DEF: [???]

STR: [???]

END: [???]

DEX: [???]

INT: [???]

WIS: [???]

CHA: [16.6] (LUCKY!)

LUC: [???]

Skills: [???]


Well that most certainly wasn't in the fucking game.